You are incorrect.
Employment equity (Canada) - Wikipedia
Employment equity in Canada looks at race, gender, aboriginal status and individuals with disabilities. I thought sexual preference was codified but was incorrect on that.
When I was on the hiring committee we had a survey where we assigned (or detracted) points based on employment equity criteria. In Toronto white males were and are routinely disqualified from municipal, provincial and federal jobs due to employment equity criteria. These racist and sexist hiring practices also extend to third party social services organizations that are funded by the three layers of government. It’s particularly ironic given that white males of British descent (WASPS) are already a minority themselves in the Toronto. Total whites in Toronto including non WASP’s is less than 50% of the city population.
Note: for those of you not from Canada, government jobs are difficult to obtain and are akin to winning the lottery by many in terms of pay, benefits, time off, unionized job security and a defined benefit pension. Equivalent jobs in the private sector pay significantly less.
Government jobs are not easy to get, but with Employment equity criteria, are basically impossible to get if white male In a “diverse” Canadian city with competition for these jobs. In general, white or not, people applying for these positions have the credentials. Canadian Immigration has ensured we get the cream of the crop, and cities like Toronto have second and third generation Canadians who are given a huge advantage due to employment equity hiring policies.
It’s systemic actually, real systemic racist policies. How ironic right?
Toronto is like no other city I’ve lived and been to though. When I say Toronto is diverse, I mean like white peeps are a slightly bigger minority but still just a minority. It’s not at all like say Vancouver that’s 33% mungee cake (wasp), 33% chinese and 33% Indian, and not at all like US cities that still have majority white and/or black populations even with minorities mixed in.
can you lend me the money for it?Start your own business
can you lend me the money for it?
I'd have a lot of great ideas (not merely talking about business ideas)....IF I HAD THE MONEY TO DO SO.
You can only get more money by already having alot of money
Mea culpa, but the basic point still stands. The effect is small, and doesn't apply to most people since our two biggest immigrant groups (Asians and South Asians) are not underrepresented in the work force.
You've even contradicted yourself. A place like Toronto is less likely to have unfair hiring practices since there are a plethora of minority candidates. The workforce is already tremendously diverse. We have one of the most highly educated population in the world, and our immigrant population is even more educated than the local populace. White guys not getting jobs doesn't mean they're being actively discriminated against, it just means that it's a very competitive job market. You're focused on your own plight and assumed its because of the colour of your skin, but ignoring the hundreds of brown and yellow people who are in the exact same position and also had to move out to the middle of nowhere to get a job.
Your demographic numbers for Vancouver are also way off.
A place like Toronto is less likely to have unfair hiring practices since there are a plethora of minority candidates. The workforce is already tremendously diverse.
It's a good thing you quoted my post. Because I'm not a fan of people who accuse me of being wrong without evidence.Could you post it. This sounds made up.
Halifax has 400,000 people and the total minority number is about 44,000. So in total about 11% are minorities and 89% white.It's a good thing you quoted my post. Because I'm not a fan of people who accuse me of being wrong without evidence.
But it was a job in Halifax, Nova Scotia and it clearly said no Native Canadians, immigrants preferred for bio engineering.
I mean, I live in the GTA and ride the bus everyday, I see signs that literally say "New to Canada? You get free money/help". Whether it's from the banks or an immigration agency.You're focused on your own plight and assumed its because of the colour of your skin, but ignoring the hundreds of brown and yellow people who are in the exact same position and also had to move out to the middle of nowhere to get a job.
Employing based on equality is just causing the opposite. Its actively against the view that all humans are fundamentally equal.I faced systemic discrimination in Toronto finding employment mostly in the public sector. Many government positions used employment equity in the hiring process awarding points or demerit points during the interview process based on Race, sexual preference and gender.
So normal things would get you points such as degree, years of experience, etc but the diversity crap would scew the results.
