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Is FABLE gonna push you off the fence?

Alot of people seem to say that if FABLE turns out as great as it was supposed to, and it looks like it will, that it is the one game that they would buy an XBOX for.

Is that true for you? Does the power of FABLE prove too strong to resist?


Queen of Denmark
No. It looks and sounds cool, but I would need at least a few more titles that I positively wanted to play to be interested.

That said, I can't deny that from what I've heard, I'd really like to play it.


I doubt Fable will have such an influence on the masses. It might spur more Xbox sales, no doubt about that, but the only title this year to do such a thing is :



GAF's Bob Woodward
I'll be buying an Xbox mostly for Halo2 and Conker. The jury is still out on Fable as far as I'm concerned.


The Inside Track
Blazing Sword said:
Alot of people seem to say that if FABLE turns out as great as it was supposed to, and it looks like it will, that it is the one game that they would buy an XBOX for.

Is that true for you? Does the power of FABLE prove too strong to resist?
If Fable is truly great then I sure hope some hardcore gamers (and hardcore Xbox deniers) will get a Xbox. That's what they promised to do since soooo long now ;)

Btw, check your private messages if not done already ;)


Tag of Excellence
My friend is buying an Xbox just for Halo 2 and I suspect many people will be doing the same. I don't beleive anyone is thinking of Fable as the game for them to get the Xbox (of course the law of probability dictates there will be atleast some) but will be mere icing on the cake.

Hopefully Fable will be a huge key title for the Xbox this Christmas in the minds of consumers (along with Jade Empire and Conker of course).


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
I just can't believe with all the fantastic games already out, plus the ton of great titles on the way that there is any "fence" to get off of?

Lil' Dice

Schafer said:
I just can't believe with all the fantastic games already out, plus the ton of great titles on the way that there is any "fence" to get off of?

Exactly. People like them remind me of stubborn kids who hold their pee because they don't feel like going to the bathroom, then they piss all over themselves and realize they shouldn't have waited so long.
And i can't fathom how a person that only owns a GC could possibly be "on the fence" about anything....


Lil' Dice said:
Exactly. People like them remind me of stubborn kids who hold their pee because they don't feel like going to the bathroom, then they piss all over themselves and realize they shouldn't have waited so long.
And i can't fathom how a person that only owns a GC could possibly be "on the fence" about anything....

There's a guy here who owns over 80 GC games, most of them multiplatform.

Some people like me also are cutting down on their purchases. I'm only buying 2-3 more Xbox titles this year, but same could be said for PS2 and GC.


Schafer said:
I just can't believe with all the fantastic games already out, plus the ton of great titles on the way that there is any "fence" to get off of?

I can't believe people enjoy most of the games that are on the XBox, but that's just taste for you isn't it?
Believe it or not, some people don't like Halo, KOTOR and the other greats of XBox.
I'd sell mine, but there's always a chance that something will come out for it that I want to play.


Queen of Denmark
Lil' Dice said:
Exactly. People like them remind me of stubborn kids who hold their pee because they don't feel like going to the bathroom, then they piss all over themselves and realize they shouldn't have waited so long.
Pardon me for not being interested in the majority of the games available for the Xbox, and not wanting to purchase the system because of it.

And i can't fathom how a person that only owns a GC could possibly be "on the fence" about anything....
Because the GC has games that they like? That same person might have trouble fathoming how anyone could only own an Xbox. It's all a matter of preference.


Grandma's Chippy
Schafer said:
I just can't believe with all the fantastic games already out, plus the ton of great titles on the way that there is any "fence" to get off of?
Good system I'm sure...but I bought a GC for my daughter, and I game on my PC so no need for a buch of different consoles (Although I do have a DC too but I'm a diehard Sega fan so bleah!)


insert blank space here
I'm on the fence right now and I am also a GC-only (albeit a major PC) gamer.

Did Halo push me over the fence?


Will Halo 2 push me over the fence?

Fuck no. Duel weilding blah.

Fable or Conker might push me over the fence though....

I mean sure Halo 2 would be nice but in no way is it a system seller for me.

System selling power (imo)=
Halo 4/10
Halo 2 5/10
Kotor 3/10
Fable 9/10
Conker 8/10


Time ta STEP IT UP
Daxter Too said:
Anyone informed enough to post on this forum that doesnt own an Xbox is either poor or hardcore anti Xbox since day one.

Or already has KOTOR, Halo, and everything else on the PC
Daxter Too said:
Anyone informed enough to post on this forum that doesnt own an Xbox is either poor or hardcore anti Xbox since day one.

Or just smart enough to resist and buy games on his other consoles? Why would I want an Xbox? For Halo 2? Well I don't need this game. That's it.


Daxter Too said:
Anyone informed enough to post on this forum that doesnt own an Xbox is either poor or hardcore anti Xbox since day one.

Why exactly? If someone is a hardcore RPG fan, why would you own an XBox? KOTOR, Fable, and Sudeki would hardly warrant a purchase, especially since KOTOR is playable on PC. Even more so if one is a fan of Japanese style RPGs.
Especially since there are about 10 RPGs coming out for PS2 before Christmas.
AniHawk said:
There's a guy here who owns over 80 GC games, most of them multiplatform.

