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ITT, we post pictures of our cats.


Mecha_Infantry said:
Nah, the vet said after another month/new year should be the best time, he'll be 7 months then. Think thats a problem?

It could be. You have to be careful with males cause they can develop a habit of spraying everywhere if you don't fix them early enough.
Zoe said:
It could be. You have to be careful with males cause they can develop a habit of spraying everywhere if you don't fix them early enough.

Yeah that's what I was advised but I thought the lady vet was wiser than me so I took her word! Only another month or so to go

Another thing is, he sounds like a fucking robot at the minute. His meows are very high pitched and sound like whines, and he sometim,es makes a sound like R2D2 when i play chase him. It's probably since he is still young but I hope nothing is wrong

The other weird thing is he seems to keep talking to me! I get home from wokr and he's like MEOOOW x1000 so I feed him, then he just sits in the middle of the kitchen, most times not even looking at me and just continues to MEOOOOOOOOOOOOW. I pick him up and pet him for a while and play with him then it calms down, but is it really just me petting him that resolves it?

Everything else is cool though, he went out in the snow the other day and was so taken back...lol he ran into a flat which dumped a pile of snow on his head and he ran back in with it still on his head. Was so funny.

Oh, the 2 funny/weird things he does, is we place his food near our fridge, and when he finishes eating he frantically scrapes the side of the fridge like he's cleaning up his litter. The other thing is when I catch him licking the door and his jaw drops, his tongue is hanging out and his face just resembles this :O, he holds that position for like 10 seconds then sprints of making his weird robot noises. It's like he's surprised I caught him doing it! I can never get a good picture of him doing it though
I got a theme park for my babies!


Also, Jojo spotted something out the window last week.

Mecha_Infantry said:
Jesus that's a big cat! Mines still a little nipper, he has so much to grow :|

He likes to stalk females and get cuddly with them, then bite them and slap them, then get cuddly again. Also, he is neutered.


He was stalking my girl a few days ago.


Mecha_Infantry said:
Oh, the 2 funny/weird things he does, is we place his food near our fridge, and when he finishes eating he frantically scrapes the side of the fridge like he's cleaning up his litter.

He's probably trying to bury what may remain of his food. I have a female who does it. She'll eat her fill & then start to bury the rest of the food even if the other cats are still trying to eat it.



It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
My only 'real life' friend was hit by a car last week:


R.I.P. Minnie Minnie.
She was such a good friend always with me. :(


J. M. Romeo said:
I got a theme park for my babies!


Also, Jojo spotted something out the window last week.


Where did you get that? Physical shop? How much?

I'm thinking of getting one, but the ones at shops are just the small ones that suck.

My only 'real life' friend was hit by a car last week:

R.I.P. Minnie Minnie.
She was such a good friend always with me. :(

Damm, sorry Fersis. Animate campeon.
itxaka said:
Where did you get that? Physical shop? How much?

I'm thinking of getting one, but the ones at shops are just the small ones that suck.

I got that at El Corte Inglés right by Argüelles, and it was on sale! 40something euros I think. It's nothing spectacular, but the fatsos like it.

Phoenix4 said:
One is hungry..


Great pic!


Mecha_Infantry said:
Yeah that's what I was advised but I thought the lady vet was wiser than me so I took her word! Only another month or so to go

Another thing is, he sounds like a fucking robot at the minute. His meows are very high pitched and sound like whines, and he sometim,es makes a sound like R2D2 when i play chase him. It's probably since he is still young but I hope nothing is wrong

The other weird thing is he seems to keep talking to me! I get home from wokr and he's like MEOOOW x1000 so I feed him, then he just sits in the middle of the kitchen, most times not even looking at me and just continues to MEOOOOOOOOOOOOW. I pick him up and pet him for a while and play with him then it calms down, but is it really just me petting him that resolves it?

Everything else is cool though, he went out in the snow the other day and was so taken back...lol he ran into a flat which dumped a pile of snow on his head and he ran back in with it still on his head. Was so funny.

Oh, the 2 funny/weird things he does, is we place his food near our fridge, and when he finishes eating he frantically scrapes the side of the fridge like he's cleaning up his litter. The other thing is when I catch him licking the door and his jaw drops, his tongue is hanging out and his face just resembles this :O, he holds that position for like 10 seconds then sprints of making his weird robot noises. It's like he's surprised I caught him doing it! I can never get a good picture of him doing it though

He sounds a lot like my cat. He will constantly moan and cry when he wants attention...even if you are in the other room, he just wants you to come to him and play or pet him. Hes an attention whore.
He also has the high pitched, screechy, whiny meow. Its sounds so ridiculous. I love it.

About the bathroom issues though - I dont want to alarm you but my cat also had similar problems when he was younger. Urinary tract infections and kidney stones that he couldnt pass were causing him to strain in and out of his litter box. Occasionally, he would end up pooping on the floor just from pushing so hard to try and pee. He also stopped covering his messes in the litterbox and instead, would run out of the litter box at high speed as if to say "get me out of here". The vet says it was probably because he was in pain when he was going and started to associate the litter box with the pain. Lastly, when he got real bad, he started coming around to us and staring at us with this look of pain in his face and just letting out this horrific, painful cry and hiding under the bed crying by himself. It was horrible.

