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Is the new Mortal Kombat a "DOA" or "SFA3" type fighting game?

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
More like Tekken if I had to make broad comparisons, but even this doesn't quite reach the comfort levels that game provided to newbs and pros alike. I skipped the last MK game, so this is a fresh experience for me, but so far I'm just not feeling this one too much.

Canned combos and a buttload of memorization is what awaits. The game is extremely punishing for mis-timing anything, and it can be real stressful from the getgo conditioning yourself to the speed of the dial-ins. (Mashing it out with newbie friends incited little overall excitment from the group)

Learn a few characters and their seldom few stilted combo frenzies, and the game starts to feel a bit more interesting and rewarding, but either you KNOW the game or you don't. I find it very tiring to both learn and play, even the included MK1 port still has a more natural input flow shockingly. This game is a refund itch ready to be scratched.

I will comment that the XBL netcode is phenomenal. I spent a good deal of time playing against Lytedge last night and it ran flawlessly the entire time. After some issues in Battlefront and the occasional hiccup in GGXX, it's real nice to play an XBL game that runs swimmingly over the network. Kudos there.

Oh and puzzle kombat is kinda kool. Chess is a pretty neat variation on vs. fighting as well.
Anyone who says its a button-masher should go play on LIVE and see how far button-mashing gets them. I garauntee they'll get their asses kicked.

Look man, just rent the game and decide for yourself. I wasn't excited about getting it (was thinking it'd be too much like Deadly Alliance to justify getting ANOTHER one) but now that I have it I think its great and its one of the better games I've played this year. I know some people will mock the shit out of me for saying that, but fuck em. Let em hate and miss out on great game after great game because they were too fuckin opinionated or close-minded to try something new every now and then.


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
the problem with the MK chess game is that... well, you still need to play MK the fighting game. :)
As negative as Che sounded in that last post, he's right. Chess without the Kombat would've been better. I'd have enjoyed Battle Chess with MK characters more than the current setup. Oh well. Puzzle Kombat is still cool though. Just wish it was a little bit more like Puzzle Fighter with the blocks merging and stuff. Its pretty close as it is tho.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
I'm of the belief that a little bit of mashing is actually beneficial to the fighting experience.

MKD is like playing Parappa 2-player without the on screen visual prompts. Occasionally you get lucky, but only the dedicated will prosper here.


MarkRyan said:
Even Dead or Alive is a much more serious fighting game than MK: Deception.

This man speaks the truth. Honestly even though DOA isn't as much a serious fighter as the top tier (VF4, SF3, SC2, etc.) it still can be fun, which for the most part is more than I can say about MK: Deception.

evil ways

Now all we need is the mandatory "deepth comparison" post and we have our selves the usual fighting elitist thread. Haven't seen one of these since I last posted at TNL.


At the end of the day, who will stick in the mind of gamers? Midway and their MK games, with the crowd pleasing guts and blood visual, and simple gameplay, or Capcom; with their last original game being SF3 and dozens of remixes, rehashes, but great gameplay.

Let's all remind us that capcom's fighting division never had a huge million selling hardcore and mainstream popular hits since street fighter 2 turbo, because after that, mainstream gamers became tired of rehashes, and they didnt want to bother learning parrying and counting frames. They were totally turned off. Pick up and Enjoy gameplay has, and will always win over counting frames and fake tech rolls.

Whether you like it or no, capcom/snk needs to stop the bullshit if they ever want to gain popular mainstream acceptance ever again. This way we wont have to listen to the incessant bullshit from fighting game snobs who have to remind us that mk or doa ARE TEH SUCK.

People can enjoy both sides without sounding like eternally frustatred pricks that really seems to enjoy to flash their framecounting skills.

You can enjoy Enter the Dragon yet still like Bloodsport, you know. There is nothing wrong with that :). You can come and make fun of vandamme's accent and the way bloodsport was edited and shot, but people still enjoy it.

In a dying genre that is fighting game, fighting game fans need to stick together. It's like those shmups idiots who didnt like Ikaruga because it was too mainstream now that it came out on the gamecube.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
I can most definately testify to many of the 'bugs' posted by Mark above.

In the Konquest mode, there is a certain optional fight for Koins which merely requires you to nail a 35% damage combo against Bo Rai Cho acting as an inanimate dummy. Shinjuko was cloned as Hotaru at the time whom unfortunately does not have a very effective listing of combo strings(nothing beyond 3 attacks) or special moves(only 2). This required me to be creative in juggling and pop-ups to pull off an effective combo. After nearly several minutes of experimentation and doing the math, I found a possible string that should work. (X,Y,L->Y,Y,up+X) = 36% juggle combo.

