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is it weird to have a dream about stabbing people in the face with scissors?

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i had a dream last night that i was on some sort of tour. im not even sure what the tour was for but it was a tour in some hi-tech basement of a building. we just got done watching a trailer for something in our own personnal theatres. we walk along into some hallway when out of nowhere we get ambushed by chinese mercenaries from both sides of the hallway. then these people im on the tour with whip out these machine guns and handguns. i just get hide and get the hell out of the way. then the mercs end up killing everyone and then its just me and all i have are these scissors. long, metal scissors. so 1-by-1 i kill these mercs by jumping at them then stabbing them in the face repeatedly until they're dead (action movie style, with crazy camera angles). i even got a couple guys in the eye.

what the fuck is up with that???


I'm glad Grandpa porked a Chinese Muslim
I once had a dream where I was hiding in a skyscraper with a PSG-1, and eventually shot some pregnant lady as she got out of her car in the parking lot below. It was kind of disturbing, as my sister was pregnant at the time. I made an art project out of it though.

Some more not so disturbing, but actually kinda neat dreams I had recently were kinda WWII-ish. I think it was from playing so much BF1942 during the school year and not being able to play much at all in the past couple months. First part of it had me running around with a bunch of Allied soldiers with a stolen STG44, but being pissed off because I couldn't find any ammo for it, and having to keep bumming clips off everyone else. Later we were either looting or getting packages from home, and I accidently swiped somebody else's Colt 45 that had been sent to him, but was too embarrassed to return it since I'd already ripped open the box, so I kept it.


I had a dream once where a lady was chasing me around a shopping mall with a staple gun...

a few months later, I accidentally stapled my friend's fingernail.


Joe said:
i had a dream last night that i was on some sort of tour. im not even sure what the tour was for but it was a tour in some hi-tech basement of a building. we just got done watching a trailer for something in our own personnal theatres. we walk along into some hallway when out of nowhere we get ambushed by chinese mercenaries from both sides of the hallway. then these people im on the tour with whip out these machine guns and handguns. i just get hide and get the hell out of the way. then the mercs end up killing everyone and then its just me and all i have are these scissors. long, metal scissors. so 1-by-1 i kill these mercs by jumping at them then stabbing them in the face repeatedly until they're dead (action movie style, with crazy camera angles). i even got a couple guys in the eye.

what the fuck is up with that???

Freud thinks you're fantasizing about penetrating Asian men. Preferably in the face.
I once had a dream in which I was eating pringles. Regular, and this new flavor: vegetable. It was green and had these little pointy bumps all over it. So I tried the vegetable flavor and it was really, incredibly salty and disgusting and I was all "that tastes terrible!" so I tried making it less terrible by sandwiching it between two regular pringles only to a conclusion of "No, still terrible" and I just kept eating them over and over again! It was a terrible dream, I couldn't eat pringles for a week.

A lot of my dreams are just boring. I had one where I was trying to bounce a ball and it wouldn't bounce up right, and I kept saying "Man, I really suck at bouncing things". I think it was a football in the dream, but I didn't realize that and kept trying to bounce it.

My dreams kinda suck, and last yours all have action and killing and such.


I'm glad Grandpa porked a Chinese Muslim
Darn it, that just made me realize I haven't had any flying dreams lately. I usually have at least one that I remember per week. I have had a couple in which the thought occurs to me that I must be dreaming, but unfortunately they never led to any sort of control.

Edit: Guess I'll go to sleep now and see if I can't do something about that. I hate waking up early for work.


I once had a dream that i was being chased by this guy i know who was trying to kill me, so i got a kitchen knife and cut off his nose
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