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Is FABLE gonna push you off the fence?


Running off of Custom Firmware
Fable has always been a game that intrigued me, and for the past year and a half I've been waiting for it, to see if it would sell me an Xbox. Now that it's getting closer to release, and I've seen more of it, I'm not nearly as impressed. It'll have to be magnificent. I hope it is. But I don't think it will be.


Prine said:
^^ After the recent impressions posted by several sites. You best get excited

Hmm, you mean like the reviews and previews for Driver 3?

That being said though, this is one of the reasons I bought the Xbox, so I hope it turns out well. But, Peter Molyneaux has a history of dropping the ball on projects, so I'll try to be objective about it and not set myself up for a massive dissapointment.


Oops, my mistake. See I, unlike others, can admit to being wrong. :)

Seriously though, where can I find these other fairly recent impressions that you guys mention? I know how IGN tends to overhype certain games, so I'd like to read more about this game from other sources.


Well, no... becuase it already has. I originally bought my Xbox to play Fable when it came out. Since then, I've bought 4 games for it.

I'm delighted to hear it's not a disappoinment, that would have made me cry.


Blazing Sword said:
Alot of people seem to say that if FABLE turns out as great as it was supposed to, and it looks like it will, that it is the one game that they would buy an XBOX for.

Is that true for you? Does the power of FABLE prove too strong to resist?
Nah. They waited too long. I've got a PS2 to go with my Cube, and I'm swamped with goodness.
I havent really followed fable much at all; but am getting more and more excited for it..

my 3 must have games for christmas season are now fable, doom 3 and halo 2.

(and ill probably pickup other espn 2k5 games at $20 a piece.. NICE.)

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
Well no, since i already have an xbox :p

But if i didnt have one, with the video interview i've watched and the 12 pages on IGN, i dont think i could possibly hold it, especially with halo 2 later. KOTOR and Ninja gaiden would have KO'ed me way before anyway :D


Time ta STEP IT UP
MoxManiac said:
Isn't Fable the brainchild of the guy that made the craptastic Black & White? I'm not excited at all.

O man, I loved Black and White. It was so much different than everything else when it was released. I remember turning my horse into one evil behemoth. Had him go and destroy all my enemies towns and shit... so great. It's unfortunate that they canned it for Dreamcast, I think it would have been great. They probably would have incorporated some online play too, which is just what the game needed.

Black and White 2 best come out soon.


Spike said:
Seriously though, where can I find these other fairly recent impressions that you guys mention? I know how IGN tends to overhype certain games, so I'd like to read more about this game from other sources.






Any gamer could be truly happy owning only one console this generation. They all have enough quality games to satisfy. I can't imagine one single game pushing anyone over the fence. I think the real problem is time constraints. I just don't have enough time for all 3.


MoxManiac said:
Isn't Fable the brainchild of the guy that made the craptastic Black & White? I'm not excited at all.

Have you checked his catalogue of games he has been involved in? There is one flop among several legendary titles.


Okay, fair enough.

Still, reading the impressions, it sounds a lot like Morrowind...I'm not getting what the big deal is.


MoxManiac said:
Okay, fair enough.

Still, reading the impressions, it sounds a lot like Morrowind...I'm not getting what the big deal is.

It sounds nothing like Morrowind. It has a lot more in common with Kotor than Morrowind.


Yeah! Xbox sucks! That's why I bought the system, a bunch of games, and preordered Halo 2! In fact, it sucks so much I'm going to get Live this fall and buy even more games!


Running off of Custom Firmware
You should know by now that Halo 2 and Fable are two games you aren't allowed to NOT love instantly. ;p


jedimike said:





Any gamer could be truly happy owning only one console this generation. They all have enough quality games to satisfy. I can't imagine one single game pushing anyone over the fence. I think the real problem is time constraints. I just don't have enough time for all 3.

Thanks for the links, jedimike. Damn it, looks like I'll be picking this up for sure. Now, where am I gonna find the cash?!?!
Morrowind is just too damn big and broad. Too much reading for a console RPG. I think Fable only shares an open ended feeling like Morrowind had. However it would appear that Fable is in a smaller world from the previews I've read and video shown. You could spend hours going around the map in Morrowind, I don't think Fable is like that. I could be wrong though. Quests seem much more accessible in Fable in comparison to Morrowind.
Spike said:
But, Peter Molyneaux has a history of dropping the ball on projects, so I'll try to be objective about it and not set myself up for a massive dissapointment.

What the hell is wrong with you people!? First, Molyneaux only has a fucking supervising role in Fable's development. And second, a "history of dropping the ball on projects"? As in, projects plural? Black and White was ONE fucking game for Christ's sake. What are these supposed other projects of his in which he dropped the ball? What's that? None? Then fuck off.
MoxManiac said:
I'll condemn him for Black and White until I die!! And then after I die, i'll keep doing it from beyond the grave!!

I thought you didn't like it because it was too much like Morrowind?
In any event, I'm glad you hate Molinuex enough to read every preview of Fable posted like you claimed and then decide it is just like Morrowind.


Optimistic said:
What the hell is wrong with you people!? First, Molyneaux only has a fucking supervising role in Fable's development. And second, a "history of dropping the ball on projects"? As in, projects plural? Black and White was ONE fucking game for Christ's sake. What are these supposed other projects of his in which he dropped the ball? What's that? None? Then fuck off.

Dungeon Keeper 2 wasn't as good as the first.
Been playing code for some time now, and I can see how people might categorize Fable as an above-average action/RPG with great visuals where you happen to be surrounded by NPCs whose reactions are based on a really, really big Excel spreadsheet. But... Christ... you've got to be one damned jaded gamer to see it that way. It's like RPG lovechild of The Sims and Vice City. And unlike Black & White, I didn't get sick of it after an hour of play.