Unfortunately, that final up+x gave me trouble 90% of the time I kept trying to initiate it. On it's own without the juggle, the Y,Y,up+X works just fine as labelled in the pause menu, but really weird stuff happend when strung into a juggle string. Either Hotaru glitches out in his animation pausing fully for a second while the limp body drops down, or the animation doesn't even begin, or it overrides into some broken mutated rendition of the canned animation that has awkward skipped frames as if the game is trying desperately to keep up with my input. Several times the collision detection just refused to function and the body fell right through my attack. Irritation exemplified, tough time for fighting games this week with SVC Chaos supposedly sporting similar issues.

Oh and I just had to emntion that damage indicators are also half cut off my TV screen even in widescreen mode. Crop that shit right Midway!
Strange title... it's not like DOA or SFA3.

Mortal Kombat Deception is like Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance...
If you liked the gameplay in that game, you should like Deception.

IMO, DOA3 and SFA3 are both better games than Deception.


Sam Houser fucked my wife
I've encountered the same bug Brandon described with every other character in the game when trying out combos.
i've noticed those same things, but they don't seem like bugs to me, they seem pretty deliberate and there really seems to be a method to their limiting your ability to do anything worthwhile while playing the game...


I've been a MK fan since the first one but I definitely cringed when the franchise went to 3D. I will buy this game simply because of the Super Puzzle Fighter II whore that I am. But I'm not sure I'll be able to invest the time needed to learn this game seeing as there's so many combo you have to memorize. I'll most likely play Puzzle Kombat online 90% of the time with this game.


isamu said:
I've been a MK fan since the first one but I definitely cringed when the franchise went to 3D. I will buy this game simply because of the Super Puzzle Fighter II whore that I am. But I'm not sure I'll be able to invest the time needed to learn this game seeing as there's so many combo you have to memorize. I'll most likely play Puzzle Kombat online 90% of the time with this game.

I wouldn't be to quick to buy it just for the puzzle fighter clone, because it's not as good. The game plays much slower than Puzzle Fighter. In Puzzle Fighter you could create huge blocks using the same color, while in the MK version you can only create blocks that are 2 by 2. This makes the game not nearly as hectic or fun.


GameFan Alumnus
DIrtyWeasel said:
Strange title... it's not like DOA or SFA3.

Mortal Kombat Deception is like Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance...
If you liked the gameplay in that game, you should like Deception.

IMO, DOA3 and SFA3 are both better games than Deception.

^ totally true.

MK isn't the best fighting game, but it is fun and it's online. It's the best thing out now with a lot of competition, so if you're a fighting fan looking for an online fix, you don't have much choice at this point.

The game is really, really simple. If you play fighting games, you can get good within 2 days. Learn a mid combo, low trips, and throw. Mix up those 3 and you can hang with the best. You don't need to learn extravagant combo strings. I know 1-2 combos per character and I do fine online. Many of the players online don't think when they play. They get in battles of typing out combos, and that makes them easy prey for someone with a brain because that is NOT how you play this game.
shuri said:
At the end of the day, who will stick in the mind of gamers? Midway and their MK games, with the crowd pleasing guts and blood visual, and simple gameplay, or Capcom; with their last original game being SF3 and dozens of remixes, rehashes, but great gameplay.

Let's all remind us that capcom's fighting division never had a huge million selling hardcore and mainstream popular hits since street fighter 2 turbo, because after that, mainstream gamers became tired of rehashes, and they didnt want to bother learning parrying and counting frames. They were totally turned off. Pick up and Enjoy gameplay has, and will always win over counting frames and fake tech rolls.

Whether you like it or no, capcom/snk needs to stop the bullshit if they ever want to gain popular mainstream acceptance ever again. This way we wont have to listen to the incessant bullshit from fighting game snobs who have to remind us that mk or doa ARE TEH SUCK.

People can enjoy both sides without sounding like eternally frustatred pricks that really seems to enjoy to flash their framecounting skills.

You can enjoy Enter the Dragon yet still like Bloodsport, you know. There is nothing wrong with that :). You can come and make fun of vandamme's accent and the way bloodsport was edited and shot, but people still enjoy it.

In a dying genre that is fighting game, fighting game fans need to stick together. It's like those shmups idiots who didnt like Ikaruga because it was too mainstream now that it came out on the gamecube.

Great post.

I'd say Soul Calibur is the most accessible fighter these days but still has enough depth to be considered a much more serious fighter then the likes of DOA or MK. Soul Calibur just lacks the "shock" and gore factor.

I used to love MK and MK2 but I've never been able to get back into the series since. The latest one just seems to clunky and I hate memorising long combos where the buttons don't even seem to relate to each other at all. At least in Soul Calibur you can create your own because the game is so nice and fluid.
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