Shamelessly grabbed from Wikipedia:
The first results will come in in half an hour (11PM local time). Renzi (Democratic Party) has staked his Premiership on a YES vote, while all the other major parties, including Silvio Berlusconi's Forza Italia, the anti-immigrant Lega Nord, and comedian-led Movimento 5 Stelle have campaigned for a NO vote.
The polls have shown a significant lead for NO, and a defeat for Renzi could mean further political turmoil in the Eurozone, of which Italy is the third-largest economy.
This is the question on the ballot:
And here is the turnout map at 7pm:
A constitutional referendum is being held in Italy on Sunday 4 December 2016. Voters are being asked whether they approve a constitutional law that amends the Italian Constitution to reform the composition and powers of the Parliament of Italy, as well as the division of powers between the State, the Regions, and administrative entities.
The bill, put forward by the Prime Minister, Matteo Renzi, and his centre-left Democratic Party, was first introduced by the government in the Senate on 8 April 2014.
Should the voters approve the constitutional law, it would achieve the most extensive constitutional reform in Italy since the end of the monarchy, not only influencing the organization of the Parliament, but also improving, according to its proponents, on the poor government stability of the country. Opposition parties have harshly criticised the bill, claiming that it is poorly written and that it will make the government too powerful.
The first results will come in in half an hour (11PM local time). Renzi (Democratic Party) has staked his Premiership on a YES vote, while all the other major parties, including Silvio Berlusconi's Forza Italia, the anti-immigrant Lega Nord, and comedian-led Movimento 5 Stelle have campaigned for a NO vote.
The polls have shown a significant lead for NO, and a defeat for Renzi could mean further political turmoil in the Eurozone, of which Italy is the third-largest economy.
This is the question on the ballot:

And here is the turnout map at 7pm: