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Its 3am, and I'm lonely and pessimistic with my GameCube


Anybody else fall into this category:
I only own a Gamecube
I wish I could play GTA-San Andreas
I wish I were in on the Halo2 hysteria
I'm thinking about buying a DS only because its cheap and new
I'm thinking about buying the new GoldenEye because of how it *might* remind me of good ole days
I can't buy a PS2 or XBOX because I feel its just a waste of money because new systems right around the bend

I miss SEGA's NHL2K series
I miss the only racing game I liked in the Burnout series

- Check
- At times
- Not really
- Check
- Negative
- Negative: I'm not buying a PS2 Or XBOX because I have better things to spend my money on at this point. Once the next generation systems come out then I'll pick up a PS2 and Xbox. It's much easier to follow gaming when I'm always one generation behind. That way I'm also not go to be pressured by hype/critics and the nonsense that goes on in this forum. Plus everything is mad cheap.


I for one wont sell my cube since I happen to enjoy the games on it. PS2 is my main choice of RPGs, and PC brings me my fps fix. When RE4 arrive I guess alot people will pick up a cube again unless they want to wait 10 months.
If I played videogames more than twice a week, I'd probably feel the same as the topic starter. Since I don't, I'm satisfied with my Cube for now. I would really like those Silent Hill games though, and Halo 2.


haven't bought a cube game in a long time, not since I think BG&E at $20 (boy was it worth it, seriously). I play more gba games on it with the gameboy player than anything else on it, but that was a good investment of my cash because I traded in some games I'll never ever play again and got it for like $2. I've got a feeling it's going to wind up like the n64 for me: I won't really enjoy it until after it's "dead" because then I'll be able to get all the best games on it cheaply. although so far most of the big name titles have disappointed me compared to their n64 counterparts (the only exceptions being WW vs OOT and f-zero gx vs f-zero x).


What is important to you?

Nintendo has excellent first party offerings, but you have to wait some amount of time between quality titles. But you can almost guarantee that the qualities of the titles you waited for will be vast. Pikmin 2, Paper Mario 2 and the coming Metroid Prime 2 are all reasons to keep your Gamecube if you haven't played those. Zelda is coming down the line, as is Fire Emblem (GC).

PS2 is the place to go for incredible third party support. There's niche titles around every bend, and unlike GC... you won't have to wait months between quality titles. We got great games damn near every day this Fall. If third party support is what you desire, there's nothing that competes with PS2. Disgaea, Phantom Brave, Shin Megami Tensei, Ace Combat 5, Katamari Damacy, MGS3, Devil May Cry 3 and GTA:SA are only the tip of the iceberg of the quality titles that have been released or are coming down the pipeline. And let's not forget that Sony's first/second party developers are improving with every passing game - God of War, Gran Turismo 4, Jak III/Ratchet and Clank III, Sly Cooper 2, ICO, Wanda and Collossus(sp) and many more coming down the pipe line top off what is already an excellent PS2 third party game collection. You have much to anticipate.

An Xbox is the choice for your console online gaming. It also has the best possibilities for moding, as is accurately explained in this thread. If you're into moding things and have some extra money to spend to do so, you can't really go wrong. Additionally, while the AAA titles aren't even near as vast as what you can get on other systems, there still are many to like. Halo 2 is just the most recent. There's Full Spectrum Warrior, KOTOR 2, Chronicles of Riddick, Ninja Gaiden, Panzer Dragoon Orta, Crimson Skies, Jade Empire, Fable and many more worth anticipating down the road. It's also the most powerful system hardware wise, so if you're a graphics whore you can't go wrong.

This is my opinion! That is all
I can't buy a PS2 or XBOX because I feel its just a waste of money because new systems right around the bend

PS3 won't be out for another two years. That's hardly right around the bend. Quit being a cheap bastard and buy a PS2. But don't sell your Gamecube. It's a good system, just not good as your only console.


Why do people seem to get so emotional over this kind of thing? A new system costs, what, $150? If you really want one, buy one. You don't even have to sell your Cube. I only have a Cube and a GBA, and I'm perfectly content with them, but you can bet that if I really wanted to play a game on the Xbox or Ps2, I'd buy one. If it's too much money for you then look into Cube games you missed along the way and get one of the other systems when the prices drop further.


Docpan said:
Anyone who owns only a Gamecube is fucked no matter how you look at it.
And it's been like that for almost the entire generation. Way too many 3 month long dead spots in the release schedule.
rawk said:
Why do people seem to get so emotional over this kind of thing? A new system costs, what, $150? If you really want one, buy one. You don't even have to sell your Cube. I only have a Cube and a GBA, and I'm perfectly content with them, but you can bet that if I really wanted to play a game on the Xbox or Ps2, I'd buy one. If it's too much money for you then look into Cube games you missed along the way and get one of the other systems when the prices drop further.

Well, you know, it's not better if you buy a new console and don't play it after 2 months.


