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ITT, we post pictures of our cats.

I was talking to the owner today and she said he's very big at the moment, he's sort of the Big Boss of the lot. Which is funny since the name I'm going to give him, and she knows nothing about games! Anyway, new picture :)



We got some more pics (and videos :D) of the kittens this week.

One of them sleeping


Outdoor shot


And even a couple of videos, here and here.

Only anouther 3 1/2 weeks until we get them home, our home looks like a cat's paradise (cat tree's, beds and toys everywhere), we even have some catnip growing outside :lol
How do you guys do for furniture and stuff? I'm still living at home for now and leather seats and cats sound dangerous. I'm going to buy some scratching posts for each rom so I hope that helps


Hail to the Chef
Mecha_Infantry said:
How do you guys do for furniture and stuff? I'm still living at home for now and leather seats and cats sound dangerous. I'm going to buy some scratching posts for each rom so I hope that helps
scratching posts and -mats are OK. If the cat is somehow pissed off, the furniture will be the victim anyway:lol

Oh, and


Mecha_Infantry said:
How do you guys do for furniture and stuff? I'm still living at home for now and leather seats and cats sound dangerous. I'm going to buy some scratching posts for each rom so I hope that helps

We have bought 3 cat trees :lol, we live in a small house and as the cats will be indoor only (until we buy our own place, and then we will build a cat run for them) we wanted to ensure they have plenty of furniture to jump on. We are going to buy a couple of couch covers for the couches to use when we are away from home and will discourage them with a little water spray if they get up to mischief while we are at home. Anyway as for the cat furniture, here are 2 of the cat trees we have bought (the third, we don't have a pic for it but it's just a small carpeted box with 2 platforms), keep in mind these are bought from Australia but it should give you a good idea of what we 'hope' will distract them from scratching other areas.




These are just stock photo's, I will post some of ours when we have our kittens :D


Caught the ol' guy catching some sun before it got dark out. Funny how he just plopped right in the middle of the sidewalk. Must have been walking and got lazy.

This is him greeting me,

and then going back to what he was doing.


Interesting that I saw this thread today. Was busy working when I kept hearing noises on my deck.. finally went to take a look and found 5 kittens and their mom running up and down the stairs. They saw me and came right over so I do not think they are wild. Here is a shot I took of a couple of them.



this thread is so adorable. if i wasn't deathly allergic to cats, i'd have 1-2 of them. ^__^ but sadly i'm not that lucky :(

however, i do have a cute wannabe kitty.

This is Lina, we picked her from the streets. She is lucky as f*, one night she sliped from the balcony and fell 7 floors, nothing happened to her.

This is Zoey, there's a chance she might have leukemia and I'll have the test result back soon. I really hope the regular test they gave was a false positive. She's a little over a year old right now.



Alaskanbullworm said:
This is Zoey, there's a chance she might have leukemia and I'll have the test result back soon. I really hope the regular test they gave was a false positive. She's a little over a year old right now.


good luck man. hope all goes well.
Jeramii said:
this thread is so adorable. if i wasn't deathly allergic to cats, i'd have 1-2 of them. ^__^ but sadly i'm not that lucky :(

however, i do have a cute wannabe kitty.


I'm sure our cats would love your cute wannabe kitty.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
x3n05 said:
The breed is called Bengal. They come from breeding an asian leopard cat with a domestic cat.

This is the Asian leopard cat, beautiful looking animals.


Also we just got 2 more pics of them at 6 weeks :D (the next six weeks we have to wait is going to drag):



Tres adorable


This is my new kitty, just got him sometime ago. His name is Montecore. It was hard getting over my first cat but I decided to try to get a new one.
I love this cat, he is insanely affectionate and meows alot which I like. He is playful but yet very calm. He is blind one eye.

This is his ^_^ face. lol


OnkelC said:
scratching posts and -mats are OK. If the cat is somehow pissed off, the furniture will be the victim anyway:lol

Oh, and
I don't have any cats but my girlfriend and ex both have 5 cats, the above is true for sure. They like rugs as well but sometimes they will run right up to the scratch post and just start tearing the shit out of it. When they scratch stuff you don't want them to when you are around make sure you make them stop right away (squirting them with a cheap water gun works great) or they'll just keep going back to the same furniture.

Also, love how every pic you post has food in it!
This little guy is my boyfriend's cat, Alfie:

He is a total sweetheart and a head butting maniac. Seriously, he head butts everything when he is excited or happy to see you. The other weekend I was watching him while my bf was out of town, and I took a nap at his apartment. Alfie curled up next to me and stared at me and purred for the whole hour. He sounded like a little jet engine. It was too cute.
Jojo's got the best :3 I've ever seen on a cat.



