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Its 3am, and I'm lonely and pessimistic with my GameCube


I'm not sure what to title this thread. It's pointless for most of you to even read it.

Anybody else fall into this category:
I only own a Gamecube
I wish I could play GTA-San Andreas
I wish I were in on the Halo2 hysteria
I'm thinking about buying a DS only because its cheap and new
I'm thinking about buying the new GoldenEye because of how it *might* remind me of good ole days
I can't buy a PS2 or XBOX because I feel its just a waste of money because new systems right around the bend

I miss SEGA's NHL2K series
I miss the only racing game I liked in the Burnout series

The only thing that could save me is a Mario meets Sonic killer app.

Nintendo's "touch" might not be enough for me next generation. Being out of the mainstream crowd is making me lonely. The ps3 might be in my future...how could I let the evil empire win.... am I balding....am I going to live another day...do I look funny in glasses....


I felt that way mostly because of Halo 2 (I bought an Xbox and modded it a couple days ago).

Really though, there have been loads of hot releases for the 'Cube, namely Pikmin 2 and Paper Mario, and Metroid is almost here too.


Sell your GC and get an Xbox and live (you get better value for your $$$, no memory ard, no multitap needed, better graphics etc), and there are lots of games that are around $20 that you can buy. Halo 2 online multiplayer experience is truly unmatched in terms of matchmaking and features (even on PC).


This is Nintendo? What do you mean? What IS Nintendo?

Does anyone really think the Revolution is going to live up to its name? Or is that sarcasm? (bedtime for now, but i'll be back in the morning! hot cocoa in hand!)
By trading in your Gamecube you should be able to buy a Greatest Hits game for the PS2 which you'll buy instead of the DS. The smaller PS2 is cheap and new too :D
Buying another system isn't a waste of money. Actually, now is a perfect time since the systems are cheap, and have a lot of awesome 20 dollar games. The gamecube was the only home console I owned this gen, although I also had a gba and pc and played my brothers xbox extensively when I lived at home. I just recently picked up a new xbox, with counter strike, rallisport challenge, and halo 2, and that came out to what... 240 bucks? Worth it man, no one can survive on cube alone.


san andreas is a system seller. let it sell you on a system.

halo 2 is worthless if you don't want to spend your life shooting things on a pay service.


Fatalah said:
This is Nintendo? What do you mean? What IS Nintendo?

Does anyone really think the Revolution is going to live up to its name? Or is that sarcasm? (bedtime for now, but i'll be back in the morning! hot cocoa in hand!)

seriously, i see no reason to stick with Nintendo unless you're a fanboy who's prepared to go down with the ship. the Revolution may have some promise in it, but just because that's coming in 18 or so months time doesn't mean you have to stay Nintendo-exclusive for the time being.

i mean, what has Nintendo done for you to keep you devoted to owning their system exclusively? like someone else has suggested, i'd say use the money you were going to spend on the DS to get a PS2 or Xbox (in conjunction to selling your GC, maybe)... it doesn't look like you're really interested in the DS for what it has to offer anyway.


Fatalah said:
I'm thinking about buying a DS only because its cheap and new

If you looked at hookers the same way...that would be hilarious. PLease make my day and tell me that you do.


Get an Xbox and mod it, I swear it's the greatest thing that's ever happened to me. I can't believe I once wanted to get a PS2 over it.

Unmodded, I dunno which would be better though.

And yeah I agree Halo 2 is a wee bit overhyped, but that's probably because I've been playing more singleplayer than multi...


Fatalah said:
I'm not sure what to title this thread. It's pointless for most of you to even read it.

Anybody else fall into this category:
I only own a Gamecube
I wish I could play GTA-San Andreas
I wish I were in on the Halo2 hysteria
I'm thinking about buying a DS only because its cheap and new
I'm thinking about buying the new GoldenEye because of how it *might* remind me of good ole days
I can't buy a PS2 or XBOX because I feel its just a waste of money because new systems right around the bend

I miss SEGA's NHL2K series
I miss the only racing game I liked in the Burnout series

The only thing that could save me is a Mario meets Sonic killer app.

