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ITT, we post pictures of our cats.

There's a story here but this time I'll leave the pictures speak by themselves.








erotic butter maelstrom
Sorry to bump this with a depressing post, but I figured this wasn't thread worthy.

Anyways, I lost my cat last night. She was an indoor cat and I've been staying over at my girlfriends house and due to some unlikely circumstances she got in the garage and ran away when I opened it and turned on the car. She ran out into the woods and I haven't been able to find her since. It's been over 24 hours now and I've spent most of that time searching for her, me and the girlfriend walked for about 8 hours through the woods and around the area searching for her. She is very shy so it's unlikely that someone else will be able to recover her. And it seems like she ran very far away from here. It's been an awful, awful day.

She has never been outside around here and there are a lot of roads and predators like foxes and coyotes around. Part of me keeps hoping that she will just show up at the house but she is most likely dead by now. We have searched everywhere and left out flyers but she is nowhere to be seen. She was my favorite cat that I've ever had and she was always there for me on the worst and loneliest of days, she was more than just a pet, she was a companion of mine. I've had her since she was a kitten and she was only about 4 years old, but now she's gone and I can't believe it. She has probably been killed in some gruesome manner or willl eventually starve to death or be run over and there is nothing I can do about it.

Sorry about the depressing post but I've been sobbing like a baby all day and I'm in a lot of pain.


Universal Access can be found under System Preferences
Sorry to hear she's missing Snuggler. :(

Just keep searching for her, putting up fliers and asking around the neighborhood and don't fear the worst. I hope she comes back.


erotic butter maelstrom
Yeah, we've been trying our hardest to do whatever we can to find her but I'm starting to really lose hope.

I know that cats are just pets to some people, but she was really important to me. I knew that I'd lose her someday but I didn't think it would be so soon. I have all of her toys and stuff lying around, my phone is full of pictures of her so everything is reminding me of the fact that she is either dead or lost in the woods far away from here. I was so overprotective of the cat but after all my caution this still happened.

I suppose this is the result of getting too emotionally attached to something like an animal.
this thread is the closest I have ever been to getting pussy:(

smuggler - sorry to hear that dude:( I hope you find it. Also, you cant dwell on it like that. Yes, to be realistic there is a chance that a house cat would not make it, but on the other hand, I could also imagine it would be quick(and hopefully painless) if it were to happen.
Snuggler said:
Yeah, we've been trying our hardest to do whatever we can to find her but I'm starting to really lose hope.

I know that cats are just pets to some people, but she was really important to me. I knew that I'd lose her someday but I didn't think it would be so soon. I have all of her toys and stuff lying around, my phone is full of pictures of her so everything is reminding me of the fact that she is either dead or lost in the woods far away from here. I was so overprotective of the cat but after all my caution this still happened.

I suppose this is the result of getting too emotionally attached to something like an animal.

first of all - fuck that. You dont need to justify anything. Anyone who says "its just a pet" is a tool.
You can't get to emotionally attatched to an animal. Gods must know, we need more people who treat the animals kind and love them, because there is so many animals being abused in this world.


erotic butter maelstrom
I'd almost rather that I found her dead so that I wouldn't have to dwell on whether or not she's still alive or if she's scared, lost and alone somewhere. At least if she died in front of me I could have some closure.

I'd give up just about anything to have my cat back but I know that this is reality and she is most likely gone. How does this kind of shit happen...


erotic butter maelstrom
So, my cat never came back. Sad stuff but today I went to the local humane society, I thought I might pick up a new cat to help with everything. I wasn't expecting much but I ended up coming across a ridiculously awesome kitten and we took him home. As soon as I saw this critter I knew that he had to have him.

We decided on the name Max, the girlfriend thought it sounded OK because it was cute and her first cat had the same name, I suggested it because I saw my Max Payne game on my rack and I thought it would be cool. Anyways, he is easily the cutest kitten I've ever seen and he is so playful and social. I will take some better pics with a digi cam tomorrow but here is his mugshot from the humane society:



erotic butter maelstrom
Thanks, brother, we love him so far.
I'll have a bunch more pics to share tomorrow, I can't wait to share his extreme cuteness.

omg I made him a bed by wrapping a really soft blanket around a basket and he's sleeping in it right now. So precious.


