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Is there any sane place on earth left where your skills and ideas are more worth than racial politics and social justice?


Edit: This might belong into the politics section. Sorry

"Sorry, we can't give you this job since we have to give to someone of a different ethinicity or sexual orientation"
"I'm sorry dude, I know you have over 10 years of experience in programming and already showed off some impressive work that could help the company tremendously, however THIS TRANSGIRL over there...she, she has a COLLEGE DEGREE. It's a magic piece of paper that she worked hard for and automatically makes her better at programming than you are since you...you my friend, you don't have this piece of paper"

"We have to set up our office equally with 50% women and 50% men so please go look somewhere else for a job"

I'm currently not looking for a job as I'm a student but these are the vibes I'm getting from people I know and from what I've heard and what I've seen so far. It's just the tip of the iceberg of course.

As a european I heard this mythology that in the US your skills still MATTER. That you can impress people by what you are bringing and what you are doing. Here in Europe, Austria to be exact, its the opposite. Nobody cares what you bring to the table, if theres no college degree or any sort of paper where it sayS: HURd ddurr BAcheLoR MasTeeR deGreE then you aren't worth anything.

A fucking stupid boogie-eater can get a university degree if he really wants to. Studying isnt about intelligence at all, its about determination. Theres a big difference between knowledge and intelligence which people refuse to accept. A "stupid" person can be quite intelligent but he isnt using his set of skills to go studying at a university but he will have a MUCH easier time in life than probably most of these stupid bachelor or master degree holders.

We are living out the crazy times lmao. Fuck me I want this current world or atleast its social system to collapse so badly.
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Do you truly think it's like that everywhere?

Job requirements are a wish list. Apply without ticking every box, and if you either meet enough requirements to get a face to face or shine in your introduction letter you get to show them how good you are.

Don't let a few negative anecdotes blind you. It's easy to let cognitive biases set in and you can convince yourself it's all doom and gloom.
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Do you truly think it's like that everywhere?

Job requirements are a wish list. Apply without ticking every box, and if you either meet enough requirements to get a face to face or shine in your introduction letter, then you get to show them how good you are.

Don't let a few negative anecdotes blind you. It's easy to let cognitive biases set in and you can convince yourself it's all doom and gloom.
Thats why I'm asking


Gold Member
Everywhere really.

I still think that big bosses that hire diversity group instead of capable people are still a small minorance, not everybody cares about woke points and there is no law against having all white males.

Small to medium (and majority of big) companies dont give a fuck about being seen as genderfluid fanboys, they care about profit.

Here in italy nobody give a fuck about diversity hiring, they probably don't even know what the term means...

If a company do diversity hiring, you really don't wanna work there in the first place because they probably do all the other woke shitty stuff.
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Idk, I'm in a very liberal state in the US and as a straight white guy I've never had trouble getting a job because of quotas or politics or whatever.

Getting a good job requires a lot of boxes to be checked. Education, experience, social/interview skills, appearance, connections, etc. It might be a plus if you help meet some kind of diversity requirement, but personally I've never seen someone get a job just because of that.
In jobs you never really know why they hired you or not, so it's easy to become suspicious of the process or to become demoralized.

I don't think it's that bad now but if the left has their way it won't be long before you have to wear a dress and wig if you want to be competitive as a white male.


Thats why I'm asking
If a company chooses to shoot itself in the foot by picking a physical characteristic over talent, then you're better off in the long run by finding somewhere else. But I think you'll find that things aren't nearly as bad as some would have you believe. I don't know what it's like in Austria, but if there's some sort of legislation for equal opportunities it's just means that you shouldn't be getting bonus points for being a straight white male even if less qualified. If you're good, you've got nothing to worry about. Again, it's the whole physical characteristic thing, and you could end up working with a bunch of unqualified idiots. Seeing diversity doesn't necessarily mean filling a quota, it can just mean bosses not giving a shit about characteristics not relevant to the job.

Anyone who's been around a business long enough to hire someone should know full well that education means less than experience. Anyone hiring someone for their degree over 10 years of industry experience is a fool (in a lot of cases). Even if you look at it backwards, if you work in a particular industry and you go for a qualification through your work, you can often bypass certain criteria because it counts for a lot.

Be confident in both your abilities and what you bring as an individual without being arrogant.

In short: Don't believe the FUD.
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From my experience no one aside from maybe some big and publicly known corporations give a shit about this whole diversity hiring.


In the real world, as long as your not flipping burger you will be valued based on your skill and personality.

Of course there will always be favoritism, but in professional environment where only result matter, everyone want the best people in their team.


