Did we define what free speech is, to begin with in the thread? And, also, "on the internet" is hard to say since it pertains to so many nations.
Sometimes, when we state that we need to defend free speech, it is actually about defending the laws regarding what free speech is. Free speech is heavily regulated in most nations.
True and utter free speach, speech, wth... which one is it?

Don't want to google. Anyway, has never existed. You are nowhere on the planet really free to speak freely about everything. Every country has laws against somethings.
Racistic remarks - are banned in most nations.
Support of Nazi's - is banned in most nations.
Paintings of certain religous people - is banned in alot of nations.
Pippi Longstocking - is banned in a suprising amount of nations (her dad).
Etc.. Are those good things to be banned? More than likely, if it is banned, there is a reason for it. Does those bans limit freedom of speach? Yes, most definetively yes. But, do we want all of those things to be allowed? Helll no. So, you need to think about what it is in your country to begin with, what is freedom of speech? (Think I got that one right?