I own all three and the one I have played the least is my PS2. I think the last time I touched it was last August to play Onimusha 2. =/ I'll be playing it once again this week for MGS3 but if you own a XBOX you're better off in all ways. I bought a GC for Nintendo's first party games and lately there haven't been many to get excited over besides MP2. I don't care about Pikmin at all and while Paper Mario is cool, it is not on the same level as a Zelda, SSBM, or F-Zero. It's crazy how I thought MS was going to fail and yet years later it's my favorite console this gen.
What's funny is that the games he says he wants to play are mostly on the Xbox and better in terms of graphics / audio.

ESPN series, Burnout 3, etc. And everyone is telling him to buy a PS2 ahah. Sony is the master.
Go back and try games you didn't try on the GameCube yet, maybe? Metal Arms? [insert SSX/Tony Hawk game here]? BG and E? There's got to be games that you haven't played yet; it only takes one good game to get you going again.


I don't understand how people are not satisfied with any console this generation -- GameCube included. There are games out to satisfy every taste on all three. Sure, one might have more than others, but they still exist. And just because third-party games don't sell well on GameCube doesn't mean they don't exist. It seems like people just need to do a little more research as to what's out there instead of listening to fanboys here and the horribly uninformed employees at retail stores.


CrimsonSkies said:
What's funny is that the games he says he wants to play are mostly on the Xbox and better in terms of graphics / audio.

ESPN series, Burnout 3, etc. And everyone is telling him to buy a PS2 ahah. Sony is the master.

He THINKS he wants to play Xbox games, just has he THOUGHT he would like Nintendo ones.

He must outgrow both these delusional pleasures to pursue the path to enlightment, leading to the true gaming nirvana of the PS2.

.... I'm afraid one of these days a thunder will fall on me :p
I almost never play videogames and I'm very happy with my GC. Also, I'm the only one I know with one. I never understood the jealousy cubers get over other systems. Surely everyone you know owns a damn PS2, right? I'm not the kind of person to ever play games to the point of completion, yet alone twice. I'm glad I don't own the game now that I'm sick of it.

Whateva. I'm not buying a console game till RE4 anyways. Owning a GC is good for being broke.


I tried the whole "only own a GameCube" thing for about two months because it was the cheapest console. That didn't work out too well, so I bought a PlayStation 2 about two months after my GameCube.

A lot of people say that GameCube started out okay but fell apart. I honestly never saw it as a great system, even at launch. It certainly didn't have any killer apps; everything was just "decent." The main reason I wanted one was because I thought, by 2003 or so at least, I'd be playing at least one ground-breaking Mario and Zelda game. So for me, it was more of a "I hope it gets better" system, and it didn't.

Ranger X

You wanna make the more out of your money? look:

1- Sell or trade your Cube and it's games
2- Buy the new Ps2.

I mean, you still have 2 years ahead man with the PS2. Next year it's going to be really strong again and alot of games will still come out.
And why buy a Ps2? --- biggest library of games = you make the most out of your money.
Think about it, more than 1000 games, 2 years (at least) of new releases ahead of you and also you could play your San Andreas right now. (and almost this game alone is worth buying the PS2, especially if you like GTA series)


wazoo said:
It is 11am and I've not enough time this month to play Paper Mario, Metroid 2, Pikmin 2, Donkey Konga, POP2

Should I sell my ps2 ??

yea this is what i'm thinking. i bought gta:sa but i've just been playing paper mario 2, pikmin and mario tennis. the only thing keeping the ps2 now is wanda. but that's so far away.


Time ta STEP IT UP
I would never buy a PS2... Xbox is a possiblitly but it won't happen. Every game out for the Xbox that I want is/will be out for the PC, and I have a nice rig so why bother?


I can't say that I'm satisfied with the Cube software situation,at all.

Sony and Micrsoft are the ones that get my deserved money nowdays. End of story.


Running off of Custom Firmware
I'm so HAPPY we're doing this thread again.

I feel bad for single-console owners (unless they're younger and dependent on others for their game purchases, of course.) I skipped the PSOne thanks to the complications in owning US systems and living overseas for a few years (only had an N64, was my first experience in being a single-console owner. Not fun.) And I admit I passed on the DC and PS2 initially. But about a year after getting my Cube, I picked up a PS2 also, and all was good in the world.
Don't sell your cube. Its about to have its best year probably, and the library will be more complete than it's ever been.

But buy a PS2 or an Xbox as a complimentary system. You can't go wrong... even if you get a year and a bit out of said machines, think of all the games you've yet to play. If it comes down to it you could always trade in for credit later.


I own all 3 and almost never play PS2. Xbox is your best bet if your looking for something to compliment the gamecube. If your into online gaming then Xbox is really your only choice.


(more a nerd than a geek)
If you are merely looking for a supply of good games, and NOT tied to established franchises, I'd think having just a GC, Xbox, or PS2 would be fine. A decent supply of good games arrives steadily on the PS2 and GC, and the Xbox gets Halo 2.
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