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It feels good to not have a library of 260+ games.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
Sold off nearly my whole collection (except the 16-bit stuff). It's all gone. All that's left are the good racing games, ICO, MGS2, Ape Escape 2, a few Square RPGs for PSX and PS2 and that's about it. I have about 15 or so games, down from over 260. It feels great. I no longer focus on gaming and have pretty much given up on it. Just felt like sharing, I guess. I kept all of my consoles just in case something comes along that really interests me. This has been something I saw happening two years ago, and just like that, it's over.

Feels great.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Why did you do it? Space? You don't have to focus on gaming to keep your collection, you can always take a look back. Or was it just moving on to other things?

Well at the very least I'm happy for you, seems like something you wanted to do. We all get to that point in our lives where we feel like just moving and getting on the the next step. I guess your games just couldn't come with you.

I stopped playing ALL video games from like 1996 until 1999. In 1999 I caught up on what I missed, but during that period I just stopped caring about games as much. My parent were getting divorced, we moved to Texas, and I was in home school briefly. Something in me just stopped caring about any video games, this was the point where I really started focusing on movies. After I beat Super Mario 64 life outside of video games just seemed more important.

Strangely enough my interest in video games came back when I returned to public school again...


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
Haven't been much of a gamer since 2002 probably. Writing about them, reviewing them, previewing them, and etc. just completely burned me out. I've probably beaten...5? 6? PS2 games I've owned (not including fighters). I beat FFX, MGS2, Ico, GT3, The Getaway, and ZOE2. I think that's it. I probably played 3 games more than half way, and the rest I barely played for more than an hour or two.

Burned out probably doesn't even begin to describe it.

Defensor: Yeah, some.


You could have had a rich library of games to pass on to your children, to hand down for generations to come. Now they and your grandkids will never get a chance to experience the magical titles that thrilled you as a young lad.

All thrown away for a whim and a few raggedy dollar bills.

Oh well... how much did you make on the whole collection sale?


Heh, cool. Hopefully you were able to make a pretty penny off them all. I've toned down my gaming habits drastically in the last year or so. There are only a handful of games I plan on purchasing this year and I feel good limiting myself to a minimum. I sold my PS2 and GC seeing as the Xbox sees the most playtime. That in itself cut down on my addiction of wanting to buy every single positively talked about game.

Burnouts really do suck and I hate the addiction of wanting every decent game. By limiting myself to one console, I'm able to save ALOT of money and still enjoy gaming - albeit with a more limited selection. Seems to be working so far though.


I've chilled out on gaming as well. I only buy the occasional 10 or 20 dollar title. You never realize how much money you're spending when you pop 50 dollars down for a game every two or so months... I probably would have 4 or 5 thousand in the bank or more if I had never started gaming. Over a 17 year span that is.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
kevm3 said:
I've chilled out on gaming as well. I only buy the occasional 10 or 20 dollar title. You never realize how much money you're spending when you pop 50 dollars down for a game every two or so months... I probably would have 4 or 5 thousand in the bank or more if I had never started gaming. Over a 17 year span that is.

Unless you are actually hurting for money, what good would that do?

Obviously, you must be wise with your money, but as long as you can afford it (ie - you are saving most of your money)...I see no problem.


I was burned out too, but I gave up on writing rather than playing. :p

And I've also realized that I don't need to buy every game I want as soon as it's released. Nowadays I mostly buy preplayed games, or wait till the price drops. There are too many games to play already...no need to be sucked into the "I need this game as soon as it's released!!" hype machine.


Kiriku said:
I was burned out too, but I gave up on writing rather than playing. :p

And I've also realized that I don't need to buy every game I want as soon as it's released. Nowadays I mostly buy preplayed games, or wait till the price drops. There are too many games to play already...no need to be sucked into the "I need this game as soon as it's released!!" hype machine.


Once I passed 400 games, I knew it was time to slow it up a bit. Thankfully, a lack of cash helped me do just that. :)

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Mr_Furious said:
You'll regret it

He got the vast majority of them for free anyhow, from what I understand, so selling them all off was just pure profit.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
Alphasnake said:
Haven't been much of a gamer since 2002 probably. Writing about them, reviewing them, previewing them, and etc. just completely burned me out. I've probably beaten...5? 6? PS2 games I've owned (not including fighters). I beat FFX, MGS2, Ico, GT3, The Getaway, and ZOE2. I think that's it. I probably played 3 games more than half way, and the rest I barely played for more than an hour or two.

where those the ones you reviewed?


I find that the older I get, trying to go for "completion" gets so much less interesting. I used to want every game ever, but I've started trading off the ones I don't really like and stuff. There are more than enough games I actually like to build a collection on. Haven't kept a single review copy but THUG and Transformers (<- 'cause I couldn't get rid of the fucking thing). They're awesome trade-in fodder.

I don't think Alpha will regret it at all. It sounds like he kept his favorites. Who ever regrets trading in or selling crap they didn't like?

Musashi Wins!

aku:jiki said:
I find that the older I get, trying to go for "completion" gets so much less interesting. I used to want every game ever, but I've started trading off the ones I don't really like and stuff. There are more than enough games I actually like to build a collection on. Haven't kept a single review copy but THUG and Transformers (<- 'cause I couldn't get rid of the fucking thing). They're awesome trade-in fodder.

I don't think Alpha will regret it at all. It sounds like he kept his favorites. Who ever regrets trading in or selling crap they didn't like?

I agree. I'm at the point where I only want to keep games I still play.


i dont play games anymore either, but i havent sold my ps2 or xbox...because i know, 10 years down the line, on some nostalgic night, i will get the urge to play panzer dragoon orta, and will miss it terribly if i didnt have it. so the consoles and games stay.


well, I'm on the same boat with Alphasnake, but never had the guts nor effort to do so. I have nearly 200 myself, but I don't know selling individually is my thing....

Alphasnake: How did you manage to sell them? did you sell them individually, or in bunches?

Anyhow, my idea of an good game has changed from the "possession" to "good playingtime memory". If I have a game that I enjoyed but hasn't touched past 2 years, I don't see anypoint of keeping it...



Kiriku said:
I was burned out too, but I gave up on writing rather than playing. :p

And I've also realized that I don't need to buy every game I want as soon as it's released.
So, so true.


How anyone could be tired of the best job of the world? :)

Seriously, great if you feel better. Life is about that afterall.
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