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ITT: Post a pic of how you feel


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!

I am definitely not drinking again for at least a month, probably two or three. I thought I could get in a few straight nights of buzzed Zelda gaming to close out my vacation, but I forgot to drink my Zbiotic last night. My hangover isn't even that bad, but I am too old for this nonsense. I have to stop pretending like I can live like a college student again. Just two straight nights of drinking, and not even that much with the first night aided by an elixir, and I still feel like garbage. Uggh.


Gold Member

Grandmother died.

She was bedridden for three years and I cared for her since day 1. Playing games alongside her all the time. So many memorable moments in my gaming is tied with her during those three years and I'll always think fondly of those times.

Yes, it's hard and it takes away my time but I wouldn't change it for the world. I have so many childhood memories with her that I will treasure forever. Rest well. I love you.
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