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It seems that Mega Man 11 is now the best-selling game in the franchise at 1.60 million copies sold.

https://www.capcom.co.jp/ir/english/business/million.html#tab4 51-70 tab.

Didn't realize this until I saw the latest Capcom interview, but it turns out Mega Man 2, which has held the best selling game of the franchise for some 30-31 years or so, has bee surpassed by Mega Man 11. Something I wasn't sure would happen given the mute conversations of the game some time after it's launch year.

This along with Resident Evil 5 being surpassed by RE7, SF2 being surpassed by SF5, Monster Hunter games being surpassed by World, and DMCV surpassing DMC4, to be the 5th game released the second half of last gen by Capcom to surpass the original record bearer.

It seems after the first-half of last gen where Capcom was struggling, people though they would kick the bucket, scandals and cancellations abound, and fans leaving unity boards and saying they denounced Capcom, the 2nd-half where they turned things around, started gaining back mindshare, putting out great games, and restructuring themselves had them release at least 5 new titles in major franchises that all sold more than the previous best in each series.

Dead Rising, Breath of Fire, and Lost Planet next?


I should really give this a proper go, I purchased it at launch, gave the first level a quick go and then never booted it up again.

I think I was probably burnt out after playing Megaman X1 & X2, I think dropped X3 mid way through.

Edit: 1.6 million for the highest selling MM title? I'm actually surprised to hear this tbh, I don't know anyone in real life, myself included that cares that much for Megaman.

(It always seems to be American YouTubers that highlight the series, but I honestly thought the IP was much more popular, especially with the amount of Megaman titles out there)
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Not many people know about megaman these days. That's why I said they gotta make more games
Megaman would be bliss as a ratchet & clank style 3rd person 3d shooter.
The 2020 Capcom leak (which was right in a lot of things, including Dragon's Dogma 2) had a Mega Man game listed, so there's still hope, at least. :)
really is sad how capcom dropped the ball with megaman. The premise of gaining new skills through killing bosses, getting armor upgrades, shooting and platforming would translate so well into 3d gaming today, especially versus something like sonic thats just about running fast.

MegaMan should be a premier IP still doing at least 3-5 million an entry
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I should really give this a proper go, I purchased it at launch, gave the first level a quick go and then never booted it up again.

I think I was probably burnt out after playing Megaman X1 & X2, I think dropped X3 mid way through.

Edit: 1.6 million for the highest selling MM title? I'm actually surprised to hear this tbh, I don't know anyone in real life, myself included that cares that much for Megaman.

(It always seems to be American YouTubers that highlight the series, but I honestly thought the IP was much more popular, especially with the amount of Megaman titles out there)

The amount of Mega Man titles eventually backfired and caused them to reduce releases, and then a almost 7 long break between Mega Man 11 and Mega Man 10 which was a cheap retrograde, the same as the game the previous release, Mega Man 9.

Mega Man has never really been a big series but it has a ton of games released throughout the 90s that Capcom was main some money off, or at least half of the games released then. Side-profit really as all the well-invested titles during the 90s failed to deliver. When game dev costs went up that wasn't sustainable in the late 2000s.

Mega Man 11 even with its fire sales being that high is impressive for the series though, since sales never got Mega Man games to sell that much more before. I guess in this case Mega Man 11 being released on more platforms than usual is probably what benefitted it.

I still thought the best selling Mega Man game would be around 3-4 million, I'm surprised to see it so low.

Best selling Mega Man was Mega Man 2 until recently, and I think that was 1.3 or 1.4 million. Never really had a game to reach higher and when Captom tried, especially for higher production games they failed. It seems releasing on many platforms and sales over the years paid off in having MM11 be the best selling main game, but it's still far from 2 million.

Yea that's what happens when you abandon your franchise for like 10 years

Oldskool Capcom would have had Megaman 12, 13, 14 and 15 announced by now

And they all would have sold 500k or less lol

Along with multiplatform release sand sales, longevity has also benefitted MM11. If it has a 3 year lifespan and they took it down I thin things would be different.

Capcom needs to find a way to reinvent Mega Man, not with another spin-off but with the gameplay and world like they did with MH, SF, RE, and DMC which all caused all 4 franchises to sell mainstream levels more than ever before.


Reverse groomer.
Capcom needs to find a way to reinvent Mega Man, not with another spin-off but with the gameplay and world like they did with MH, SF, RE, and DMC which all caused all 4 franchises to sell mainstream levels more than ever before.
They would have reinvented the gameplay formula by now if they made more titles
Yacht Club made the best Megaman game and it’s not even close. Unless Capcom can come up with something revolutionary, they’re in the same boat as Nintendo and 2D Metroid games.