Chili Con Carnage!
Spike said:
Dungeon Keeper 2 wasn't as good as the first.

My info says Molyneux left Bullfrog in 1997, DK2 came out 1999. So thanks for cementing the pro Molyneux argument.


Has problems recognising girls
Yeah I'm planning to buy an XBox because of the slew of new titles. Fable, Halo 2, Jade Empire and wanting to get KOTOR. Maybe even Conker since I enjoyed the N64 original.
Daxter Too said:
In any event, I'm glad you hate Molinuex enough to read every preview of Fable posted like you claimed and then decide it is just like Morrowind.

A while back I read some of their developement team's remarks on their site and I recall a few people remarking on how they had trouble getting into Morrowind, that they didn't like it that much. I also recall language used to talk about Mario 64 and Zelda: OoT very reverent as if they were talking of something sacred. So, I'm guessing this isn't just like Morrowind just based on that.

Now I've been off the fence since Microsoft packed the JSRF/SegaGT disk with xbox. But I only felt completely satisfied circa this year. Ninja Gaiden is what really didi it for me. Right now Riddick, a game I disliked at first, has me totally captivated too. All of a sudden it has transformed from this weaksauce game into a first shooting Metal Gear Solid, but with that great engine and more action, and I'm just blown away %100.


Tellaerin said:
And people wonder why PC developers feel they have to dumb down their games when porting them to consoles.

My actual reason for hating Morrowind while I was pumping 200+ hrs into it was because of the SEVERE lack of variety...the towns all had no character, due to all the inhabitants acting essentially the same (there were around 10 different character types that every single non story important NPC fell into [edit] now that I think of it...there where around 4[/edit])...the environment between major points, while huge, often offered little other than visual variety, and the ease of exploitation made the game really fucking easy after a point

not even mentioning the fucked up glitches that erased my save in the game 3 times because i was CHECKING THE MAP among others

but I'm sure you guys can continue ti say that it was because of the reading...because you know...all console gamers are a bunch of left back angsty school kids who all hate reading...naturally PC gamers are all a bunch of fully educated preppy folk that can fully appreciate the literature in Morrowind....must be the sole reason for people's distaste for the game
I also thought Morrowind sucked,well ok maybe not sucked...more like a complete time waster. Damn I'm harsh on the game,but still....

I did like the variety in enemy encounters along with all the terraine you could voyage onto. But the towns,the buy/sell/communicating aspects were pretty flat. I always loved the exploring though,which is thing I love about video gaming,but the rest wasn't fleshed out as much as I would have liked. I guess its just preference,not everybody likes or hates a game for the same reason. For all the shit I hated about it,I'm sure others fell in love it.


Nope. I own an Xbox but I'm not interested.

IAWTP. Fable does not sound more than remotely interesting. Other people's gaming tastes may differ. (Like people that eat chocolate on pickles). :p

My Ps2, GC, and GBA SP keep me busy enough. Anyone want to buy my Xbox for $199 US? ;)


Xbox and PS2 are all you need. Anyone who claims otherwise is seriously spinning damage control

I think you mean GCN and PS2 are all you need. Most of the AAA titles on Xbox are also/will come to the PC so no need for that.=)
What I find funny about this thread, is that hardly no one is mentioning the PS2 as an overhyped system. IMO, it is. Yes, there are some really great games that it exclusively has (DMC being my fav), but this year, it's fallen flat on it's face compared to XB exclusives. Same for GC (of which MP2 will be the only game I buy for it this year).

For all the "Why would I need an XB, blah blah blah" speeches, I honestly think the same goes for the PS2, unless you just happen to have a hard-on for Japanese RPG's.

As for whether or not people will pick up an XB for Fable? Some will, but I agree with most here that Halo 2 has much more drawing power. Personally, if I didn't own an XB, I'd have to say that getting one now would be very temptin. Not only for Halo 2, as well as Fable (which I think will have as 2 of the best games this year), but also for Crusaders: Kingdom Under Fire, Otogi 2, KotoR 2, Jade Empire, and Mech Assault 2. Then of course there's also Doom 3, and SC:Chaos Theory for those of us too poor to afford upgrading our computers (or own a Mac).

Added to that of course are the older (not to mention, absolutely kick ass) titles, that can be bought for next to nothing now, like Panzer Dragoon Orta, Ninja Gaiden, Otogi 1, Crimson Skies, Halo, and Riddick.

If one still wants to claim that theXB has nothing to offer, that's fine, but I honestly feel the same for the PS2 (MGS3 is all I can about on this system. GTA:SA I could care less about) and the GC (MP2, RE4, and the next Zelda), except for a few select titles.


The Promised One said:
What I find funny about this thread, is that hardly no one is mentioning the PS2 as an overhyped system. IMO, it is. Yes, there are some really great games that it exclusively has (DMC being my fav), but this year, it's fallen flat on it's face compared to XB exclusives. Same for GC (of which MP2 will be the only game I buy for it this year).

For all the "Why would I need an XB, blah blah blah" speeches, I honestly think the same goes for the PS2, unless you just happen to have a hard-on for Japanese RPG's.

If one still wants to claim that theXB has nothing to offer, that's fine, but I honestly feel the same for the PS2 (MGS3 is all I can about on this system. GTA:SA I could care less about) and the GC (MP2, RE4, and the next Zelda), except for a few select titles.

good points. Yes, but most of the Xbox exclusives of repute are FPS and racers, not my cup of tea. I love Japanese RPGs, so PS2 is a must. The PS2 has the most variety of titles and some good quirky titles. Nintendo has their handful of total classics plus RE, all demanding play and replay, so the GC and GBA are musts. There is only so much time in a day. So, the Xbox gathers dust.
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