I'm listening to a podcast where the topic is (surprise suprise) PlayStations Live Service initiative. The host says "Sony really has to listen to their community when it comes to these games. You're community are your most die hard players so you have to make them happy or your game is toast." The two other co-hosts nod like brainless drones.
Everyone agrees this is complete BS right?
"Communities" are a fraction of 1% of the player base. Communities consist of the hardest of the hardcore. They're frequently toxic and spend all their time on the game they're complaining about. These people are insane.
I first learned about this when I joined the Fortnite subreddit back in late 2017. Two topics made me realize how unintelligent "communities" actually are.
Epic added SBMM and removed glider redeploy.
First, the subreddit didn't want SBMM when the skill gap was starting to become a problem. Every SBMM post was shot with downvotes and everyone ridiculing the OP.
The second was with glider redeploy and the rate of 3rd partying in the game. The community loved glider redeploy because it allowed high skill player to notch high kill games.
I hear this "listen to the community" sentiment everywhere and it sounds nice if you're not paying attention. Listening is a pro social buzzword, as is community. In reality, game communities are freaks and game developers should only listen to them using very specific parameters.
This is understood by NeoGAF yes?
(This is what Google gave me when I searched Game Community)
Everyone agrees this is complete BS right?
"Communities" are a fraction of 1% of the player base. Communities consist of the hardest of the hardcore. They're frequently toxic and spend all their time on the game they're complaining about. These people are insane.
I first learned about this when I joined the Fortnite subreddit back in late 2017. Two topics made me realize how unintelligent "communities" actually are.
Epic added SBMM and removed glider redeploy.
First, the subreddit didn't want SBMM when the skill gap was starting to become a problem. Every SBMM post was shot with downvotes and everyone ridiculing the OP.
The second was with glider redeploy and the rate of 3rd partying in the game. The community loved glider redeploy because it allowed high skill player to notch high kill games.
I hear this "listen to the community" sentiment everywhere and it sounds nice if you're not paying attention. Listening is a pro social buzzword, as is community. In reality, game communities are freaks and game developers should only listen to them using very specific parameters.
This is understood by NeoGAF yes?
(This is what Google gave me when I searched Game Community)

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