Jill Valentine
I don't see a thread of this but it was brought to my attention a few days ago, but now every outrage merchant on Youtube has jumped on it and this random ecchi anime has become immortalized. The Streisand effect.
An army of weebs has raised the profile of the series by rating it where possible. MAL being a pretty prominent website has been effectively the imdb of anime for a long time and fans of certain series have always skewed ratings or whatever popular show but I haven't seen anything like this before.
I want to explain the situation with a source but I'm trying to avoid lending traffic to the outrage merchants of Youtube and their morally wholesome opposition (Funi/ANN and the like).
"In our world, the human race constantly debates about several important issues, such as: which girl is the best girl? How good is something as fapping material? Which fetish is the sexiest?
Accompany these great warriors as they present us with different girls, different opinions, different boners, and show us that the fantasy world may not be all that different from ours. "
Translation of the title is Interspecies Reviewers. It's about brothels inhabited by humanoid creatures where our protagonists visit to give them a "review" and find the best one?
Funimation Statement on dropping their simuldub and streaming of the series;
Like most people I just enjoy watching the blowup against Funimation and their Sony overlords.
An army of weebs has raised the profile of the series by rating it where possible. MAL being a pretty prominent website has been effectively the imdb of anime for a long time and fans of certain series have always skewed ratings or whatever popular show but I haven't seen anything like this before.
I want to explain the situation with a source but I'm trying to avoid lending traffic to the outrage merchants of Youtube and their morally wholesome opposition (Funi/ANN and the like).

Ishuzoku Reviewers
Countless diverse races, from perky fairies to oozing slimes, inhabit the world. Naturally, such a melting pot of creatures has a broad and alluring variety of brothels. With so many options to choose from, it is hard to decide with which succu-girl to have a meaningful, interpersonal...
Accompany these great warriors as they present us with different girls, different opinions, different boners, and show us that the fantasy world may not be all that different from ours. "
Translation of the title is Interspecies Reviewers. It's about brothels inhabited by humanoid creatures where our protagonists visit to give them a "review" and find the best one?
Funimation Statement on dropping their simuldub and streaming of the series;
"After careful consideration, we determined that this series falls outside of our standards. We have the utmost respect for our creators so rather than substantially alter the content, we felt taking it down was the most respectful choice. "
Like most people I just enjoy watching the blowup against Funimation and their Sony overlords.