In a competitive field/job market it effectively locks you out. I moved out of province and got a job in my field within 2 weeks after trying for over a year at home.
Ironically I ended up getting a job in a rural area BECAUSE I was male... The job was in an area that didn't have alot of men and it was rural so race didn't matter because everyone applying was white.
I detest employment equity. Equity in no way means equality.
It's a good thing you quoted my post. Because I'm not a fan of people who accuse me of being wrong without evidence.
But it was a job in Halifax, Nova Scotia and it clearly said no Native Canadians, immigrants preferred for bio engineering.
So why make it a preference at all?Being at the front of the line doesn't mean you will get hired if you're not qualified. Or that if someone else comes along and is over qualified won't get it. It's not a race.
So why make it a preference at all?
That didn't answer my question.Ask the person who wrote that application.
That didn't answer my question.
That's hilarious.I don't have all the answers. We don't know who got hired either. For all we know that blurb at the end was meaningless.
A competitive job market where white males are actively discriminated against via systemic racist hiring policies.
Your logic makes zero sense —
As I have already proven public sector jobs in Canada DO have highly discriminatory hiring policies, codified into law. If anything this is the REAL systemic racism the left constantly cries about. Just because Toronto is super diverse doesn’t make those laws any less discriminatory. All things being equal, if two equally qualified candidates, one white and one a visible minority apply for the same job, employment equity will be what tips the scales. And in Toronto, as you mentioned yourself, the vast majority regardless of race, are highly educated, have credentials and experience. So no you are wrong — in Toronto white males are far far MORE likely to face systemic discrimination in a situation of a highly competitive job market with many visible minority applicants and a hiring process that legally discriminates based on race and sex.
Trotting out the old tired eQuAlItY fEeLs lIKe oPpResSiOn is a laughable argument in the face of provable discrimination. Like Yuri said though ... see 2:50. Authentic accurate information means nothing to the indoctrinated. It’s sad really.
So now foreign education is better than Western ones?It’s a proven fact that immigrants and their children have higher education attainment than native born Canadians. If an immigrant beat you out for a job they were likely just better.
Yes, there are agencies (public and private) that are designed to help immigrants. Is that what this thread is about now?I mean, I live in the GTA and ride the bus everyday, I see signs that literally say "New to Canada? You get free money/help". Whether it's from the banks or an immigration agency.
Or just recently, Justin Trudeau literally announced he is given away millions of dollars only to black businesses.
Trudeau announces cash for loans, support to Black Canadian entrepreneurs
Black Canadians who want to start or expand a business will have access to loans and supports for training and mentorship under a new federal program unveiled by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in Toronto
I can speak forLiberty4all and say there is indeed something "funky" going on with the hiring process.
Please stop quoting me if you’re going to be this much of a moron.So now foreign education is better than Western ones?
Why do we still see millions of people move here then if they all have better skills? Why take OUR jobs and not create their own?
So now foreign education is better than Western ones?
Why do we still see millions of people move here then if they all have better skills? Why take OUR jobs and not create their own?
Look up phrasing.Please stop quoting me if you’re going to be this much of a moron.
These are second generation immigrants. They were born here. They have Canadian education.
Dr.Guru of Peru said:If an immigrant beat you out for a job they were likely just better.
whatever. It’s not like the Dracula guy knows where these people he resents were born anyways. All he has to go with is the colour of their skin.Look up phrasing.
If they were born here, they're not really an immigrant.
That's a hell of a claim to make.The post you made proved that there is a push for equity in federally regulated jobs. This doesn’t mean that white prior are systematically discriminated against in the hiring process - a push towards equity could simply mean advertising for a position more heavily in certain communities, for example. You also seem to think this is a phenomenon that only affects white people: any push towards equity through a hiring policy would discriminate against our two largest immigrant groups, who are over represented in that many of our science and computer based professions. It’s a proven fact that immigrants and their children have higher education attainment than native born Canadians. If an immigrant beat you out for a job they were likely just better.
