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Is it just me, or is the racing genre (simulation) generally forgettable?


There's always tons of hype with the big games, but after the releases...not so much. I'm not into the genre myself, but it seems very "What have you done for me lately?", like football games.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not knocking the genre, only peoples' general appreciation of it. And in 5 years, how will the average person be able to tell the top 3 simulation racers apart?


We game as much as we can when a new GT is out, no time for hyping the game on message boards. :D

GT3 is still my most played game this gen, by a huge marging ... rounded the planet more then once with the km's I did.

Can't speak for anyone else.



SolidSnakex said:
The GT series has been on the market for 5 years, and it's still very easy to tell it apart from any other sim racer.

But who talks about Gran Turismo 3? Meanwhile, people still talk about ICO, Zelda Wind Waker, Metroid Prime, Halo, Metal Gear Solid 2, GTA3/VC, etc. Virtually every other non-sports genre.

As for it being distinguishable from other racers, I was merely talking about graphics. With the effort to create the most accurate representation of tracks as shown in the Forza vs. GT4 comparisons, who's gonna know or care what really makes these developers stand out? These developers spend years building on these series, meticulously compiling and creating these cars/tracks, and a few months later people are ready for the next one.

Show me a "Late to the party: Gran Turismo 3" thread. That's what I'm getting at.


I think it's mainly because the GT games have no story. I mean, how much is there to talk about? OMG THE WHEELS ON THIS CAR IS SO OWNZOR! The game rocks but there isn't much to talk about when you're not playing it.


Unconfirmed Member
Why would you talk about GT3 when GT4 is on its way out? Hell, people have had at least a partially complete version of GT4 for almost a year now. It's not like anybody says "Late to the Party: Madden 2003" despite the game being wildly popular.

And besides, it pretty much goes without saying. Even people who aren't sim racing fans will tell you that GT3 was the best entry in the gen to date. There isn't really any counterpoint to it. Nobody is going to say "hey, this racing sim was better." The only people who will dog on GT are Xbots who desperately want Forza to be the true contender that so many other games have failed to be and people who just genuinely hate everything there is to hate about sims.

Little controversy = little discussion.


Only non forgetable and probably the best sim racers ever are the papyrous ones. People still talk about them to date. GT, Forza and other crap are forgetable.


SyNapSe said:
To be fair, so do all other genre's and most big hit individual titles themselves.

Not with over one million posts and this is just one of the boards that talk intensively about this game.



Why the hell aren't the developers doing some cool story modes like in DTM ? A Racing-RPG could be so nice : You drive Go-Karts as a kid and become a everybody's racing star - or a baad street racer.


Jacobi said:
Why the hell aren't the developers doing some cool story modes like in DTM ? A Racing-RPG could be so nice : You drive Go-Karts as a kid and become a everybody's racing star - or a baad street racer.

I think they tried that to some degree in Apex. Too bad that the game sucked.


arcade racers>sim. no one talks about sim racers because they mimic life. they spit in the face of what a game is supposed to be. dont give me that crap about "i get the drive a car i'd never be able to drive in real life" BS. u can rent just about any car u want if you REALLY wanted to. Arcade racers like daytona and san francisco rush are still talked about because they break all the rules of driving. burnout 3 has brought that back to the masses and i LOVE it. fuck sim racers. sim should be niche and not the other way around.
BeOnEdge said:
arcade racers>sim. no one talks about sim racers because they mimic life. they spit in the face of what a game is supposed to be. dont give me that crap about "i get the drive a car i'd never be able to drive in real life" BS. u can rent just about any car u want if you REALLY wanted to. Arcade racers like daytona and san francisco rush are still talked about because they break all the rules of driving. burnout 3 has brought that back to the masses and i LOVE it. fuck sim racers. sim should be niche and not the other way around.



Are you kidding me? Even 3 years after its release, we still see GT3 screenshots popping into every other Xbox racer thread. :p


Unconfirmed Member
BeOnEdge said:
arcade racers>sim. no one talks about sim racers because they mimic life. they spit in the face of what a game is supposed to be. dont give me that crap about "i get the drive a car i'd never be able to drive in real life" BS. u can rent just about any car u want if you REALLY wanted to. Arcade racers like daytona and san francisco rush are still talked about because they break all the rules of driving. burnout 3 has brought that back to the masses and i LOVE it. fuck sim racers. sim should be niche and not the other way around.
Perfect example of the second type of GT haters I was talking about.


i hate sims because up until recently, everyone was trying to best GT leaving nothing for arcade racers. when you have the kings of arcade racing, sega and namco BOTH focusing on sims versus what they do best, thats just damn wrong. thats like nintendo dropping mario or zelda and focusing on a murder simulator because GTA is hot.


Racing wasn't actually a big genre, so sim racers haven't actually taken over the market as much as created a new one. I can't stand playing them (I bought Prologue used and played it for exactly 8 minutes), and it's too bad that Namco and Sega have ignored their roots (although RR on PSP is a great sign), but it can't be helped.


not an idiot
Shompola said:
Only non forgetable and probably the best sim racers ever are the papyrous ones. People still talk about them to date.

Completely agree! Papyrus rules so fucking much! Err, ruled. :(


There's just a lot of people into cars that love tinkering with them.

If you're not into that, sims can be very boring.
I find most racing games boring eventually. They all boil down to doing the same thing. Arcade racers may offer a little more variety, but even F-Zero GX and Mario Kart DD and Burnout 2 got old once I had seen all the tracks. And for someone like me, who mainly cares about the variety of tracks, Gran Turismo has absolutely nothing to offer.
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