I think the bigger risk would be the universities playing favorites with the demographics you're referring to. They have a lot less to lose by doing so, since they're getting their money either way.

I've also noticed more and more that newly established scholarships are designed to only go to minority individuals or women. So on a long enough timeline, you might start to see 'straight white men' who just aren't as qualified.

Do I think this is an urgent risk? No, not really. But it's probably a bigger risk than qualified individuals getting passed over for jobs so that they can be given to less qualified minority demographics.
Yeah, I could see it eventually coming to that for straight, white males. Which is funny...it could result in them accruing more wealth over time.
You can't count on anyone having your back anymore. The wokeness requires people to be dependent on others for their livelihood. If you can be independent, you can distance yourself from the virus.

Also it will make you feel more like a man (y)


I faced systemic discrimination in Toronto finding employment mostly in the public sector. Many government positions used employment equity in the hiring process awarding points or demerit points during the interview process based on Race, sexual preference and gender.

So normal things would get you points such as degree, years of experience, etc but the diversity crap would scew the results.

In a competitive field/job market it effectively locks you out. I moved out of province and got a job in my field within 2 weeks after trying for over a year at home.

Ironically I ended up getting a job in a rural area BECAUSE I was male... The job was in an area that didn't have alot of men and it was rural so race didn't matter because everyone applying was white.

I detest employment equity. Equity in no way means equality.
Eastern Europe seems like a safe bet, I dont think I saw a black in real life until I was 17 or 18.

Not many non white people here at all actually except our wolt food delivery people are all Indians or pakis who only speak English.

So yeah here doesn't have diversity hires...we also have shit salaries and your work and the government couldn't care less about you.

Also we die in our 60s and 70s of old age

Super Mario

In the grand scheme of things, it is Conservative principles that lead to happier people and more financially stable careers. If you invest in yourself, and give it 100%, you will do just fine. You may hit a speed bump along the way where some woman or POC is jettisoned to a role they have no business in. That person may fail or may get pushed to the moon. Don't let that impact your personal worth. There is NEVER a lack of demand for talent.

Dr.Guru of Peru

played the long game
If you're not a socially awkward loser and meet most of the job requirement criteria, you'll get a job.

I'm not sure why you're conflating credentialism with diversity hires. Two completely different things.

I faced systemic discrimination in Toronto finding employment mostly in the public sector. Many government positions used employment equity in the hiring process awarding points or demerit points during the interview process based on Race, sexual preference and gender.

So normal things would get you points such as degree, years of experience, etc but the diversity crap would scew the results.

In a competitive field/job market it effectively locks you out. I moved out of province and got a job in my field within 2 weeks after trying for over a year at home.

Ironically I ended up getting a job in a rural area BECAUSE I was male... The job was in an area that didn't have alot of men and it was rural so race didn't matter because everyone applying was white.

I detest employment equity. Equity in no way means equality.
Uh huh. Whatever you say.
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Gold Member
Finance department.

Analytical skills will always trump race ratios and SJW hiring practices.

I've been working in dedicated finance depts for 15 years and have never seen or got the hint of any pandering or SJW hiring for sake of hitting a ratio. Let the other departments do that shit.

I've also never seen one coworker without some kind if finance or accounting background too which helps weed out weird people. You won't see finance managers or controllers or a VP of finance with a sociology degree.
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Edit: This might belong into the politics section. Sorry

"Sorry, we can't give you this job since we have to give to someone of a different ethinicity or sexual orientation"
"I'm sorry dude, I know you have over 10 years of experience in programming and already showed off some impressive work that could help the company tremendously, however THIS TRANSGIRL over there...she, she has a COLLEGE DEGREE. It's a magic piece of paper that she worked hard for and automatically makes her better at programming than you are since you...you my friend, you don't have this piece of paper"

"We have to set up our office equally with 50% women and 50% men so please go look somewhere else for a job"

I'm currently not looking for a job as I'm a student but these are the vibes I'm getting from people I know and from what I've heard and what I've seen so far. It's just the tip of the iceberg of course.

As a european I heard this mythology that in the US your skills still MATTER. That you can impress people by what you are bringing and what you are doing. Here in Europe, Austria to be exact, its the opposite. Nobody cares what you bring to the table, if theres no college degree or any sort of paper where it sayS: HURd ddurr BAcheLoR MasTeeR deGreE then you aren't worth anything.

A fucking stupid boogie-eater can get a university degree if he really wants to. Studying isnt about intelligence at all, its about determination. Theres a big difference between knowledge and intelligence which people refuse to accept. A "stupid" person can be quite intelligent but he isnt using his set of skills to go studying at a university but he will have a MUCH easier time in life than probably most of these stupid bachelor or master degree holders.

