Old school fallout fans know how much the games changed when Bethesda took over and not only in the first person view but also the themes and speciallly its dark oppressive atmosphere that seems to have been supplanted by Bethesda for a more dark tongue in cheek humor. Don't get me wrong I enjoy the Bethesda Fallout games but there is just something missing that was lost from the older Interplay games. After the success of Baldur's Gate 3 and considering the insane fact that Tim Cain, Leonard Boyarsky and Brian Fargo now all work for Microsoft, do you guys think that it might be a good time for Fallout to go back to its isometric turn based roots now that it is proven that old school isometric RPGs are viable in 2023 if made correctly?
I know probably Todd Howard will never let anyone else do Fallout 5 but I think it would be cool if we get an isometric spinoff made by Cain/Boyarsky or the team at InXile with the attention to detail that BG3 has.
I know probably Todd Howard will never let anyone else do Fallout 5 but I think it would be cool if we get an isometric spinoff made by Cain/Boyarsky or the team at InXile with the attention to detail that BG3 has.