Also, Mandy is being an ass lately and messes up with my Japanese teacher during lessons.



boobs (and adorable cat)

In our basement, we have part of the floor covered in those foam puzzle-piece looking mats [like this]. The cats go ape-shit at clawing at it. They love it. We also have those simple cardboard things you put catnip in and they claw at it to eat it [like this].


i figured gaf would appreciate an xbox controller holding cat :p

He's cool though, very well behaved and relaxed, but as you can see he will reside in any article of clothing he can access so we have to keep up on that. He was 'playing' resident evil 5 at that time, i'm not sure if he found the subject material amusing or not.


That is cool though. My cat would never let me do anything like that to him. He was an aggressive cat, still is. Just his nature. I've heard orange tabbys can be pretty aggressive/don't like to be pet too much.

My first cat was all black (with white spot under his neck), and was awesomely friendly. Hope the cat I get when I move out is friendly.


Yeah I adopted my cat when he was a kitten at a petsmart thing, they had some deal with the humane society to shelter the pets there, out of all the cats he was the only one who was eager to get out and be near us, and was really upset when we put him back since we had to go through the adopting background check process.

He's like a dog though, he waits at the door for us to come back a lot, absolutely addicted to human company. If you're up for adopting a pet it's usually good to see if the pet digs you before doing it.


erotic butter maelstrom

One on my kitties does the same thing, he loves to watch the screen when I'm playing a game. It's cute but at the same time he blocks the screen which is annoying, especially when I'm playing Wii and he's laying on the GD sensor bar.


Hey GAF, meet Ducky.


He was a stray that followed my girlfriend and I home. These are from when we first got him. He's a bit bigger now.


Rescued a stray kitten from the streets, successfully completing one of my major life goals


Camera Phone picture, shortly after I grabbed him and put him in a cage (Also, shortly after he bit the everliving fuck out of my hand)


Meet Richter!


He's about 12 weeks old. Note his amazing progress, this was less than 24 hours after I picked him up, and he's purring like a maniac. (this might not actually be impressive, but he's my cat so you can damn well believe I think it is)

Him, his ear mites and his ticks are living in quarantine at another house currently, but once he (and I) are all prepared, he's going to move into my place.


We probably shouldn't let him out of the large dog cage he's staying in at all, but he's just so damn cute.
Good job, cowie. The cat is super cute too. :)

Two days ago I was studying for an exam in a public park. It's a pretty awesome park, as it is not far from the center of the city and where I live, but somehow, because it is so completely surrounded by road and trees, nobody knows about it. But once you're in the park, it's beautiful with lots of bushes and fields.

Anyway, I was sitting there, alone, with my books, and suddenly I see this black cat looking at me from a distance. I make some noise, and it strolls unhesitatingly to me, and starts making itself comfortable on my papers. :lol Awesome! Next thing I know, another black cat does exactly the same.

These two cats have held me company for about an hour or so. They looked in good health, and were not shy. I could pet them, they looked through all my stuff. I think they might've been mother and child. Amazing! :) And then, as abrupt as they came, they had enough of it and left again.

<3 cats


Around two weeks left before these cute furballs can come home ... Last week is going to be such a drag :(




Kibs said:
Around two weeks left before these cute furballs can come home ... Last week is going to be such a drag :(

Two questions. What type are these, I should know but their name escapes me. They're pretty fucking awesome. Second what camera took those shots?


They're Norwegian Forest cats! Together with Maine Coon probably my all-time favorite cat breed ... They get so incredibly fluffy during the winter it's amazing :)
Not sure which camera they used to take those pictures, the previous ones were taking with my iPhone (never bothered to take out my proper digicam when we visited them ...) - but these were delivered by the very kind Danish couple we're getting them from :)


Kibs said:
They're Norwegian Forest cats! Together with Maine Coon probably my all-time favorite cat breed ... They get so incredibly fluffy during the winter it's amazing :)
Not sure which camera they used to take those pictures, the previous ones were taking with my iPhone (never bothered to take out my proper digicam when we visited them ...) - but these were delivered by the very kind Danish couple we're getting them from :)

Nice, it's the Maine Coon I was seeing, congrats they're awesome. I've always steered away from the long hairs due to shedding(hence my Devon Rex), any idea how bad these guys get?
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