°Temp. member
I’m a big Megaman fan but skipped this one due to the graphical style not looking so appealing, the music apparently not being anything special, and the difficulty being on the higher side I hear. Should I give this a try anyway since it’s currently on sale, or was I right to skip it? Someone convince me one way or the other.
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really is sad how capcom dropped the ball with megaman. The premise of gaining new skills through killing bosses, getting armor upgrades, shooting and platforming would translate so well into 3d gaming today, especially versus something like sonic thats just about running fast.

MegaMan should be a premier IP still doing at least 3-5 million an entry

They tried 3D a few times and they all flopped.

Why are you surprised that RE5 was surpassed by 7? 5 wasn‘t that great after all…

It was the best-selling Capcom game for many years. Monster Hunter World was the first to pass it iirc, which no one anticipated.
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Al Pachinko, Konami President
I’m a big Megaman fan but skipped this one due to the graphical style not looking so appealing, the music apparently not being anything special, and the difficulty being on the higher side I hear. Should I give this a try anyway since it’s currently on sale, or was I right to skip it? Someone convince me one way or the other.

How you a fan and not supporting MM and Capcom. Buy it now !


Well deserved. Honestly, what seems to be (mostly) holding back Megaman of doing bigger numbers is a bigger budget(to make the game longer and prettier) but most of all, the lack of courage to innovate with the formula. Sure some spin offs do things differently, but its the main series that need to break from the mold.

Why its always only 8 robot masters? Why not try a metroidvania structure for the next X game? Why not give a more modular approach to upgrades(Have Chips that custom your moves and upgrade your stats, making a risk/reward system, something not much different than what Hollow Knight does), etc.

Capcom really need to try something different with Megaman, but that at the same time it respects what Megaman is at its core.The cancelled X game that was like Metroid Prime had the right idea, just the wrong execution(Why make it realistic? Why make a robot looking X? And why give him fucking guns instead of his buster?)
Not many people know about megaman these days. That's why I said they gotta make more games
Megaman would be bliss as a ratchet & clank style 3rd person 3d shooter.
This. I always thought Sony would buy Capcom and exploit Megaman. Toys, a Show, heck maybe a movie by Sony Animation. But best of all a game by Team Asobi.

Instead they keep investing in shitty nonsensical Resident Evil movies.
It is strange to see Mega Man sales so low when it was one of those ubiquitous IPs during the 8 and 16bit eras, to where it got a tv show. Then again gaming was a lot smaller back then and it was a time where everyone was frequently renting and borrowing each others stuff too.


Parody of actual AJUMP23
Mega man is awesome and I wish it sold more. But when you sell so few copies compared to monster hunter I can see why they focus on it.

I don’t care about monster hunter but I like mega man.
It is strange to see Mega Man sales so low when it was one of those ubiquitous IPs during the 8 and 16bit eras, to where it got a tv show. Then again gaming was a lot smaller back then and it was a time where everyone was frequently renting and borrowing each others stuff too.

Honestly gaming wise Mega Man was never big, but you could more easily spread mindshare about things back then even if the sales weren't high, Bubsy 1 sold well and had a TV show cancelled because of the audience reception and interest of the character, Mega Man was selling peanuts by the time they were considering the American TV show, and it was highly rates, well sought out even now and got two seasons and was only cancelled because of the cost of production not ratings.

I think what really hurt the series momentum starting with Mega Man X1 on the SNES when they started adding more depth and putting more budget in Mega Man titles, was splitting the franchise up into 7 different series which started to become a problem with the PSX.

At that point it wasn't just that you were dividing a base that was already being slow to grow, but it caused another problem were attaching the brand name to an unrelated different product impacted sales to.

I honestly believe that Mega Man Legends and Mega Man Battle Network (especially in japan for the later) would have sold much more if they were new original capcom ips instead of trying to incorporate the Mega Man branding into them.

Instead, we got 7 different series with Mega Man in them, two having no relation to the base character at all (Zero and ZX) and then things imploded at some point So in the last 12 years we have has outside some MTX mobile games, one major Mega Man release in any series, and some collections.

Capcom definitely seems to have realized they made a mistake rapid releasing several titles diluting the brand, and seem to be more cautious releasing fewer things and testing the waters. They are currently working on multiple projects for mobile and consoles, I suspect though the consoles stuff will be released sporadically, so the franchise can grow.
This. I always thought Sony would buy Capcom and exploit Megaman. Toys, a Show, heck maybe a movie by Sony Animation. But best of all a game by Team Asobi.

Instead they keep investing in shitty nonsensical Resident Evil movies.

That make mad bank, the original RE movies were all pretty terrible and yet were busting boxes like no ones business. Capcom doesn't care about the consistent with the movies quality they want the money, and RE always brings in the money for some reason.

Capcom did do a more recent Mega Man show since the 90s, or that Anime from the 2000s, it released on Cartoon Network I think and the trailer for it made everyone freak out so I'm guessing that failed, but looking it up it had a lot of episodes so maybe it did okish.


I always thought Mega Man would have crossed over to 3D by now. It feels like a series that should suit that transition well.


