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Is FABLE gonna push you off the fence?

P90 said:
good points. Yes, but most of the Xbox exclusives of repute are FPS and racers, not my cup of tea. I love Japanese RPGs, so PS2 is a must. The PS2 has the most variety of titles and some good quirky titles. Nintendo has their handful of total classics plus RE, all demanding play and replay, so the GC and GBA are musts. There is only so much time in a day. So, the Xbox gathers dust.

And that, is completely understandable. Especially the "only so much time" aspect. There are some games that I realize are probably great, but I only have so much time. Plus, I almost all but hate Japanese RPG's now (I used to love them, starting all the way back with the original FF. Damn, I'm old). To each his own.

I think the test of a true (mature) gamer, is the ability to recognize a great game, even if you don't own the system, or happen to like a particular type of game. For example, I hate racing games, but I'd be an idiot if I said that Gran Turismo or PGR2 were crappy games. I may not like them personally, but I can easily tell that they're both very high quality titles. Same goes for FFX. Not my cup-o-tea, but still an absolutely great Japanese RPG if that's your thing.

What annoys me, is when people say that a particular high standing title on a system they don't own has no pull for them at all, but then they'll hype a titles within the same genere. Take the whole Halo2 vs Killzone war going on in most forums. Personally, from all I've seen of both games, Halo 2 does indeed look like a better game, but for me to say that KZ has absolutely no draw whatsoever, would be a lie. KZ does look like it will turn out to be an awesome game, but as you said, there's only so much time in a day (not to mention only so much money in my wallet). Another good example is SC3. Game looks amazing, but for me to say that I had no interest in MGS3, simply because of SC3, would be obvious fanboy BS (or just plain stupidity).


Tag of Excellence
The Promised One said:
I think the test of a true (mature) gamer, is the ability to recognize a great game, even if you don't own the system, or happen to like a particular type of game. For example, I hate racing games, but I'd be an idiot if I said that Gran Turismo or PGR2 were crappy games. I may not like them personally, but I can easily tell that they're both very high quality titles. Same goes for FFX. Not my cup-o-tea, but still an absolutely great Japanese RPG if that's your thing.
I completely agree but there are some games like FFX and MGS2 (just an example of the diverse opinions these games typically have) that hype and personal bias might overshadow actual game quality in the gamer's eye. There are some who will defend to the grave these games and there are others who recognize and judge based solely on the games merits.

Aside from time constaints, financial issues, and tastes in genres there is no excuse to not own all three consoles. They've already proven themselves with an ample amount of quality software worth owning the system for. Anyone saying otherwise is simply fooling themselves and missing out on some of the best titles this gen has to offer.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
TekunoRobby said:
I completely agree but there are some games like FFX and MGS2 (just an example of the diverse opinions these games typically have) that hype and personal bias overshadows actual game quality. There are some who will defend to the grave those games and there are others who recognize and comment based on the games merits.

Aside from time constaints, financial issues, and tastes in genres there is no excuse to not own all three consoles. They've already proven themselves with an ample amount of quality software worth owning the system for. Anyone saying otherwise is simply fooling themselves and missing out on some of the best titles this gen has to offer.

Hmm, I think it would've been more essential to own all 3 systems in the Genesis-SNES-DUO days or even the PSX-Saturn-N64 days... but the Xbox has such a shortage of interesting, Japanese-made games that I find it hard to give a shit about the 2 or so games I might even like for the system.


The Promised One, so you're ignoring good and great games on the PS2 and GC, this year, yet expect others to not do the same on the Xbox?

djtiesto: seriously, if you only look for japanese made games, you're already missing out on the best the Xbox has to offer....good games are good games...no one should care who makes them...bet you avoid wal-mart's game section, too :b


Tag of Excellence
That'd fall into "taste in genres" djtiesto. I'd love to see some really solid Japanese games on the Xbox but unfortunately it's not happening. Atleast we have the PS2 to fill that void (KATAMARI DAMACY).


Fable looks so enticing, and yes, if i have enough money, it might entice me enough to warrant an xbox purchase.

Im not for first person shooters myself =/ I loved goldeneye, but i hated perfect dark and every FPS that followed - so there would be no justification in purchasing Halo 2.

