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ITT, we post pictures of our cats.

slider said:
It shouldn't be seeing as it's beautiful. Any more pics?
Nah, he wasn't really sad. Just a bit tired.


I love it when he sleeps on his back.



brotkasten said:
Nah, he wasn't really sad. Just a bit tired.

I love it when he sleeps on his back.

How old is he? He's got that kitty fluffy-ness thing going on. And yeah you gotto rub his belly; even if it means getting swiped at.

I'm gonna have to snap pics of my cat. She's stunningly beautiful but either she's not photogenic (duh) or I can't do her justice.

Corran Horn

May the Schwartz be with you
I feel sad for my cat after seeing all these pics of cats together. She wants to be friends with my roommates cat but my roommates cat hates everything thats not her owner.

This is like the closest she can get without the other cat attacking her

(old pic)


x3n05 said:
We don't have them yet, but my gf and I just received some updated photos of our kittens at 5 weeks (we won't receive them for another 8 weeks...the wait is killing us :()



We are going to call the silver boy Oscar and the brown girl Yuki. :D
Are those Ocicats?
Maklershed said:
Perfect opportunity to administer surprise tummeh rubs :D
slider said:
How old is he? He's got that kitty fluffy-ness thing going on. And yeah you gotto rub his belly; even if it means getting swiped at.
He's two years old and yeah, I rub his belly sometimes. If he doesn't like it, he just rolls over. He rarely gets really angry, especially when he's tired.
Horsebite said:
That's a great picture. 'What did you say?!' :lol

BlueTsunami said:
Awesome. :lol

J. M. Romeo said:
HAHAHAH really appropriate.


Mandy got stuck on the sofa, Jojo is thinking BFFFFFF -________- how can she be so dumb
They're really cute. I love them. :D

DrFunk said:

Life is easy, sleepin' and poopin' everyday

Oh, I knew that pose seemed familiar.

I'm really, really sorry to hear that, meppi.


Sad story here.
I lost my cat last week. He was 16 years old and thus I've had him for almost half my life.
I've had several cats in the past, some ran away, one had to be put down due to old age, but none were as dear to me as this one.
He listened just as well as a dog would and when he was about to do something mischievous he already knew that he'd be in trouble if he got caught.
A very strong personality, but also the most loyal and loving pet I've ever had.
We were pretty much inseparable from the moment I woke up in the morning or got home from work till late at night when I went to bed, he'd always want to be with me.
I know this might sound stupid to most people but he was somehow my best friend...

Lately he had started to get sick. First it was his stomach as he couldn't keep any food down. After repeated visits to the vet he got better, but that didn't last long.
8 years ago he was diagnosed with a form of leukemia and I was told he only had 6 more months to live. So I should be happy that we got another 8 years of quality life together.
3 weeks ago things started to go bad as his belly was starting to expand at an alarming rate, yet he didn't have an apatite.
After a couple of days of thinking that he was suffering from constipation, we got the vet to come check him out.
It turned out that it was fluid that had been building up, which could come from his heart or liver not working properly, or a combination of both.
He got shots as well as medication and he seemed to be doing better for several days, then he stopped eating again and started to gain more weight.
Called the vet once more thinking that he'd put him down right there, but he wanted to try one more time and gave him a couple more shots with heavy medication.
Things didn't get better though.

He started to get worse as the days went by, and after 3 days we knew that he wouldn't make it.
Had to call the vet Friday-noon after work and he didn't have any more options.
When it was time to give him his last shots, I asked if I could hold him.
So he died in my arms....
It's been a week and I'm still heartbroken about it.

Since I'm planning on moving I didn't want to burry him in the backyard and leave him behind, so I opted to have him cremated so I can take him with me and give him a spot in the backyard of my new home when I finally move out.
Tomorrow is the day I'll be getting him back...not gonna be a good day...

Comes looking for attention and seeing what I'm up to:

Playing and having a blast in a way too small cardboard box.

Just woke him up from a nap on the bed, where he isn't supposed to be on:
Snuggler said:

Those damn rattle mice are the only toys my cats will play with! So many of those things have gone missing over the years, I can't even imagine where they all are (my cats are strictly indoor cats so I know they're in the house!)


erotic butter maelstrom
AqueousTransmission said:
Those damn rattle mice are the only toys my cats will play with! So many of those things have gone missing over the years, I can't even imagine where they all are (my cats are strictly indoor cats so I know they're in the house!)