Snuggler said:
Yeah, we've been trying our hardest to do whatever we can to find her but I'm starting to really lose hope.

I know that cats are just pets to some people, but she was really important to me. I knew that I'd lose her someday but I didn't think it would be so soon. I have all of her toys and stuff lying around, my phone is full of pictures of her so everything is reminding me of the fact that she is either dead or lost in the woods far away from here. I was so overprotective of the cat but after all my caution this still happened.

I suppose this is the result of getting too emotionally attached to something like an animal.

How fucking awful. I know there are posts after this one but this is where the page opened when I clicked open last page.

My GF's family cat ran away when my GF was 7. It eventually came back months later looking very dishevelled. But when it was back it never came back into the house or let anyone stroke it and just took food that was left in the back garden. Stayed around for a few months then ran away never to be seen again. :(

I dunno if that adds anything to your rationalising your cat incident; I doubt it but thought I'd share.

Still, cats are such appealing pets people often just take them in. Well, when I say often I personally know of it happening on three occasions.

Good luck Snuggler.


erotic butter maelstrom
Thanks, man.
I still feel sad over the loss of my cat, it's been really hard for me especially since I was so bonded with the cat but it the new kitten has helped a lot with that. Even though the hurt of losing our previous cat still lingers, it really helps to have this adorable little kitten around.
All of the toys strewn about the house that I was thinking about throwing out have been a blast for him, he's been going nuts with all the strings and rats and balls that I bought for my last cat.


erotic butter maelstrom
New cat:



he's 3 months old and a hyperactive little bastard. He's still pretty small but his paws are big so he'll probably end up being a large kitty.


erotic butter maelstrom
So my missing cat saga came to a close tonight.

It's been three weeks since she ran away, I've accepted it and everything, still sad though
Anyways, it's 3:00am and I just got a call....

She fucking came back. She just showed up at my girlfriends house and came back inside, I just got the call.
What a crazy turn of events, I am very excite.

Snuggler said:
So my missing cat saga came to a close tonight.

It's been three weeks since she ran away, I've accepted it and everything, still sad though
Anyways, it's 3:00am and I just got a call....

She fucking came back. She just showed up at my girlfriends house and came back inside, I just got the call.
What a crazy turn of events, I am very excite.


Holy crap, she's safe?


Awesome news, i had a similar thing happen to me a few years ago and just broke out crying when i picked the cat up, at a tad over 6 foot tall and well built still in my mechanic overalls i was stood on this womens front door picking my cat up literally welling up, she must have thought i was a full blown crazy person.


Snuggler said:
So my missing cat saga came to a close tonight.

It's been three weeks since she ran away, I've accepted it and everything, still sad though
Anyways, it's 3:00am and I just got a call....

She fucking came back. She just showed up at my girlfriends house and came back inside, I just got the call.
What a crazy turn of events, I am very excite.


Wow! Very, very awesome!


erotic butter maelstrom
Zombie James said:
Holy crap, she's safe?

Yeah, it sounds like she's a bit dirty and thin but in good health. She probably just had her first real meal in a few weeks. After she didn't show up for a few days I didn't think she was gonna come back, I never would have imagined that she would show up almost 3 weeks later.
I wonder what the hell the damn cat did out there all this time. She probably had the adventure of a lifetime.


Snuggler said:
So my missing cat saga came to a close tonight.

It's been three weeks since she ran away, I've accepted it and everything, still sad though
Anyways, it's 3:00am and I just got a call....

She fucking came back. She just showed up at my girlfriends house and came back inside, I just got the call.
What a crazy turn of events, I am very excite.

That is awesome. Hope she stays safe in the future!
Snuggler said:
So my missing cat saga came to a close tonight.