But ill be damned. Fable looks so fucking cool. I just hope its not all hype like Black and White- now that was the shittiest game I had ever played.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Yeah, it all comes down to a question of genres... Japanese make the more interesting RPGs, fighters, platformers... and I can't stand FPS games or sports games, and racing games are too similar for my tastes (I enjoy the FZero and GT games though, and I still enjoy playing Daytona on my Saturn)... The most recent American made game I enjoyed was Prince of Persia... but mainly from the ICO influenced design and the platforming elements, not the snore-inducing combat. That's not to say Americans can/can't make good games... Hell, I'm American and I'm making one myself, at least I hope it'll come out good (though it'll obviously have a lot of Japanese influence). I play lots of homebrew games made in RPG Maker, ZZT, MZX, Game Maker, etc, and some of them are really fun... but when games are overtly American in style - i.e. lots of action, no real development, super open ended... I tend to just not care. And of course there's that whole "polish" thing, but there are crap from both markets... it's just that Japan frequently comes out with games that are much better than even the best American made games (of which I'll consider The Sands of Time one, and Metroid Prime another... though I have a feeling that if it wasn't for Miyamoto and some of his cohorts giving Retro advice, it wouldn't have nearly turned out as well...)

Ironically enough, I remember owning Magic Carpet for the PC and enjoying it, even though I thought that game was HARD... but flying around in 3D in 1995 (the game had some excellent graphics for the time) was awesome. Populous and Power Monger on Genesis were cool too... I just recently found out that the guy who did Fable did these games too.
Gattsu25 said:
The Promised One, so you're ignoring good and great games on the PS2 and GC, this year, yet expect others to not do the same on the Xbox?

No, IMO, there aren't any great games for the GC this year that I'm into, except for MP2. RE4 comes out next year, and no, I don't want Paper Mario (I'm sure it will be great, but it's not my type of game). I don't own a PS2 anymore (sold it from lack of use), and probably won't get one again just for MGS3. Concerning Killzone, well, I don't need it since I'll have Halo 2. If I owned a PS2 instead of an XB, I'd be getting Killzone while still recognizing Halo 2's greatness.

Apparently, you're not paying attention. I'm not debating that none of the other systems have great games (though, for this year, they have very few that I want), what I'm "asking" everyone else to do, is to be able to recognize a great game, even if it's not your bag, or you don't own the system. Recognizng a games greatness, need not mean that you want to play it. Case in point, Paper Mario. I played the first one, and loved it. I could get the sequel since I own a GC, BUT, I've really grow to hate turn based combat, and with Jade Empire, and Fable coming out (not to mention KotOR2, which is turn based, but will have an excellect story, and at least to me, doesn't feel like a traditionally turn based RPG when playing it), my RPG time slots are chock full. But, I'd be very surprised if PM2 wasn't a very quality title, which will be enjoyed by those who like that sort of game.

Same goes for Rap music. I can easily see that it takes skill to make well, and I understand why some people like it. Personally though (except for old school Run-DMC), I can't stand it. I'm an Industrial fan.


If one still wants to claim that the XB has nothing to offer, that's fine, but I honestly feel the same for the PS2 and the GC, except for a few select titles.

not my words


You know, I own all three consoles, GBA right now plus a shitty pc, but I sometimes play on my sisters PC so that's allright. Anyway I think there are too many good games allready out or coming out. I have no chance to play all the games that are allready out or the ones coming out this fall. So the offering from the various platforms is simple put HUGE.


Console Market Analyst
Gattsu25 said:
If one still wants to claim that the XB has nothing to offer, that's fine, but I honestly feel the same for the PS2 and the GC, except for a few select titles.

not my words

But you're not paying attention! Truly mature gamers adopt an "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all" attitude! Heaven forbid you offer constructive criticism about a half-baked game like Halo, and actually reserve judgement when it comes to its sequel. And shame on you if you let the degredation in visuals and promised features of Fable make you at all cautious! Be a man, and pussyfoot around the insecurities of console loyalists.
Gattsu25 said:
If one still wants to claim that the XB has nothing to offer, that's fine, but I honestly feel the same for the PS2 and the GC, except for a few select titles.

not my words

Are you stupid!?

I wasn't implying that they had no titles that were good in general, I was trying to say that, for me, those systems had little to offer, especially considering monitary and time constraints. I still recognize that they both have some great games, even if many of them aren't games I like. It's called taking all I've said into consideration, and not just focusing on one sentence.

Get a hobby.
Goreomedy said:
But you're not paying attention! Truly mature gamers adopt an "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all" attitude! Heaven forbid you offer constructive criticism about a half-baked game like Halo, and actually reserve judgement when it comes to its sequel. And shame on you if you let the degredation in visuals and promised features of Fable make you at all cautious! Be a man, and pussyfoot around the insecurities of console loyalists.

:rolleyes: Oh yeah, that's exactly what I mean :rolleyes:

No wait, no it's not. I think there are a lot of games out there that suck. I also think that simply having an opinion, doesn't automatically make that opinion valid.

At least now I know to not take anything you say seriously. Thanks.
Gattsu25 said:
get a fucking life...those are YOUR words...how YOU interpit what YOU said is up to YOU

FABLE is just the game to push my older brother to buy one, but he doesn't have the money to shell out for a new console.