I know, right? I must have bought like 50 of them over the last couple years and I can only find 5 or so. Who knows where these little beasts are hiding them.

Also, sad story above me but my sad to happy story is still going well. My lost cat has been getting a lot better, she has been eating well over the last week and she has regained some weight and she has been very affectionate with me and she has started to play with the new kitty. They like to have epic battles and wrassle, it's adorable.


meppi said:
8 years ago he was diagnosed with a form of leukemia and I was told he only had 6 more months to live. So I should be happy that we got another 8 years of quality life together.

As hard as it is, this is one of the important things to remember. The cat I've been most attached to was 15 years old when we had to put her down (she had a stroke, and she was no longer going to be able to function in much of any way anymore). I had got her when I was about 10, so she had been a huge part of my life at that point.

As much as it hurt to lose her, what I tried to remember was that we had gotten this cat, an extremely small runt who they weren't sure was going to have much of a chance, and for fifteen years given her a loving home and made great memories with her. As sad as it was to say goodbye, I had had so many good times with her, and I was sure she had enjoyed the life she had had with us.


Chairman85 said:
Are those Ocicats?

The breed is called Bengal. They come from breeding an asian leopard cat with a domestic cat.

This is the Asian leopard cat, beautiful looking animals.


Also we just got 2 more pics of them at 6 weeks :D (the next six weeks we have to wait is going to drag):




Vigilant Walrus said:
i heard bengals dont like to sit in peoples laps or be petted?

They are generally more active then most cats, hence most don't like to sit around for too long. Generally speaking they aren't lap cats, but there are always exceptions to that rule. Bengals typically prefer to play, run, jump, basically anything active (type cat exercise wheel in youtube and you will get the picture). They still like to be petted and sleep with people but are more inclined to be playing a game of fetch or playing with water as opposed to just sitting around.

edit: I love Cricket's green eyes, beautiful looking kitty :D
x3n05 said:
They are generally more active then most cats, hence most don't like to sit around for too long. Generally speaking they aren't lap cats, but there are always exceptions to that rule. Bengals typically prefer to play, run, jump, basically anything active (type cat exercise wheel in youtube and you will get the picture). They still like to be petted and sleep with people but are more inclined to be playing a game of fetch or playing with water as opposed to just sitting around.

edit: I love Cricket's green eyes, beautiful looking kitty :D

cool. do they get big?

i saw a price for a bengal cat is around 1000 USD... wow:eek:


Man I don't know how I've missed this thread until now. Best on gaf, hands down. I want to hug all of your kitties.


Vigilant Walrus said:
cool. do they get big?

i saw a price for a bengal cat is around 1000 USD... wow:eek:

They can grow slightly larger than your average domesticated cat (generally just more muscular), especially if you get a male and don't get it desexed. My gf and I are paying $1500 Aus for our pair (~$1350 USD), expensive yes, but as we are not having kids we can afford it :D.


This is Lynx, my 8 year old Abyssinian.

Some of these pics are from winter and/or when she was pregnant, so forgive the heaviness. ;)





(obviously winter and pregnant lol)


there is joy in sucking dick
Here's my sisters cat, Pumpkin. I posted photos of him (in this thread, I believe) but here's an old one (when he was just a kitten and was saved from starvation and being flea ridden) to now (a very large cat)...





My cat, enjoying the summer morning sun through the window. We just got her spade recently, so she has a nice bald patch.



Inside the sleeve of my jumper for whatever reason I have no idea...


x3n05 said:
They are generally more active then most cats, hence most don't like to sit around for too long. Generally speaking they aren't lap cats, but there are always exceptions to that rule. Bengals typically prefer to play, run, jump, basically anything active (type cat exercise wheel in youtube and you will get the picture). They still like to be petted and sleep with people but are more inclined to be playing a game of fetch or playing with water as opposed to just sitting around.

This is pretty much spot on in my experience too. Ours is sort of a lapcat but its 100% on her terms. She is INCREDIBLY active and you might find they shout a lot too. I tried to ignore her at first, thinking maybe she was just seeking attention, but I think they just like to chat. She's also scratched the shit out of me from catching me when playing. She's not aggresive and at christmas was around a ton of kids and was the perfect angel, but they're really muscley cats and throw a lot of weight behind their paws, so when they catch you when you're playing with them, they catch you. twice I've debated wether or not a cut from her claws may need stitches or not :lol

100% love her to pieces though. So so so much fun, great character and really loveable, but she is hard work. I think that extends pretty much across the breed.