Nintendo's "touch" might not be enough for me next generation. Being out of the mainstream crowd is making me lonely. The ps3 might be in my future...how could I let the evil empire win.... am I balding....am I going to live another day...do I look funny in glasses....

Jesus H. Christ, man. It's a freaking piece of electronics. Why don't you open your eyes and see all the other stuff that the world can offer you and not obsess so much over an electrical appliance. I mean I know this is a videogame forum and all but just because your favored sytem of choice is not doing so well doesn't mean your life is over. Ugh. It's schools of thinking like this that create the sheepish "fanboy" mentality and all the crap that goes along with it.


Hournda said:
Jesus H. Christ, man. It's a freaking piece of electronics. Why don't you open your eyes and see all the other stuff that the world can offer you and not obsess so much over an electrical appliance. I mean I know this is a videogame forum and all but just because your favored sytem of choice is not doing so well doesn't mean your life is over. Ugh. It's schools of thinking like this that create the sheepish "fanboy" mentality and all the crap that goes along with it.



NeoGaf-Gold™ Member
I dunno, its 3:40 am and I just got done playing a long Halo 2 online match with GAF members having a fucking great time.


Hournda said:
Jesus H. Christ, man. It's a freaking piece of electronics. Why don't you open your eyes and see all the other stuff that the world can offer you and not obsess so much over an electrical appliance. I mean I know this is a videogame forum and all but just because your favored sytem of choice is not doing so well doesn't mean your life is over. Ugh. It's schools of thinking like this that create the sheepish "fanboy" mentality and all the crap that goes along with it.


If you already have a decent PC, get a PS2, and keep your Gamecube. The notion of selling one system to get another is fucking stupid.

Various Xbox/PS2 fanboys rallying Gamecube owners to sell their Cube's is equally annoying, Each system can stand on the merrits of its own strengths, PS2 for the best Japanese 3rd party support, Gamecube for the awesome Nintendo first-party titles, and Xbox for Live and the occasional but AAA Western developed game.

I personally love the vast first-party Nintendo titles, but I don't restrict myself to a Nintendo platform because of that love.


I wouldn't be that upset. San Andreas looks like shit and plays like every other GTA (except with more mini games!) and Halo 2 is just a rehash of the first game with a shittier ending. So wait for Prime 2 and play some Animal Crossing or something in the meantime.


I think anyone that only owns a Gamecube is fucking mad. You're either a Nintendo fan that's hard up for cash or you shouldn't be able to call yourself a lover of videogames. No doubt, no doubt.

Then again I NEED my Gamecube for some games just like I need my PS2 for others.

I'm in a scenario where I've got two consoles that I love with one that I'm on the brink of buying, but instead admire for a couple reasons from afar.


lockii said:

If you already have a decent PC, get a PS2, and keep your Gamecube. The notion of selling one system to get another is fucking stupid.

that was only suggested because he said he feels like he's wasting money on buying systems now, when the next-gen will be around soon.

i personally would not sell my GC to buy another system - it does have many great games... but being a GC-only owner nowadays seems silly if you play games often... though some people may not agree, and its probably fine still if you're just a casual gamer, i guess.


Mason said:
I wouldn't be that upset. San Andreas looks like shit and plays like every other GTA (except with more mini games!) and Halo 2 is just a rehash of the first game with a shittier ending. So wait for Prime 2 and play some Animal Crossing or something in the meantime.

Animal Crossing is boring as fucking hell. Why garden or make house payments in real life when you can do it on Gamecube running in glorious 1 generation Nintendo 64 graphics. I honestly have no idea. THe mass appeal is to great. I would most definatly not rather be blowing shit aliens up in Halo 2 or playing online with other GAFers in intense Deathamatches.


paul777 said:
Man, fuck Halo 2. Half-Life 2 is right around the corner. If you have an average PC, you can play it.

Your avatar gives you a sense of fair opinion!

...But yeah, Half-Life 2 will own Halo 2.


Fatalah said:
I'm not sure what to title this thread. It's pointless for most of you to even read it.

