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It was inevitable... FRIDAY NIGHT DRUNK THREAD

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I picked this up out of the new dank beer room at the local liquor store.


How topical! And it packs a punch at 8.9%. Tasty as all get out, too.

Now GAFERS, I command you to drown your sorrows and happiness alike in a raging sea of fermented beverages of pleasure! Do my bidding!


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
If only I was 3 years older, then I could legally get drunk and post. :(

I promised myself I wouldn't do anymore underage drinking, I was starting to develop a problem during my junior year of high school. Last drink I had was during Spring Break, it was awesome because we didn't get carded at any pubs and just boozed it up.

I've always wanted one of those dark foamy beers, I bet they taste soo good.


goddamit, Griese!
BuddyChrist83 said:
I think I have two bottles of Newcastle left. Goatfuckers from the party last week stole all my vodka.

Dude that is shady as hell. Stealing alcohol is the ultimate sin.

I told myself I wasn't gonna drink for a month(and I even posted about it), but a week is good enough. Bottoms up.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
I haven't been drunk in over three weeks (3 weeks last monday actually). I'll probably be getting drunk sunday night though. Oh yeah, I bought a bottle of Napasaki sake today.


This stuff is great.



Lemme tell ya, six bottles of Ol' Rasputin is nearly as toxic as the ol' poster Rasputin hisself.

I'm gonna eat some chips and go shoot some pool and throw some darts in a public institution in a hot minute here. You fuckers drink on! That's an order!


WOOT drunk, some people from my work were out tonight, they were like "eeeh we heard you were gay from people" I was like "eh no, i'm with my girlfriend" - I got one of my girl chums to pretend she was my girlfriend, felt the titties, kissed her, etc. I hope they got the message!

/vodka breath


Just got back from SOHO Lounge in the Design District. Pretty interesting place. Young crowd, probably 18-25 or so. I didn't drink much, was there to hang with a coworker. Had a couple Bud Lite bottles, and had a couple shots of Johnny Walker Black Label (only the good stuff :D ) before I left. Oh...and the before tokage of course. :D Time for the after tokage and some sleep. Unlike you bums, I have to be up early in the morning...for F1 qualifying. It's a painful obsession, but my weekends are routinely cut short. :(

Anyway, it was kinda cool tonight. It's VMA weekend here in Miami, and everyone's pretty much flooding the clubs. So my friend says she doesn't want to celebrity watch and picks SOHO, which is supposed to be kinda underground. Turns out some members of the Yeah Yeah Yeahs were there. The lead singer and a guitarist, and someone else. I didn't know what they looked like, but thought it was cool that even the underground places are drawing celebs. :) Other than that, a pretty boring night. Either I wasn't drunk enough, or just out of it, but I didn't do shit tonight. Just sat around, chatted a bit and then left. Kind of a waste, there was some decent ass there. But I felt like a fish out of water. PEACE.


Just got back to my room took about 8 large shots of Jack and 10 large shots of Jose. Along with about 7 beers im pretty tore up and i think i did something with a chick that may or may not be good in the wrong run . Ohh well its been like this every night of college thus far.

aoi tsuki

Atrex said:
Just got back to my room took about 8 large shots of Jack and 10 large shots of Jose. Along with about 7 beers im pretty tore up and i think i did something with a chick that may or may not be good in the wrong run . Ohh well its been like this every night of college thus far.
roleleyes no way i'm way druner thna you.
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