Me, me, me! I can get my halo 2 fix at the friend's place so nothing lost there. As for GTA, well... yeah. But seriously the holidays are gonna have big blockbusters for all 3 consoles and as it is I can only possibly play so much. Pikmin 2, VJ 2, Metroid Prime 2, RE4, barely scratched ToS... it goes on.


IJoel said:
I doubt Fable will have such an influence on the masses. It might spur more Xbox sales, no doubt about that, but the only title this year to do such a thing is :

Awww! Aw! Come on! Now I made a mess on the rug. Jeez.


Finds Purchase on Dog Nutz
A lot of people, whether they want to admit it or not, just absolutely refuse to buy an XBox simply because it's a Microsoft product. Seriously, unless you only like RPGs, I can't understand how there isn't a system seller on XBox for you. Action, racing, sports, and fighting...it has some of the top titles in every genre. Plus, with a few exceptions, all non-exclusive are best on XBox. Like others have said, this "fence" should've been torn down long ago.


Console Market Analyst
Is FABLE gonna push you off the fence?

Despite IGN's insistence that I will "pee my pants", I think I'll wait several months after release until I believe the Fable hype. It could turn out to be shallow like Black and White after the NPC novelty wears off, or one in a long line of uninspired GTA free roaming clones hammered into an RPG shaped hole. If the former, I'll borrow an Xbox, rent Fable, and enjoy a glorified hack-and-slash over the period of a weekend. If the latter, I'll just turn to San Andreas. If by some chance it IS the best action RPG ever, I'll consider joining your ranks. Perhaps.

As for Halo 2, I'm glad to see a dedicated Live mode this time around, but I fear they've neglected the single player portion for it. How long is a two year old E3 demo that's mostly a rail shooter on the back of a Warthog supposed to tide me over? I beg of Bungie to blowout the single player portion at the end of this month, like is rumoured. I suppose if they tackle all the issues I had with the original, it might be time to buy. Maybe.

As of now, it looks like I'll get an Xbox in 2005, after it drops to $99, for Psychonauts and Conker. And after I get tired of those, I will trade it in for a set of Famicon mini games!

Blazing Sword, thank you for creating this thread. And the rest of you, thanks for the judgement. It's not often Xbox owners take time to leave the prison yard to talk with us tangled in barbed wire on the fence.
TekunoRobby said:
My friend is buying an Xbox just for Halo 2 and I suspect many people will be doing the same. I don't beleive anyone is thinking of Fable as the game for them to get the Xbox (of course the law of probability dictates there will be atleast some) but will be mere icing on the cake.

I might just get one for Fable, along with Kotor 1 and 2 as well as Jade Empire. I can at leasat get KOTOR for pc, so Fable is the game to decide. I really dislike First Person Shooters, so I have no interest in Halo. I primarily play Japanese RPGs and Strategy, so the XBox has had little interest for me up til now. I did once greatly enjoy American PC RPGs, so these new games with the American gameplay and Japanese emphasis on story and characters are rather appealing.

That said, there's no way I will buy one until it hits $99. I might if there were not so many games to play on other systems this fall, but my time is at a premium right now and I just rediscovered the joy of reading.

I've always been a little outside the bell curve.


Queen of Denmark
Minotauro said:
A lot of people, whether they want to admit it or not, just absolutely refuse to buy an XBox simply because it's a Microsoft product. Seriously, unless you only like RPGs, I can't understand how there isn't a system seller on XBox for you. Action, racing, sports, and fighting...it has some of the top titles in every genre.

You could say that any of the three current gen consoles has "some of the top titles in every genre". Hell, you could almost say that for Dreamcast, too, and that died after two years.
Plus, with a few exceptions, all non-exclusive are best on XBox. Like others have said, this "fence" should've been torn down long ago.
Oftentimes, the multiplatform games are considered the best on Xbox because of a minute visual upgrade that many without HD sets can't even notice anyway, or an extra channel of sound. For those who aren't that interested in the system's games anyway, this ceases to be much of a selling point.
Minotauro said:
A lot of people, whether they want to admit it or not, just absolutely refuse to buy an XBox simply because it's a Microsoft product. Seriously, unless you only like RPGs, I can't understand how there isn't a system seller on XBox for you. Action, racing, sports, and fighting...it has some of the top titles in every genre. Plus, with a few exceptions, all non-exclusive are best on XBox. Like others have said, this "fence" should've been torn down long ago.

Why would I want best when I can also satisfied my need without the Xbox? I have a Ps2 and a GC, and that's really enough for me. I don't know how I'll do this fall to complete all these games I'll buy. I just don't NEED an Xbox. It's not because I hate Microsoft or anything, it's just ain't my thing. I have all the 3rd party games I need on Ps2 or GC, I get to play a lot of great game on GC, and on Ps2 too. I just can't afford a third console, to buy Xbox Live, to buy Halo 2, and still continue to buy new games for Ps2 and GC.


insert blank space here
Minotauro said:
A lot of people, whether they want to admit it or not, just absolutely refuse to buy an XBox simply because it's a Microsoft product. Seriously, unless you only like RPGs, I can't understand how there isn't a system seller on XBox for you. Action, racing, sports, and fighting...it has some of the top titles in every genre. Plus, with a few exceptions, all non-exclusive are best on XBox. Like others have said, this "fence" should've been torn down long ago.