Your two look beautiful, I'm sure you know, but they're going to lose all that fluff and come up stunning. Apparently them growing all that fluff is one of their wild traits or something? Dunno if true. Anyway, here is some progress of our little beast at about 6 weeks, then about 15 weeks, then about 6 months. The ones above are almost exactly one year old. it does take about 7 or 8 months to completely clear.




I'd be a bit careful if you're going to let them roam too. We live in the middle of the city, so it is impossible for ours to get out of the courtyard garden we have. I've heard horror stories of bengals killing lots of quite big shit before and ours had a bit of a ruck with a fox once and she was well up for it, it was only becuase foxes are so loud when they get into fights that I noticed and broke them up.

Long ass post. Sorry.
xelios said:

Might possibly be the greatest caption of a cat(cation... sorry i'll stop) I have ever seen:O

Damn.. you could start your own caturday with that pic. what text?

"u has glazz 3y3 2"?

"sittin in ur facebook.. looking at ur family fotos"

"purr? u purr me!!!"

"wii has no games.. deal wit it"!

"bieber gets mor pussy than me"


"lock before i get out... fore ur savty"


scotcheggz said:
My cat, enjoying the summer morning sun through the window. We just got her spade recently, so she has a nice bald patch.


Inside the sleeve of my jumper for whatever reason I have no idea...


This is pretty much spot on in my experience too. Ours is sort of a lapcat but its 100% on her terms. She is INCREDIBLY active and you might find they shout a lot too. I tried to ignore her at first, thinking maybe she was just seeking attention, but I think they just like to chat. She's also scratched the shit out of me from catching me when playing. She's not aggresive and at christmas was around a ton of kids and was the perfect angel, but they're really muscley cats and throw a lot of weight behind their paws, so when they catch you when you're playing with them, they catch you. twice I've debated wether or not a cut from her claws may need stitches or not :lol

100% love her to pieces though. So so so much fun, great character and really loveable, but she is hard work. I think that extends pretty much across the breed.

Your two look beautiful, I'm sure you know, but they're going to lose all that fluff and come up stunning. Apparently them growing all that fluff is one of their wild traits or something? Dunno if true. Anyway, here is some progress of our little beast at about 6 weeks, then about 15 weeks, then about 6 months. The ones above are almost exactly one year old. it does take about 7 or 8 months to completely clear.


I'd be a bit careful if you're going to let them roam too. We live in the middle of the city, so it is impossible for ours to get out of the courtyard garden we have. I've heard horror stories of bengals killing lots of quite big shit before and ours had a bit of a ruck with a fox once and she was well up for it, it was only becuase foxes are so loud when they get into fights that I noticed and broke them up.

Long ass post. Sorry.

Haha you cat sounds like a laugh, and has a beautiful coat :D

You're right, common belief is that the kitten's coats go througha stage called the fuzzies to make them harder to detect and have more of a chance of survival.

Initially ours are going to be indoors only (currently renting). Once we buy our own place we are going to build a cat run for them, so they can explore the outdoors in a safe environemnt. Until then we are going to teach them to walk on a harness and take them to the local park (literally 30 seconds walk from our house) for walks.
Well here's my soon to be cat Kojima. He's still quite young, but I hope to get more pictures later :). He's the black one:



Not mine, but another one from the same mother
Mecha_Infantry said:
Well here's my soon to be cat Kojima. He's still quite young, but I hope to get more pictures later :). He's the black one:

I don't know why, but Kojima sounds like a great name for a cat. :D

Don't forget, a yawning cat is dangerous. :lol

This is a "stray" (kind of healthy for a stray) we took in when we lived out in Phoenix. She came in and that was pretty much that...:

This is one we got from a shelter last year after we had to put a previous one down (she was from a shelter too):

The two of them hanging out:


These gorgeous kittens will finally be old enough to come to their new home in 3 weeks :




Love at first sight, needless to say these have been some of the longest weeks of my life :lol
Kibs said:
These gorgeous kittens will finally be old enough to come to their new home in 3 weeks :

awww ... kittens

Love at first sight, needless to say these have been some of the longest weeks of my life :lol

Oh god, this is so ... awwww.

Again, this is totally true

They can do the most evil shit on earth, but if you see them sleeping like this ...


it's like in the comic strip. It must be some sort of evil power that cats have.

"Get of my fucking chair, you ... awwww I'm sorry, sleep as much as you want. I don't need the chair to work on my PC."
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