Is there even a defense force on GAF for these shitstains? If you can't even muster some bottom feeder here, you done goofed.
I haven't seen anyone speak out who is on the side of ISIS, but what I do see plenty of and what gets more and more ridiculous everyday with each new atrocity is the people who absolutely maintain that religion here isn't an issue. That it's clearly all political, tribal, societal, whatever. Such as...
People follow many other destructive ways beyond religion too.
This, to me, is equivalent to me saying "Cigarettes are addicting and bad for your health. I wish they would just disappear", and them saying " Cigarettes aren't the problem man. If they didn't exist people would just get addicted to something else that's unhealthy."
... So? Maybe yes, maybe no, who knows really. Even if it were verifiably true, don't you agree that it would be a good idea to not exacerbate the problem and have one less way out there for people to deteriorate their health? Or with the climate change deniers... regardless of whether it's actually happening or not, wouldn't it be a good idea to be more environmentally aware with how we treat the planet?
Each month the savageries of ISIS stack up higher, done in ways that correspond to a 1:1 reading of Islamic teachings and each month more facts come to light and more reporting is done on how these are indeed individuals motivated in a large part due to their dogmatic beliefs, such as:
Of course i'm not saying that the Islamic terror and ISIS situation is entirely due to religion. I know many different factors have converged to create what we see today, but to deny or play down the influence that Islamic dogmatism is having on these individuals is simply absurd. I'm an atheist and and I get the feeling that most here are at least non-religious. It's hard for me as I'm sure it is for many here to imagine that people actually believe this stuff so strongly that in their minds it justifies what they do, but that is the hard truth.
Being religiously influenced and justified puts this on a level above anything with "earthly" justifications and makes it that much more dangerous. That's because it comes down from the highest office imaginable. This is, in their minds, a task given to them and sanctioned by God. This is a divine mission for them, bigger than life and death... there is no greater sharpener of focus and maintainer of conviction than believing you are doing work for the creator of all things.