If a group of people (A) is generally more qualified than another group (B), then there really isn’t anything peculiar about someone from A beating out someone from B.That's a hell of a claim to make.
"Discrimination can't exist here. Oh by the way Immigrants are just superior to you, so thats why they got the job. Don't ask questions."
A competitive job market where white males are actively discriminated against via systemic racist hiring policies.
Your logic makes zero sense —
As I have already proven public sector jobs in Canada DO have highly discriminatory hiring policies, codified into law. If anything this is the REAL systemic racism the left constantly cries about. Just because Toronto is super diverse doesn’t make those laws any less discriminatory. All things being equal, if two equally qualified candidates, one white and one a visible minority apply for the same job, employment equity will be what tips the scales. And in Toronto, as you mentioned yourself, the vast majority regardless of race, are highly educated, have credentials and experience. So no you are wrong — in Toronto white males are far far MORE likely to face systemic discrimination in a situation of a highly competitive job market with many visible minority applicants and a hiring process that legally discriminates based on race and sex.
Trotting out the old tired eQuAlItY fEeLs lIKe oPpResSiOn is a laughable argument in the face of provable discrimination. Like Yuri said though ... see 2:50. Authentic accurate information means nothing to the indoctrinated. It’s sad really.
And for reals - there's like a 100 studies out there re minority sounding names getting about 50% fewer callbacks for interviews and such... here's one - the workforce is not representative of the population distribution can we safely assume that there is some discrimination - i.e. if caucasians are overrepresented in various industries and the public sector (accounting for age and the rest of it), especially in leadership positions, does that indicate some form of systemic bias or is that just cause caucasians are more qualified in general?
If the workforce is not representative of the population distribution can we safely assume that there is some discrimination - i.e. if caucasians are overrepresented in various industries and the public sector (accounting for age and the rest of it), especially in leadership positions, does that indicate some form of systemic bias or is that just cause caucasians are more qualified in general?
The post you made proved that there is a push for equity in federally regulated jobs. This doesn’t mean that white prior are systematically discriminated against in the hiring process - a push towards equity could simply mean advertising for a position more heavily in certain communities, for example. You also seem to think this is a phenomenon that only affects white people: any push towards equity through a hiring policy would discriminate against our two largest immigrant groups, who are over represented in that many of our science and computer based professions. It’s a proven fact that immigrants and their children have higher education attainment than native born Canadians. If an immigrant beat you out for a job they were likely just better.
See the problem here is this - the best candidates for the job are not necessarily getting those jobs because of systemic bias (against minorities, women, etc) in hiring processes, as a result of which these equity policies were created to offset this bias. Are you saying that caucausians are not over-represented in government at every level - because this is simply not true, and especially not the case when it comes to management / leadership.employment equity policies are catch all that do not take into account population demographics. They were originally designed in a time when caucasIan’s were indeed the majority of the population in Toronto and most gov jobs were filled with caucasian boomers.
that is no longer the case at least in Toronto where total Caucasians is 47% of the city population and WASPS (“old stock” Canadians) much less than that.
'Everybody fits in': inside the Canadian cities where minorities are the majority
In ‘majority-minority’ cities such as Markham and Brampton, diversity isn’t aspirational; it’s a fact. But how does integration work?
Even if this were not the case I would still be dead set against these type of racist hiring policies. Many US cities are where Toronto used to be .... an older caucasian majority in the process of dying out or moving out, with affirmative action policies in place actively discriminating against their kids. Toronto is just further ahead on the curve.
I believe in the best candidate for the job full stop. Race and sex should NEVER be used in the hiring criteria. Society needs to focus on Equality of Opportunity rather than justifying the racism of Equality of Outcomes.
Start your own business and surround yourself with good people. Don't work at degenerate places and support them with your performance. It's what I did.