Burnout 3 REALLY helps his want for this console.


The Promised One said:
If one still wants to claim that the XB has nothing to offer, that's fine, but I honestly feel the same for the PS2 and the GC, except for a few select titles.
that's what YOU said

Gattsu25 said:
not my words
that's what I said

The Promised One said:
Are you stupid!?

I wasn't implying that they had no titles that were good in general, I was trying to say that, for me, those systems had little to offer, especially considering monitary and time constraints. I still recognize that they both have some great games, even if many of them aren't games I like. It's called taking all I've said into consideration, and not just focusing on one sentence.

Get a hobby.

that's what YOU implied from WHAT YOU FUCKING SAID! Hard to expect people to understand what you mean when YOU CAN'T EVEN INTERPIT WHAT YOU SAID RIGHT


Console Market Analyst
The Promised One said:
I also think that simply having an opinion, doesn't automatically make that opinion valid.

By your behavior, I would have never guessed.

Please, before you add me to your ignore bank, list the games that are beyond the realm of subjectivity. Thanks in advance for your cooperation.


Goreomedy said:
As for Halo 2, I'm glad to see a dedicated Live mode this time around, but I fear they've neglected the single player portion for it. How long is a two year old E3 demo that's mostly a rail shooter on the back of a Warthog supposed to tide me over? I beg of Bungie to blowout the single player portion at the end of this month, like is rumoured. I suppose if they tackle all the issues I had with the original, it might be time to buy. Maybe.
Sorry for straying off-topic, but... What exactly would you like to see to rekindle your interest in it? Or would you just like to see it period? What concerns do you have for HALO 2's single player campaign?
Whether it has something you want to play or not, Igive you why 2004 is...


(Fear my game list, I know you love them. :D)

Already released:

NINJA GAIDEN-Best Action Game ever(And the new Hurricane Pack is awesome)
CHRONICLES OF RIDDICK-Best movie to game translation ever
RALLISPORT CHALLENGE 2-Best Rally game ever(at least graphically)

Still to come:

HALO 2-What more needs to be said?
KINGDOM UNDER FIRE-Dynasty Warriors meets Warcraft
FABLE-So far living up to the hype, possible best RPG ever
DOA ULTIMATE-First ever ONLINE 3D fighter
FORZA-Potential dethroner of GT, but either way a kick ass sounding sim in its own right
MECHASSAULT 2-Redesigned gameplay with tos of nerw features that will blow away the first one
KOTOR 2-Again, what more needs to be said?
OUTRUN 2-The SEGA game everyones been waiting for
SPLINTER CELL 3: CHAOS THEORY-Guess who gets it first?
DOOM 3-For those who can't play on PC
BLINX 2-Just kidding :D

Not to mention the better multiplatform titles like BAttlefront.


For these people to be pushed off the fence, God Almighty himself would have to come from the heavens above, strike down FURY against the cube and ps2 and declare himself as an Xbot. Even then, the atheists would side up with Satan.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Blazing Sword said:
Whether it has something you want to play or not, Igive you why 2004 is...


(Fear my game list, I know you love them. :D)

Already released:

NINJA GAIDEN-Best Action Game ever(And the new Hurricane Pack is awesome)
CHRONICLES OF RIDDICK-Best movie to game translation ever
RALLISPORT CHALLENGE 2-Best Rally game ever(at least graphically)

Still to come:

HALO 2-What more needs to be said?
KINGDOM UNDER FIRE-Dynasty Warriors meets Warcraft
FABLE-So far living up to the hype, possible best RPG ever
DOA ULTIMATE-First ever ONLINE 3D fighter
FORZA-Potential dethroner of GT, but either way a kick ass sounding sim in its own right
MECHASSAULT 2-Redesigned gameplay with tos of nerw features that will blow away the first one
KOTOR 2-Again, what more needs to be said?
OUTRUN 2-The SEGA game everyones been waiting for
SPLINTER CELL 3: CHAOS THEORY-Guess who gets it first?
DOOM 3-For those who can't play on PC
BLINX 2-Just kidding :D

Not to mention the better multiplatform titles like BAttlefront.

Is Xbox the first system you've ever owned? Were you born before 1990?


Is Fable an RPG? If so:

"So what about the RPG that is coming out? Fuck it!
You think I give a damn about an RPG? I ain't a sucker!"
I've owned systems since the 2600. I bought the at launch NES because4 I heard it was getting Punch Out. Xbox is my favorite system ever.


NINJA GAIDEN-Best Action Game ever(And the new Hurricane Pack is awesome) Not that good. MDK 2: Armageddon is better AND harder.
CHRONICLES OF RIDDICK-Best movie to game translation ever Nope. Spider-Man 2 is.
RALLISPORT CHALLENGE 2-Best Rally game ever(at least graphically)Sega Rally 2 > RSC 2. Sorry.

