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Is it time for go Contra 3D?

I think its time, it should be more similar to RE4. Differences would be, you can move and shoot at the same time, strafing would be implemented.

There's some platforming in the Contra series, so I suggest a button mapped to adjust the camera. When this button is pushed the camera would pan back allowing you to see the entire character. There's not alot of platforming in the Contra series, so this shouldn't take away to much from the action.


No, it is not time. I do think it is time for you to play the recent Contra games, which in fact do allow you to strafe and shoot indepenently of character movement.


hyperbolically metafictive
neo contra's been out for a few weeks, it's top-down 2d rather than 3d, and it's fantastic. although given the unenthusiastic reviews and dismal japanese sales, i expect the contra franchise to either die or go 3d shortly. :/


Do the Contra games really cost that much to produce? I don't see why they can't just find a decent niche and release new titles every couple of years.


hyperbolically metafictive
neo contra has some really elaborately rendered fmv. i'm not sure it's low budget at all.
Seems like some of you didn't read the post, I don't think the previous games are completely 3D. I just think its time for Konami go another direction with the franchise.


no thanX, if you want to radically change the gameplay then just call it something else, don't call it Contra


I have no problems with 3D graphics being used ala shattered soldier but I want them to study Contra 3's first 4 stages and remember what the series should play like before they make another one.

I also want squaresoft to make Zweinhander .
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