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Is the backlash to Cyberpunk a joke?

Is the backlash to Cyberpunk 2077 a joke?

  • Yeah, hardly the first game to stumble, won't be the last, will be patched. The game itself rocks.

    Votes: 200 36.6%
  • Yeah, it's a bit embarrassing for CDPR but it's part and parcel with that level of ambition.

    Votes: 97 17.7%
  • Yeah, my take below..

    Votes: 7 1.3%
  • No, my take below..

    Votes: 20 3.7%
  • No, this is the most hyped game ever and a pretty smug company has buggered it up

    Votes: 157 28.7%
  • No, this is a nigh-on criminal stuff up and the game should be incinerated.

    Votes: 33 6.0%
  • I've no opinion on the backlash

    Votes: 33 6.0%

  • Total voters
Good grief.

What kind of a shit show must development have been for this to be allowed through?

Oh! The Self-appointed centrist and one of the Children of Tomorrow must have not watched, if memory serves me well, Digital Foundry's coverage when the usage of 2D sprites to render long distance traffic was deemed a standard technique. Let's also not forget no next-gen version exists. Next gen consoles like the Series X are running a past-gen version via backward compatibility.

Why bring up logic and facts when you can stir up emotions and irrationality, right Mr. FunkMiller?

Yes, me too. I want microscopic detail, macroscopic scale, full-fledged path tracing, all running on my pocket AM radio.
And have it ready by tomorrow morning, ok?

Please keep being the thoughtful wise benign reasonable "centrist" you see yourself as.

What a pathetic post yours is.
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It's definitely warranted. I think gamers of late have made it clear they are done with the overly buggy games. Sure, a few bugs here or there with a patch Day 1, or within a week or two, that irons it out mostly is acceptable. But, this game is close to unplayable.

The sad part is, I think the devs wanted more time to polish the game because they knew the backlash they would get for the state it was in. Unfortunately, the heads of the studio wanted that holiday cash. I'm glad they are getting this backlash, otherwise they wouldn't learn their lesson.

And I can't believe anyone would say someone is an entitled gamer just because they bought a $60+ highly hyped game and want that highly hyped game, that was said to run fine on last gen systems, while CDPR hid the actual last gen results before launch, to actually run. That's not being entitled. That's being intelligent. We have too many corporate dick suckers in the community. If anything is going to ruin gaming, it'll be those types of people.
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It's definitely warranted.

All of it?
Even people playing the game for 70 hours, finishing it, asking for a refund, getting the refund, bragging about it as they incentivize others to do the same? Even the people rooting for the downfall of CDPR? Even people saying unpleasant things to devs on Twitter?

Thanks for your lucid opinion.

I think gamers of late have made it clear they are done with the overly buggy games.

So 2,700,000,000 gamers worldwide have one consensual opinion, which by sheer coincidence is your own?

Sure, a few bugs here or there with a patch Day 1, or within a week or two, that irons it out mostly is acceptable.

"A week or two"? So they still have 4 more days to live up to your standards, right? So if a hotfix by Thursday fixes most bugs, they're off the hook?

For the record, the game released in an unacceptable state on past-gen consoles. I think games that routinely CTD at launch are a no-no. But I'm just following your logic to see where it leads.

But, this game is close to unplayable.

On all platforms?

The sad part is, I think the devs wanted more time to polish the game because they knew the backlash they would get for the state it was in. Unfortunately, the heads of the studio wanted that holiday cash.


You know the finances of the company, You know he possible contractual obligations. You know the marketing deals. It's based on all of this critical info you are making this informed assessment, no doubt.

Developers don't own CDPR. Therefore they don't run CDPR. They work for CDPR, which is something distinctly different. Developers have neither the mandate not the legitimacy to manage CDPR. All of this is true no matter how bad and how frequently CDPR's upper management screws-up.

As a side note, my default assumption is not that, say, great skills as a concept artist translate to great skills at managing a billionaire company.
But maybe I've been wrong all along.

I'm glad they are getting this backlash, otherwise they wouldn't learn their lesson.

Maybe, who knows.
Ah, you know.

And I can't believe anyone would say someone is an entitled gamer just because they bought a $60+ highly hyped game and want that highly hyped game, that was said to run fine on last gen systems, while CDPR hid the actual last gen results before launch, to actually run.

I agree.

CD Projekt RED advertised the game as running on past-gen, released it on past-gen, so they absolutely are under the obligation to deliver a functioning game on past-gen. No ifs and buts about it.

A full refund goes a long way.

That's not being entitled. That's being intelligent.

The problem is that under the umbrella term "Backlash" different gamers are having very different reactions. Some are legitimate and intelligent, whereas others are dishonest and not terribly bright.

We have too many corporate dick suckers in the community.

So this is your view of a "community"? People thinking alike, and especially thinking like you?