We are living out the crazy times lmao. Fuck me I want this current world or atleast its social system to collapse so badly.
You seriously know someone that got passed up for a tranny with zero experience? Jesus.


Gold Member
We take engineers where ever we can find them.

But if HR checks your facebook and there is a bunch of crazy shit, it would probably never make it to my desk.
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Gold Member
We take engineers where ever we can find them.

But if HR checks your facebook and there is a bunch of crazy shit, it would probably never make it to my desk.

One of my buddy is a director and is in main control of hires. Never mind HR. He did social media scouring himself after the first interview and saw one candidate doing weird stuff (liberal loud stuff).

Let's just say he never got a call for a second interview.

People don't realize social media investigation is a real thing.



Not universal in the US, but there's definitely a preference for degrees & diversity hires at medium to large companies. I work for a fortune 50 company and suffer from the incompetence of several diversity hires.


I think the internet has inflated your sense of the problem, at least for now OP. Most of the job market that I see still value experience and skillset over filling demographics. Also, the places that are influenced by this type of thing are probably centered around big cities. I don't think jobs across the country are going to make a fuss about this type of thing. Might you lose a spot at Vice.com because you're not diverse enough? Maybe. But if you are a strong candidate you'll find something else.


If you're not a socially awkward loser and meet most of the job requirement criteria, you'll get a job.

I'm not sure why you're conflating credentialism with diversity hires. Two completely different things.

Employment equity hiring policies combines the two via a point system. In competitive job markets adding points based on non merit factors such as race, sexual preferences, and gender In addition to experience And credentials - you effectively discriminate against target groups. In a super diverse city like Toronto where literally everybody has a bachelor degree, these policies locked me out of my field.

Like there was literally a checklist where they added or removed points based on education, experience, sex, race, and sexual orientation. It didn’t matter how great the interview went if other candidates scored more points.

Uh huh. Whatever you say.

Oh I’m sorry, does my “lived experience” offend your delicate sensibilities? Employment Equity, much like Affirmative Action is racist and sexist - such policies belong in the trash. If I am misunderstanding your dismissal incorrectly let me know.

For the record I found discrimination against in the hiring process to be very focused in the government funded public sector ... not so much Private sector, although I have heard that the garbage policies are now infecting everything.

As I mentioned, out west in a rural town I got a super competitive position because they needed a token male - I was told (off the record) this was why I was hired out of hundreds of applicants . This area was 95% white though which is the only reason racial criteria wasn’t also considered. They were actively trying to get visible minorities to move out to these areas but not enough wanted to live out in the sticks.
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Dr.Guru of Peru

played the long game
Why would I be offended? I find it exceedingly difficult to believe anyone was asking you your sexual orientation at a job interview in Toronto. Canadian public sector jobs favour four groups of people: aboriginals with status, bilingual french/english speakers, veterans, and people with disabilities. Everyone else is on even footing. This is especially true in a place like Toronto where there is no benefit to having increased diversity in the workforce.


Everywhere, at least everywhere that has a tangible product of value. Seriously, doesn't matter how many diversity hires they make, they still have to hire a handful of people to actually do the work.


Discrimination is everywhere where I live, but guvmint wont do nothing about it because they get sweet sweet votes for it.

I remember seeing a job ad the other day that said only "racialized" immigrants could apply. Not even native, literally someone who wasn't born here gets first dibs.
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I know this a thing at some super woke startups in the bay area, but that's like 0.001% of employers

Worry about your own shit OP


We are living out the crazy times lmao. Fuck me I want this current world or atleast its social system to collapse so badly.
If you're a programmer with some skill you are going to be fine. Depending on where you are in the EU you might consider moving to a different city or even country should the local job market be in the shitter. That wouldn't be Corona-related though.

Should you not have considered a media diet yet it's time to think about it, especially TV and twitter. Things aren't as bad as it seems but it never gets reported that I had at least seven great days this month.
Remember that who screams loudest never matters most.


Why would I be offended? I find it exceedingly difficult to believe anyone was asking you your sexual orientation at a job interview in Toronto. Canadian public sector jobs favour four groups of people: aboriginals with status, bilingual french/english speakers, veterans, and people with disabilities. Everyone else is on even footing. This is especially true in a place like Toronto where there is no benefit to having increased diversity in the workforce.

You are incorrect.