Here's some receipts re the Province - compare the % of caucasians in government versus the % of caucasians in the Province - and - yes the surveys cover two different time periods, but that makes my argument even stronger - as you say the % of caucasians has decreased year on year so it's surely under the 67% as measured in the 2011 census. But 74% of the Province's workforce was white in 2018. See my point?See the problem here is this - the best candidates for the job are not necessarily getting those jobs because of systemic bias (against minorities, women, etc) in hiring processes, as a result of which these equity policies were created to offset this bias. Are you saying that caucausians are not over-represented in government at every level - because this is simply not true, and especially not the case when it comes to management / leadership.
Edited to add: I know about the Province and the City so I'm referring to the make-up of those employees, I don't know enough about the Federal government.
Re TPS - look at page 6 here - - simply put minorities are underrepresented in the public sector because of discriminatory (not necessarily deliberate) hiring practices. Are you going to pivot to saying that the caucasian population is just more qualified in general? Well, this goes against your previous argument re Canada taking the cream of crop - immigrants who come here are generally more educated than the population on average. So why don't we see at least proportionate representation??Here's some receipts re the Province - compare the % of caucasians in government versus the % of caucasians in the Province - and - yes the surveys cover two different time periods, but that makes my argument even stronger - as you say the % of caucasians has decreased year on year so it's surely under the 67% as measured in the 2011 census. But 74% of the Province's workforce was white in 2018. See my point?
See the problem here is this - the best candidates for the job are not necessarily getting those jobs because of systemic bias (against minorities, women, etc) in hiring processes, as a result of which these equity policies were created to offset this bias. Are you saying that caucausians are not over-represented in government at every level - because this is simply not true, and especially not the case when it comes to management / leadership.
Edited to add: I know about the Province and the City so I'm referring to the make-up of those employees, I don't know enough about the Federal government.
Caucasians dominate RIGHT NOW.... As a side note you've linked stats related to the Federal government - but you're definitely right, women are overrepresented at all levels of government. However, minorities - racilized and indigenous folk - are underrepresented. No two ways about that.i do not have the stats but I believe not in Toronto. The original demographic makeup of the public sector was not due to bias it was due to demographics — up until the 80s Toronto was a majority white city by far And the public sector reflected that.
Fast forward 40 years and the makeup of the city and public sector has changed drastically. But the racist and sexist hiring policies of employment equity remain.
Overall in the federal public sector outside of Toronto (overall in Canada), women are now dominating (See attached img).
Again, whether or not Caucasians or men at some point dominated is besides the point. Racism and sexism will never be resolved with retargeted racism and sexism. Equality of opportunity should be key. The current employment equity system resolves so called imbalances by actively discriminating against new younger applicants.
So why don't we see at least proportionate representation??
Uhm when it is not happening naturally - due to biases that are inherent in the system (look up the 1000 odd studies on names and how they affect callbacks for interviews) - then you don't think we should work to make the system less biased?it is notoriously difficult to get fired in the public service ... some would say next to impossible. So overall there are indeed a lot of older white people in the process of graying out. The discrimination via employment equity is happening at the entry level of employment.
I actually agree that representation should be proportionate — but this should happen naturally based on hiring practices that focus on hiring the best candidate for the job, rather than racist and sexist employment equity mandates.
Uhm when it is not happening naturally - due to biases that are inherent in the system (look up the 1000 odd studies on names and how they affect callbacks for interviews) - then you don't think we should work to make the system less biased?
I'd totally be down for this.Make applications blind (name blanked out and gender not indicated). They will never do that though despite that it’s been suggested many times in the past. If anything we are moving towards a more information system (LinkedIn with full pictures) of hiring candidates.
You'll never get proportionate representation based on natural hiring because not all jobs or sectors are proportionately sought after per race.I actually agree that representation should be proportionate — but this should happen naturally based on hiring practices that focus on hiring the best candidate for the job, rather than racist and sexist employment equity mandates.