One of the green rats
I had alot of fun with it. I was just thinking the other day about why it didn’t spawn a 12


That is surprisingly low for Mega Man.

I never expect those games to do Resident Evil or Monster Hunter numbers, but for such an iconic character I'd expect Mega Man games to have more appeal.


I would think Megaman sold much more than that but its different times.. old school games never sold that much compared to now on a single system save for a few outliers and pack ins. Megaman also became very niche after X1 basically. On PS1 the X games were launched at budget prices in Europe, and I don't think they set the charts on fire.

MM11 is perhaps the easiest MM once you buy the slow mo upgrades etc. Its def. much more easy than 9 and 10 which rely completely on memorization.


Tears in the rain
I would think Megaman sold much more than that but its different times.. old school games never sold that much compared to now on a single system save for a few outliers and pack ins. Megaman also became very niche after X1 basically. On PS1 the X games were launched at budget prices in Europe, and I don't think they set the charts on fire.

MM11 is perhaps the easiest MM once you buy the slow mo upgrades etc. Its def. much more easy than 9 and 10 which rely completely on memorization.
MM9 IMO is one of the hardest because it has total dick move parts that you can't really see coming (I'm looking at you Splash Woman stage) but 10 was fair but fairly difficult. 11 is...not easy but it's not Bloodborne you know? Acid Man stage makes my toes curl though. Those spikes...yeah.
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Reverse groomer.
That would suit Megaman Legends 3, but keep the style of Legends
IMO megaman legends in general feels slow and oddly clunky, i wish they were remade by a studio like insomniac (or even capcom themselves, if resident evil proves anything it's that 3rd person gameplay is one of their biggest strengths)

there's no twin stick aiming nor analog movement, you use the shoulder buttons to move the camera around and the level design in the dungeons is very limited and kind of mid overall, not nearly as interesting as the complex and challenging level design of main series, X and zero. The shooting doesn't have much impact to it as opposed to something like Ratchet and Clank 2 and overall the game is just not it, it feels dated and boring. Not to mention the music is fucking boring which is a sin since you're not supposed to have a Megaman game with bad music. Maybe the story's good but fuck i'm not sticking around to try it some more, i dropped it after trying to get into it twice

They should remake the first 2 with modern controls and take heavy inspiration from Ratchet & Clank, THEN go ahead and make a MM legends 3 based off of the design changes of the remakes.
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IMO megaman legends in general feels slow and oddly clunky, i wish they were remade by a studio like insomniac (or even capcom themselves, if resident evil proves anything it's that 3rd person gameplay is one of their biggest strengths)

there's no twin stick aiming nor analog movement, you use the shoulder buttons to move the camera around and the level design in the dungeons is very limited and kind of mid overall, not nearly as interesting as the complex and challenging level design of main series, X and zero. The shooting doesn't have much impact to it as opposed to something like Ratchet and Clank 2 and overall the game is just not it, it feels dated and boring. Maybe the story's good but fuck i'm not sticking around to try it some more, i dropped it after trying to get into it twice

They should remake the first 2 with modern controls and take heavy inspiration from Ratchet & Clank, THEN go ahead and make a MM legends 3 based off of the design changes of the remakes.

Of course with modern controls and gameplay. Not total old school because that game had alot of issues but still was pretty cool


I completed it a few nights ago, first MM game I've ever done so with. Really nice relaxing game and as mentioned up the page, the gear system makes it a pretty easy, certainly compared to the more sadistic entries in the series

I lost track years ago, any MM recommendations similar to 11?
Looks like Eddie finally retired.

Poor Eddie.

IMO megaman legends in general feels slow and oddly clunky, i wish they were remade by a studio like insomniac (or even capcom themselves, if resident evil proves anything it's that 3rd person gameplay is one of their biggest strengths)

there's no twin stick aiming nor analog movement, you use the shoulder buttons to move the camera around and the level design in the dungeons is very limited and kind of mid overall, not nearly as interesting as the complex and challenging level design of main series, X and zero. The shooting doesn't have much impact to it as opposed to something like Ratchet and Clank 2 and overall the game is just not it, it feels dated and boring. Not to mention the music is fucking boring which is a sin since you're not supposed to have a Megaman game with bad music. Maybe the story's good but fuck i'm not sticking around to try it some more, i dropped it after trying to get into it twice

They should remake the first 2 with modern controls and take heavy inspiration from Ratchet & Clank, THEN go ahead and make a MM legends 3 based off of the design changes of the remakes.

The 2nd Legends has analog control. Also the PSP version of Legends 1 iirc.

Megaman also became very niche after X1 basically.

You're forgetting Battle Network.

On PS1 the X games were launched at budget prices in Europe,

Not in the US, but the X series was basically what was holding the franchise together on consoles across PS1-PS2/GC/XBX and when that fell apart it happened at the same time the handheld megaman series were dying.
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