He was in and out of the vet constantly and eventually became completely blocked because of it and we had to get him an operation that basically gave him a hole large enough to pass the stones. We also had to kinda re-train him for the litter box because he did have a fear of it after this ordeal. UTIs and stones are a common issue in male cats and can be deadly if it gets bad enough so its definitely worth looking into.

Like I said, dont be alarmed as it could be nothing but its at least worth a phone call to the vet for their opinion. I hope its nothing.


Our cat passed away the night before my girlfriend and I were beginning our 3 day drive/move from Chicago to Austin. She didn't show any signs..we went out for Thanksgiving dinner with my parents and came back and she was gone. :(

Here is a video of her from some time ago. Was trying to find a pic on my gf's Flickr but found this instead. RIP Tia. You are missed. :(



Fersis said:
My only 'real life' friend was hit by a car last week:


R.I.P. Minnie Minnie.
She was such a good friend always with me. :(
I'm so sorry. :( Even though it has been almost a month, every time I sit down at my desk I half expect her to come jump on my lap.


Vik_Vaughn said:
My bengals


Shit. My parents got a new cat, and out of all the cool cats they could have picked, they picked a cat that looks exactly like the cat they have now. How boring. :\



crappy cell phone pick from yesterday at the cardiologist. just got the worst call ever from his vet. He has FIP, so I don't have a lot of time left with the little guy. The next few weeks will be full of as many photos and videos of him as I can get :(


Nork unification denier
BertramCooper said:
Anyone have good advice on how to cut down on litter tracking?

It's so annoying.

Are you using a litter mat? You can find them online or at most pet supply stores.


Yeah, you can buy a rubbery-sticky litter mat. Just make sure there's a decently long surface for the cat to walk on when it exits the litterbox and it should be fine.


Subitai said:
How much? More than 1k?

No, not that expensive. :) I think it was something like 300 euros but we got 20 % off, so we paid 240€ for it. Not that bad because it's really good quality. It's not breaking down even after 3-4 years.


Bill_Duke said:
No, not that expensive. :) I think it was something like 300 euros but we got 20 % off, so we paid 240€ for it. Not that bad because it's really good quality. It's not breaking down even after 3-4 years.
Cool, but how long is it supposed to last? Longer than your babies right?
My kitty cat makes me laugh man.

This week he's been out so often, and he's absolutely in love with it. Jumping onto of the fence and staring down bigger cats <3

The other thing he does is even if he is sleeping and I go downstairs, he hears me and follows me. Then he just sits there, eyes hardly open and watching me. He still follows me everywhere in the house, it's sweet


Mecha_Infantry said:
Yeah that's what I was advised but I thought the lady vet was wiser than me so I took her word! Only another month or so to go

Another thing is, he sounds like a fucking robot at the minute. His meows are very high pitched and sound like whines, and he sometim,es makes a sound like R2D2 when i play chase him. It's probably since he is still young but I hope nothing is wrong

The other weird thing is he seems to keep talking to me! I get home from wokr and he's like MEOOOW x1000 so I feed him, then he just sits in the middle of the kitchen, most times not even looking at me and just continues to MEOOOOOOOOOOOOW. I pick him up and pet him for a while and play with him then it calms down, but is it really just me petting him that resolves it?

Ugh, my kitten is doing this exact same thing and it's driving me insane. Does he just want attention or is he in pain or is he bored? I do think it's the attention because whenever I go to a room and close the door, he starts whining and only stops when I come out again.
So, the day I feared is here - my cat of 20 years is about to pass away. She's been ill since Friday, but her decline has been so rapid. The weight has just melted off of her, she's given up on eating and drinking and seems barely concious, not even responding to being petted any more.

It's been coming for a while though - she's had a irregular heart beat that has caused problems all her life, and about 3 years ago suffered an epileptic fit that made her go deaf. But despite dozens of fits since and the family each time preparing ourselves for when the fateful day arrives, she's hung on longer than anyone could have believed. There's something very final about this recent turn of events though, it really does seem as if her whole body is shutting down on her and it's killing me to see her like this. I'm hoping she'll pass away quietly in her sleep, but if not we're going to take her to the vets tonight to have her put down.

Her name's Cassie and, as I mentioned, she is indeed over 20 years old (she was at least 1 when we adopted her from the rescue centre) - she's half Siamese, and up until recently was always a very talkative, sociable, loving and caring cat. When she was younger, people would often comment that she's more like a dog than a cat in the way that she would get excited by any human presence and always wanting to be the centre of attention. She hated being left alone and would incessantly pester our neighbours and passers by while we were out.

Here's a photo from when she was in better health last summer;


Sorry for rambling on so and being a downer, I just really needed to vent.


there is joy in sucking dick
My condolences Bootaaay. She's a beautiful cat too. If anything 20 years of life is a very full one for a cat. And its simply great she was able to live it with an owner that seems to care for her very much :)

Here's a photo I had taken today of what seems to be the most photogenic of our cats (as seen in previous pages). The light was just right and yanked my camera out to capture the moody shot...

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