Back in the late 90s me and the guys had the "party house". Of course we did all the requisite pranks (buckets of water over half-closed doors, saran wrap over the toilet, trip lines, food coloring in the shower head, unscrewing caps on the salt and pepper and other condiments, loosing legs on the table and chairs, etc) but we did get a bit silly sometimes as well.
Best one I can think of was purchasing a sheep's head at the market (we live in a ghetto part of town with a lot of southern immigrants and the corner market sold a lot of odd stuff). The head was skinned but still had the eyes, ears, tongue, and the muscles, teeth, brain etc (all the "good eatin" parts I guess). We unscrewed the lights in the main bathroom just enough so they'd flicker a bit but never be fully off or on, then put the head into the toilet bowl and closed the lid. Had some company over for shots and video games and one of the GFs excused herself to use the ladies room. We all looked at each other and waited and right on cue the girl starts screaming, she panicked so much she couldn't even get the bathroom door opened again right away to escape. She ran out crying and literally didn't stop for her purse as she fled the house. The other guests were a bit peeved and they left soon after, never to visit again, but all the guys living there got a good laugh. Needless to say we got plenty of mileage out of that head over the next few days.
Another good one we pulled on my roommate who had something of a drinking problem. He came home with a new handle of vodka (the cheap stuff in the plastic bottle) and very seriously sat us all down and told us we weren't to touch it because he'd used the last of his paycheck that week to get it. He even went so far as to write his name on it and keep it in his room. But he didn't have a lock on his door, so of course the next time he left for work we grabbed the bottle from its hiding place, poured it all out into a pair of those extra jumbo plastic cups you get at gas stations and set them on the counter thinking we 'd watch him take a drink and get a bit upset and once we'd gotten our chuckle we'd point him toward the cups full of vodka and everyone would be happy again. We then refilled his bottle with water and shook it up to get the vodka residue in the water and put it back. He comes home and the first thing he does is to get his bottle and come down to the kitchen. He says something like "I've had a rough day and that means I need a BIG drink" and he proceeds to pour out one of the cups that had the real vodka in it so he could pour in the watered-down stuff to mix with OJ. He took a drink and the look of expectation turned into confusion. He sniffed it and it must have still smelled like vodka because he tried another drink. He says something about it not tasting right but assumed the OJ was bad so he dumps that out and tosses the plastic cup in the trash. He then pours out the second cup of real vodka and fills it up with the water-down stuff but this time doesn't mix it with anything. He tries it again but by this time none of us could keep a straight face so we let him in on what happened. He couldn't be angry with us, we reasoned, because it was HIM that dumped out his vodka, not us. He didn't see it that way.
Another time we pulled another on the same guy. He LOVED to eat dry Lucky Charms when he was hungover. So he comes home with a jumbo sized bulk box of the cereal, writes his name on it and stuffs it into the pantry. I come home later in the week and one of my roommates is sitting at the table with the box of Lucky Charms poured into a pile and he is picking out all the marshmallows and throwing them away. Apparently the drunk roommate had mixed a shit ton of salt in the with this gym guy's measured-out recovery powder sometime during the week. Workout day comes, the roommate filled up his bottle and went to the gym and after an intense workout, slammed the salt water and ended up puking in the trash in the corner while the other members watched. So it was payback time! We sorted out all the marshmallows and put them in the trash, but before putting back just the cereal part my gym roommate went out to get some dried out dog poop and put it in the bottom of the bag before dumping the cereal back in. For the finishing touch he took a sharpie and renamed the cereal UN-Lucky Charms and put it back into the pantry. As expected, the after a long night of drinking the alcoholic comes down the next morning, grabs the UN-Lucky Charms and sits on the couch to eat his cereal out of the box and watch cartoons. We let him have a few handfuls but the intent was never to have him actually eat the dog poop, just to eat a bit of the cereal and then we'd let him in on the prank. But drunky was grumpy and when we asked how his cereal was he shushed us so we let him eat it a bit more before trying again. Finally he notices that he hasn't gotten a handful with any marshmallows. He gets angry, looks at the box and sees UN-Lucky Charms on it and starts stomping around the house. He got so upset that he actually left to go buy more and never made it to the bottom of the bag. We felt so bad after that we didn't tell him about the dog poop. To this day he doesn't know how close he came to getting a REALLY unlucky handful.
I might type up some more later if I have time. Lived in the party house for a few years so have plenty of material.