Anybody else fall into this category:
I only own a Gamecube
I wish I could play GTA-San Andreas
I wish I were in on the Halo2 hysteria
I'm thinking about buying a DS only because its cheap and new
I'm thinking about buying the new GoldenEye because of how it *might* remind me of good ole days
I can't buy a PS2 or XBOX because I feel its just a waste of money because new systems right around the bend

The real waste of money would probably be to buy a next gen system at launch, or a DS just cause is new.

Buy an used Xbox or PS2 for a lower price than a new DS.

Forget about GTA, Halo 2, hyped games, Nintendo, brand loyalty.

Play what YOU like out of the big PS2 library, or the Xbox emulated library, even if is an unknown title.


I have all 3 systems and I honestly cannot remember the last time I touched my GC. The last game I bought for my Cube is...........is..................is.............Viewtiful Joe........yeah that's it. Man it has been way too dry on the Cube.........


ElyrionX said:
I have all 3 systems and I honestly cannot remember the last time I touched my GC. The last game I bought for my Cube is...........is..................is.............Viewtiful Joe........yeah that's it. Man it has been way too dry on the Cube.........

I think the same could be said about any system, it all depends on your apetite.


ElyrionX said:
I have all 3 systems and I honestly cannot remember the last time I touched my GC. The last game I bought for my Cube is...........is..................is.............Viewtiful Joe........yeah that's it. Man it has been way too dry on the Cube.........
It's been dry, but something like that has as much to do with your particular taste/inclinations than the library. In my mind, there have been several great GC games this year.

J2 Cool

Sell the gamecube and its games and grab a shiny new PSTwo





then a memory card


but most importantly


and don't forget MGS3 on Tuesday




J2 Cool said:
Sell the gamecube and its games and grab a shiny new PSTwo

That's what I'm doing, apart from the fact that I'm not selling the Gamecube. I'd probably have to buy one again once RE4, MP2, Starfox and the new Zelda are here. As for DS, I wouldn't go near it until Advance Wars DS is released.


Mason said:
I wouldn't be that upset. San Andreas looks like shit and plays like every other GTA (except with more mini games!) and Halo 2 is just a rehash of the first game with a shittier ending. So wait for Prime 2 and play some Animal Crossing or something in the meantime.

Although IAWTP I wouldn't stand this gen only with GC. The console is simply not enough but you need it for the AAA titles. So I would recommend not to sell it and wait till you have enough money to buy a PS2.

J2 Cool

yeah, actually that was the evil in me telling you to sell it. Get a job or sell actual useless shit. I can't bring myself to sell games or systems actually. You'll never get a library selling 3 old games for one new one and once the new becomes old you'll regret it.


It is 11am and I've not enough time this month to play Paper Mario, Metroid 2, Pikmin 2, Donkey Konga, POP2

Should I sell my ps2 ??


Yeah it must really suck for those Gamecube only owners, I mean in the past month, 5 great games come out with Viewtiful Joe 2 and Metroid Prime 2 coming out next week, those poor bastards. I mean who the hell wants to play great games, I say get those fun games out of our systems and lets play some crap.


GC & a good PC seems to be an excellent combo for me. I have definately been leaning towards the PC over the past year though.


My GC is wayyy under-utilised (Own a ps2 as well). The last time I touched my set has to be around 6/7 months ago,when FF:CC was released.


GAF's Bob Woodward
Don't sell any of your systems, but do buy another home console. It's not too late. $250 spent now on an xbox + halo2 + a selection of $20 is money well spent if it gives you 12 months of entertainment and expands your gaming pallette. If you want you want to consider yourself as knowledgeable and aware of the state of the art going into the next generation of systems, holding yourself to one system, especially GC, won't give you a fair idea of what this generation had to offer as a larger whole. The GC is a great system, but I think you need to complement with one of the others.

$200-250. Save save save, but don't sell. You'll regret selling a system you have enjoyed, and the GC does offer some future must-have titles on the way (RE4, Zelda in particular).


Docpan said:
Anyone who owns only a Gamecube is fucked no matter how you look at it.

Not necessarily. Granted I own a PS2, but I have 26 Gamecube games compared to only 10 PS2 titles. I could easily live with just having a GC, as I can name another 30 games that I plan on buying, and that doesn't include any upcoming games.
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