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Is it ok to leave your PS2 plugged in?


You know when it's plugged in and you see that red light (standby?). Are you supposed to leave it like that or are you supposed to hit the switch in the back so the red light goes away, or are you supposed to unplug it from the outlet completely?

I'm asking because I want to know if it will damage it to leave it plugged in while not in use.


Hates quality gaming
I'm the only person that this applies to so far, but:

I cannot leave my PS2 in standby. I must manually turn the machine on and off every time, and take the extra step to put it in standby before switching it off when done playing.

If I leave my machine on standby for too long, eventually the light goes off and the PS2 acts completely unresponsive and dead for an indeterminate amount of time; minutes, sometimes days. Then it'll start working out of nowhere as if everything was fine. I have no idea why the system does this, so I don't bother wondering and just avoid the use of standby all together.


Running off of Custom Firmware
I've had my PS2 for 2 years and I never switch it off. I used to, if I knew I was not going to use it for a few weeks, but now I don't bother.


I cannot leave my PS2 in standby. I must manually turn the machine on and off every time, and take the extra step to put it in standby before switching it off when done playing.

I do the same thing. I like to take care of my stuff. :p


You probably shouldn't shut it off whilst the drive is being written to (I assume that's what Crazymoogle meant). If you really want to switch it off and you have an HD just make sure you put it into standby mode first then flip the power switch and everything should be hunky-dory.

I don't know how much power it uses or what it's actually doing while in standby mode (other than powering the LED). Does anyone know? Does it keep the clock going or something?
mahttew said:
You probably shouldn't shut it off whilst the drive is being written to (I assume that's what Crazymoogle meant). If you really want to switch it off and you have an HD just make sure you put it into standby mode first then flip the power switch and everything should be hunky-dory.

I don't know how much power it uses or what it's actually doing while in standby mode (other than powering the LED). Does anyone know? Does it keep the clock going or something?

The clock tends to stay as long as you don't physically unplug the system - but other stuff, like PS1 filters and DVD settings tend to need the system in standby (or at least, that's how it worked with the first models, I'll have to mess around with the 50001)

The HDD needs time to spin down, empty any active write registers, and basically move into a non-active state, as if you were shutting down a PC. You can manually shut down the system as you want, as most of the time nothing bad is going to happen. But if the PS2 is for some reason writing or reading from the disc, there is a chance of data loss or corruption (this can happen pretty much at random if the PS2 OS decides to cache data). This is why going into standby takes a few seconds more than it would if you had no HDD.

The chances may not be very high, but the side effects are real. Sony warns against this on page 11 of the HDD manual, claiming a possibility of "software or data loss or corruption, or damage to the HDD".


Easy way for HDD users to go into standby: Load up the Playonline interface (before logging in) and then quit - Playonline will automatically shut down the system.

I leave my system in standby whenever I'm not using it, unless, say, I was travelling or was going to be away from the house for an extended period of time.


works for Gamestop (lol)
Ah I see. Yeah, I've been going into standby mode when shutting the PS2 down, HDD or not. I USED to turn off my PS2 by hitting the switch in the back, but not anymore. I'm actually paranoid to turn it off that way now
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