Then I'm happy to report I'm not part of your community! And thank goodness for that!

I'll think for myself, thank you. That, for example, means criticising companies whenever I feel they should be criticised and defending them whenever I feel they should be defended. That means being as rigorous, as truthful and as honest as possible, even when it's not particularly popular.

It's very straightforward.

It cannot be a sign of great intelligence or reasonability to pigeonhole opinions you don't agree with as those of "dick suckers". I would be able to play that petty game myself. I would be able dismiss your concerns as those of a "hater".

Would you like that?

And if, even after all that, you were to insist on the "cock sucker" metaphor , I might possibly think, gosh, someone definitely caught their father having oral sex with the male neighbour and now they can't get the image out of their mind and have to get it out of the system by using it frequently, on a gaming forum, of all places.

Would you find that appropriate?

Believe me, If that's how some people want to play it, I will reluctantly oblige. I will turn the insult back at the insulter.

If anything is going to ruin gaming, it'll be those types of people.

No, but silly takes just might help.
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It is a great game but if we didn't hold their feet to the fire they wouldn't be so active in patching it. They know what they have to do to redeem this and that would not have happened if people just accepted it.


They published what feels like an unpolished game on the two systems most people will get them on, base PS4 and XBO. Horrific frame rates, terrible load times, insanely slow pop-in, crazy glitches, some game breaking, the game feels like it needed way more time on consoles. The backlash is well deserved for those consoles. For PS5, XSeries and high end PCs, I suppose not, the game works fines outside of glitches.
That is a flat out lie. Fallout 76 was far worse at launch. Cyberpunk is actually playable.

You can all keep saying this revisionist history bullshit, but as someone who bought F76 day one and actually enjoyed it a decent amount thurblaunch year ....

Thats a complete lie. Fallout 76 was more unstable and had issues far worse than I have personally experience for 2077 on console as well. Cyberpunk is still more polished than a typical Bethesda release.... and that’s why this controversy is a load of bullshit.

Anyone who claims that 2077 runs worse than Fallout 76 did thru the entirety of its launch month... I’m gonna call it out.

Stop lying and copy and pasting echo chamber bullshit

No, this itself is revisionist garbage, unless you're specifically looking at this through the lens of a PC player

For PS4 and Xbox 1/S, Cyberpunk is absolutely the more broken game. Part of the problem here is that Fallout 76 was the WORSE game overall, simply on the merits of there was no fucking game there and there was less shit to be broken in the first place, but Cyberpunk is more BROKEN and is running worse on the consoles, hence it got pulled from sale, Sony and Microsoft have to offer full refunds and now physical retailers are accepting refunds for opened copies.

If you're playing on a good PC, or a Series X, then yeah sure Cyberpunk absolutely is better than Fallout 76, but those aren't the versions that people are having a shit fit over.


Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
Gamers are overdramatic about everything.

But normalizing for that; no I wouldn't say the backlash is a joke.

But every "backlash" in anything gaming related is gonna be full of a bunch of man-babies acting like their world is crumbling because of a game.

SF Kosmo

Goes with the ambition/hype levels for this game which were through the roof, and made exponentially worse by failing to communicate at least the basic state of the console versions in terms of graphics and performance, and clumsy refund scandal.

To be honest even if not for the technical issues, I had already worried about Cyberpunk being a victim of overhype and backlash. Like people expecting this game to redefine gaming, rather than just being a really huge, lavish version of existing game concepts. People were setting themselves up to be disappointed to begin with so then when the game ships buggy and kind of borked on consoles it's going to be the biggest gaming story of the year.

SF Kosmo

No, this itself is revisionist garbage, unless you're specifically looking at this through the lens of a PC player

For PS4 and Xbox 1/S, Cyberpunk is absolutely the more broken game. Part of the problem here is that Fallout 76 was the WORSE game overall, simply on the merits of there was no fucking game there and there was less shit to be broken in the first place, but Cyberpunk is more BROKEN and is running worse on the consoles, hence it got pulled from sale, Sony and Microsoft have to offer full refunds and now physical retailers are accepting refunds for opened copies.
So replace the word "broken" with "unfinished" and then see if this holds up. Like yes, Cyberpunk seems to have crashing issues for a lot of players and that's clearly "broken," but which game needs more work to be worth playing? Clearly it's Fallout 76 which beyond being buggy was simply not fun and not a complete product. It needed almost a good year and a half, until Wastelanders, to get good.

Cyberpunk needs a couple months of bugfixing to be good.


I don't wanna say that the backlash is exagerated because i know that a lot of people are having troubles with this game.

But i'm already at 50 hours and for me the experience was pretty good, far from what you see on yt and far better than stuff like avengers (my personal bugged game of the year, that shit really was unplayable), and who know me in here already know that i have zero problem tearing new asses even for games that i love, the game has gigantic problems in other areas anyway.
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