It's been three weeks since she ran away, I've accepted it and everything, still sad though
Anyways, it's 3:00am and I just got a call....

She fucking came back. She just showed up at my girlfriends house and came back inside, I just got the call.
What a crazy turn of events, I am very excite.


I had a feeling she would. so very happy for you!


Our cat Shirka.

She was a street cat adopted when really young. She has no tail, we don't know if she was born without it or someone cut it, or she had an accident.

Playing with my controller

Chilling out on our bed

Plotting to kill me


Has problems recognising girls

One of my cats loves boxes, she's such a boss and a nerd at the same time. That's the thing I love about owning 3 cats, you can define the different personalities a lot easier.


We don't have them yet, but my gf and I just received some updated photos of our kittens at 5 weeks (we won't receive them for another 8 weeks...the wait is killing us :()



We are going to call the silver boy Oscar and the brown girl Yuki. :D


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
:lol :lol :lol


Snuggler said:
So my missing cat saga came to a close tonight.

It's been three weeks since she ran away, I've accepted it and everything, still sad though
Anyways, it's 3:00am and I just got a call....

She fucking came back. She just showed up at my girlfriends house and came back inside, I just got the call.
What a crazy turn of events, I am very excite.


Yeah, I was gonna say to keep waiting cause sometimes it can take a while, but then you already got a new cat :lol

This is Max. Apparently he's very tired. Spent all day eating, napping, eating some more and terrorizing the other cats. Life is VERY hard for Max.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Snuggler said:
So my missing cat saga came to a close tonight.

It's been three weeks since she ran away, I've accepted it and everything, still sad though
Anyways, it's 3:00am and I just got a call....

She fucking came back. She just showed up at my girlfriends house and came back inside, I just got the call.
What a crazy turn of events, I am very excite.

So happy for you man!!! =^·^=


there is joy in sucking dick
Snuggler said:
So my missing cat saga came to a close tonight.

It's been three weeks since she ran away, I've accepted it and everything, still sad though
Anyways, it's 3:00am and I just got a call....

She fucking came back. She just showed up at my girlfriends house and came back inside, I just got the call.
What a crazy turn of events, I am very excite.


That rocks. Though three weeks? Wow. I've had one of my house cats get out and stay out for like a day or two (while I'm stressing over it) but three weeks is amazing. Wonder what she was up to this whole time.


erotic butter maelstrom
BlueTsunami said:
That rocks. Though three weeks? Wow. I've had one of my house cats get out and stay out for like a day or two (while I'm stressing over it) but three weeks is amazing. Wonder what she was up to this whole time.

Yeah, I've been wondering that as well. She hadn't spent more than a few hours outside before she got away, so it's pretty unbelievable that she was out there for 21 days and survived. She must have been on a steady diet of chipmunk the entire time. The one thing she had going for her is that she was a stray as a kitten, she was rescued by AC Paws when she was 5 months old but she was most likely born on the streets so I guess she had that experience to help her out.
The girlfriend is gonna be bringing her home in about an hour, can't wait. :D
Here is an old pic of lost and found cat. The photo doesn't really do her much justice, though, shes a very cute cat.



erotic butter maelstrom
DonMigs85 said:
Glad to hear she came back Snuggler. Did you have the vet check her out? Has she met the new kitten yet?

We're gonna schedule a check up for her ASAP but she'll be meeting the new kitty today. I think they'll be along well, Foxey (lostfound cat) is great with other cats and they're both very playful so I think it'll be a good fit. They can wrassle together.


Snuggler said:
We're gonna schedule a check up for her ASAP but she'll be meeting the new kitty today. I think they'll be along well, Foxey (lostfound cat) is great with other cats and they're both very playful so I think it'll be a good fit. They can wrassle together.

Even if a cat is friendly doesn't mean they'll instantly get along with another cat. Set aside some space in a spare room for a few days in case the resident cat doesn't like having the new kitten around.


jergrah said:
I posted in this thread a few months ago I think, but here are some new ones
//iPhone Pics




The left one is so look-alike to mine, beautiful :)

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