Employment Equity as defined in federal Canadian law by the Employment Equity Act, requires federal jurisdiction employers to engage in proactive employment practices to increase the representation of four designated groups: women, people with disabilities, Aboriginal peoples, and visible minorities.[1]

Employment equity in Canada looks at race, gender, aboriginal status and individuals with disabilities. I thought sexual preference was codified but was incorrect on that.

When I was on the hiring committee we had a survey where we assigned (or detracted) points based on employment equity criteria. In Toronto white males were and are routinely disqualified from municipal, provincial and federal jobs due to employment equity criteria. These racist and sexist hiring practices also extend to third party social services organizations that are funded by the three layers of government. It’s particularly ironic given that white males of British descent (WASPS) are already a minority themselves in the Toronto. Total whites in Toronto including non WASP’s is less than 50% of the city population. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toronto#Demographics

Note: for those of you not from Canada, government jobs are difficult to obtain and are akin to winning the lottery by many in terms of pay, benefits, time off, unionized job security and a defined benefit pension. Equivalent jobs in the private sector pay significantly less.

Government jobs are not easy to get, but with Employment equity criteria, are basically impossible to get if white male In a “diverse” Canadian city with competition for these jobs. In general, white or not, people applying for these positions have the credentials. Canadian Immigration has ensured we get the cream of the crop, and cities like Toronto have second and third generation Canadians who are given a huge advantage due to employment equity hiring policies.

It’s systemic actually, real systemic racist policies. How ironic right?

Toronto is like no other city I’ve lived and been to though. When I say Toronto is diverse, I mean like white peeps are a slightly bigger minority but still just a minority. It’s not at all like say Vancouver that’s 33% mungee cake (wasp), 33% chinese and 33% Indian, and not at all like US cities that still have majority white and/or black populations even with minorities mixed in.
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I feel like some Asian countries are the only places that haven't taken these things far.
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Quite a few companies in the US are dropping the "woke hires" as it seems to not be working out financially.

I can't say much for Europe though, so maybe when you're done with college, come to the US.
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You might find Social Media has the bigger impact here, if you're asked for this and they check you out and you're leaning too hard on either side then it goes against you. If all you're doing is posting about "fuck capitalism" or TRUMP2020 all day then you'll be seen as a no go. If anything companies want complete neutral politics for the lower people, you're not meant to be discussing it, don't take part it, be a blank slate politics wise and most companies will favour you.


Thats why I'm asking

I think in Czech Republic where I live and work, no one gives a shit as long as you are good. It sucks that Austria is following Germany's lead and sucking all of that social justice Kool-Aid.

Richard Packer

Gold Member
Discrimination is everywhere where I live, but guvmint wont do nothing about it because they get sweet sweet votes for it.

I remember seeing a job ad the other day that said only "racialized" immigrants could apply. Not even native, literally someone who wasn't born here gets first dibs.

Could you post it. This sounds made up.

Richard Packer

Gold Member
You are incorrect.

Employment equity in Canada looks at race, gender, aboriginal status and individuals with disabilities. I thought sexual preference was codified but was incorrect on that.

When I was on the hiring committee we had a survey where we assigned (or detracted) points based on employment equity criteria. In Toronto white males were and are routinely disqualified from municipal, provincial and federal jobs due to employment equity criteria. These racist and sexist hiring practices also extend to third party social services organizations that are funded by the three layers of government. It’s particularly ironic given that white males of British descent (WASPS) are already a minority themselves in the Toronto. Total whites in Toronto including non WASP’s is less than 50% of the city population. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toronto#Demographics

Note: for those of you not from Canada, government jobs are difficult to obtain and are akin to winning the lottery by many in terms of pay, benefits, time off, unionized job security and a defined benefit pension. Equivalent jobs in the private sector pay significantly less.

Government jobs are not easy to get, but with Employment equity criteria, are basically impossible to get if white male In a “diverse” Canadian city with competition for these jobs. In general, white or not, people applying for these positions have the credentials. Canadian Immigration has ensured we get the cream of the crop, and cities like Toronto have second and third generation Canadians who are given a huge advantage due to employment equity hiring policies.

It’s systemic actually, real systemic racist policies. How ironic right?

Toronto is like no other city I’ve lived and been to though. When I say Toronto is diverse, I mean like white peeps are a slightly bigger minority but still just a minority. It’s not at all like say Vancouver that’s 33% mungee cake (wasp), 33% chinese and 33% Indian, and not at all like US cities that still have majority white and/or black populations even with minorities mixed in.

Don't these government jobs also value knowing different languages? Like someone who knows how to speak Mandarin, English, and French. Will have a massive advantage over a person who can only speak one language. Second and third generation citizens will have the advantage there for sure.
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