Still to come:

HALO 2-What more needs to be said? A lot, because it's overrated
KINGDOM UNDER FIRE-Dynasty Warriors meets Warcraft Not that great
FABLE-So far living up to the hype, possible best RPG ever Star Ocean 3 will be better
DOA ULTIMATE-First ever ONLINE 3D fighter Still wont be fun
FORZA-Potential dethroner of GT, but either way a kick ass sounding sim in its own right I played it at E3. GT was better
BURNOUT 3-On LIVE Still not as good as GT
MECHASSAULT 2-Redesigned gameplay with tos of nerw features that will blow away the first one Not hard to do
KOTOR 2-Again, what more needs to be said? Right. The less said, the better
OUTRUN 2-The SEGA game everyones been waiting for Except for most Xbox owners
SPLINTER CELL 3: CHAOS THEORY-Guess who gets it first? Who cares. MGS3 will be better
DOOM 3-For those who can't play on PC PC has better version
BLINX 2-Just kidding :D Are you nuts? Blinx rocks!


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Ok Anihawk is offically high...

SO3 better than Fable.. I've played it here in Japan and if that's the case the Xbox should just pull the plug on the hype machine now! KoTOR is one of the best new franchises to come out...
AniHawk said:
NINJA GAIDEN-Best Action Game ever(And the new Hurricane Pack is awesome) Not that good. MDK 2: Armageddon is better AND harder.
CHRONICLES OF RIDDICK-Best movie to game translation ever Nope. Spider-Man 2 is.
RALLISPORT CHALLENGE 2-Best Rally game ever(at least graphically)Sega Rally 2 > RSC 2. Sorry.

Still to come:

HALO 2-What more needs to be said? A lot, because it's overrated
KINGDOM UNDER FIRE-Dynasty Warriors meets Warcraft Not that great
FABLE-So far living up to the hype, possible best RPG ever Star Ocean 3 will be better
DOA ULTIMATE-First ever ONLINE 3D fighter Still wont be fun
FORZA-Potential dethroner of GT, but either way a kick ass sounding sim in its own right I played it at E3. GT was better
BURNOUT 3-On LIVE Still not as good as GT
MECHASSAULT 2-Redesigned gameplay with tos of nerw features that will blow away the first one Not hard to do
KOTOR 2-Again, what more needs to be said? Right. The less said, the better
OUTRUN 2-The SEGA game everyones been waiting for Except for most Xbox owners
SPLINTER CELL 3: CHAOS THEORY-Guess who gets it first? Who cares. MGS3 will be better
DOOM 3-For those who can't play on PC PC has better version
BLINX 2-Just kidding :D Are you nuts? Blinx rocks!

That ;) in the subject header needs to be bigger haha! :D


Blazing Sword said:
Whether it has something you want to play or not, Igive you why 2004 is...


(Fear my game list, I know you love them. :D)

Already released:

NINJA GAIDEN-Best Action Game ever(And the new Hurricane Pack is awesome) ---uhh.. no, that is so many other games
CHRONICLES OF RIDDICK-Best movie to game translation ever ---uhhh.. no that would be GoldenEye

Still to come:

FABLE-So far living up to the hype, possible best RPG ever ---we shall see
DOA ULTIMATE-First ever ONLINE 3D fighter---its DOA, ugh.
KOTOR 2-Again, what more needs to be said?---will it be interesting this time? will the battle system be overhauled? will I die from old age waiting for the next area to load?

It is crazy claims like Blazing and other Xbots that makes me want to hate everything Xbox.

Serenity now.


P90 said:
It is crazy claims like Blazing and other Xbots that makes me want to hate everything Xbox.

Serenity now.

Uhh it was his opinion. If you feel offended by it then well too bad I guess.


Chili Con Carnage!
This thread started at pathetic and made its way to suicide inducing :-/

So much unnecessary anger towards other peoples choices. Give it a rest!
Gattsu25 said:
that's what YOU said

that's what I said

that's what YOU implied from WHAT YOU FUCKING SAID! Hard to expect people to understand what you mean when YOU CAN'T EVEN INTERPIT WHAT YOU SAID RIGHT


Get a hobby. Videogames perhaps?
For myself xbox has been the most satisfying this year. Ninja Gaiden and Riddick, imo, are tops. Pandora is on all the systems, but the xbox version is soooo pretty. Too bad Riddick's gameplay absolutely murders it. And Gaiden? Best thing since Prime.

Fable will make a nice capstone in the Microsoft mastercastle along with Halo 2 and future Rare titles.
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