For someone like me though... I rarely if ever buy multiplatform titles. It's all about the exclusives. I get my FPS fix on the PC and prefer mouse/keyboard. Action games? More than enough on Gamecube to cut off a "need" to play Ninja Gaiden (don't metion anything remotely close to Brute Force... what a POS).... Sports? lol If I wanted sports games I wouldn't have a gamecube. Fighting? Soul Calibur 2 is all I need. Racing? I like the unrealistic racers and I have my fix with Mario Kart and Fzero.

Which leaves us at Halo 2 (I would still like an FPS on one of my consoels), Fable (what looks to be a revolutionary game), and Conker (CFBD is one of my favorite games I've ever played).

I can go without Halo...easily.

and that brings us back to Fable and Conker as I already said in one of my posts above. The fence is very much there for people like me. If you don't like Sports games, Racing games, or Fighting games all that much.... there ain't a big reason to go with an Xbox (IMO).

Certainly not enough for me to spend 200$ + the price of the game just so I can play them.

Musashi Wins!

Bah, who cares. Here's a better question....who really and truly gives a rats ass whether some forum idiot is playing Pikmin 2, Fable or Ty the Tigger 2 this winter? I know we're all compelled to buy into the "list" threads (myself included), but anyone who's really and truly personally compelled to get upset over who owns what console and feels a pinch of anger beyond the forum over some console spat has deeper issues.


insert blank space here
Musashi Wins! said:
Bah, who cares. Here's a better question....who really and truly gives a rats ass whether some forum idiot is playing Pikmin 2, Fable or Ty the Tigger 2 this winter? I know we're all compelled to buy into the "list" threads (myself included), but anyone who's really and truly personally compelled to get upset over who owns what console and feels a pinch of anger beyond the forum over some console spat has deeper issues.

Exactly. I mean really... who fucking cares? For anyone to say that the fence is no longer there... My first question would be: Well do you have an XBOX? Then of course the fence isn't there for you! To say it doesn't exist for anyone is truly ignorant. No, I'm not poor... No, I don't hate the XBOX or Microsoft. I just don't NEED it.

Play your games on whatever system you own and stfu. These threads in which owners of a certain system try to get others to buy into their console of choice is so 2001.

I don't find it baffling that someone could only own an Xbox or would really want to own one... same applies to the PS2 and GC.

and yes I'm aware that this type of post that inevitably appears in each one of these types of threads is equally as cliché.


This is the worst place where you could test the waters for things like this. Not only for Xbox, but same for the other consoles simply because people are so passionate about their tastes and have 'allegiances' with consoles.

Lil' Dice

I just want my fellow gamers to be happy, to open them up to a new world of gaming goodness, to embrace what they've been denying themselves for far too long; does that make me a bad person?

That's why i have sadistic nay saying motherfuckers, people who 'want' a game to be bad just to get their jollies from reading other people's gaming misfortunes....


those who still say the xbox isnt "good enough" are just bitter because MS is doing far better than anyone ever imagined.
Xbox and PS2 are all you need. Anyone who claims otherwise is seriously spinning damage control and are pooling the wool over their eyes by ignoring the many great games that are either on,or coming to these two systems this year and next.
T-1000_Model3 said:
Xbox and PS2 are all you need. Anyone who claims otherwise is seriously spinning damage control and are pooling the wool over their eyes by ignoring the many great games that are either on,or coming to these two systems this year and next.

You need all three for the true gaming experience, don't fool yourself any other way. The GameCube has some of the best games this gen that you won't find anywhere else [/whoring]. But anyway...

I do not own an Xbox, for a few reasons. Mainly because I am a bit poor, and have no way to play online, thus making Xbox's most appealing feature useless to me. But If I can find one discounted, yes, I will buy one for Fable and Halo 2. They look too good NOT to play.


T-1000_Model3 said:
Xbox and PS2 are all you need. Anyone who claims otherwise is seriously spinning damage control and are pooling the wool over their eyes by ignoring the many great games that are either on,or coming to these two systems this year and next.

Yup. I need my Metroid fix so I'm buying my Metroidbox tommorrow. I appreciate all the selections I get in the GC thread I created, but I realize there are so many great Xbox, PS2, and PC games coming out this fall that there really isn't a need besides Metroid (Ok, Skies and RE4 too) on the Cube.


Mrbob said:
Yup. I need my Metroid fix so I'm buying my Metroidbox tommorrow. I appreciate all the selections I get in the GC thread I created, but I realize there are so many great Xbox, PS2, and PC games coming out this fall that there really isn't a need besides Metroid (Ok, Skies and RE4 too) on the Cube.

ahaha don't be a fool. Use your boyfriend's Gamecube.
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