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ITT, we post pictures of our cats.


there is joy in sucking dick
Danielsan said:

"No, Mr. Bond, I expect you to die."
Random question: should I get a collar for my cat? She's strictly an indoor cat and I don't ever put her on a leash or anything, but do most people have collars on their cats?
BertramCooper said:
Random question: should I get a collar for my cat? She's strictly an indoor cat and I don't ever put her on a leash or anything, but do most people have collars on their cats?

A collar with a little rattle is the only way to avoid you cat going all ninja on you.


Neo Member
BertramCooper said:
Random question: should I get a collar for my cat? She's strictly an indoor cat and I don't ever put her on a leash or anything, but do most people have collars on their cats?

My kitty doesn't have a collar and he is strictly indoors. He is micro-chipped with my information, though. Micro-chipping only is effective if someone brings the cat to a vet/shelter where they can scan it and then contact me. Just something to consider...
My cat is an outdoor cat with no collar because she bites through every single one we've tried to put on her. Thankfully she only have about 200ft radius she walks in (she's rather skittish and afraid of everything, including being inside) so there's no chance she'll run away or let someone close enough to her to kittynap her.


BertramCooper said:
Random question: should I get a collar for my cat? She's strictly an indoor cat and I don't ever put her on a leash or anything, but do most people have collars on their cats?

Probably. Plenty of gaffers post about how they adopted a stray cat after it only spent 1 day hanging around outside their house.
Zenith said:
Probably. Plenty of gaffers post about how they adopted a stray cat after it only spent 1 day hanging around outside their house.

Hide your kids hide your wife and hide your cat cuz they stealin everybody out here.
Sickboy007 said:
Very cute, look out for those nails
wait, are those nails?
They look like those caps you can put on your cats' claws to stop them from damaging your furniture.

I use them and they're a godsend.


Yep, they´re vinyl nail caps.

Here in Argentina they´re not known, when I took her to the vet the two guys there flipped out for a second thinking she had some weird sort of disease. :lol


My two cats are indoors only, but I keep collars on them. The jingly bells lets me know 70% of the time where they are, and when they are about to attack me. Also incase they somehow get out of the house at least they'll have ID.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
I havent touched a camera in years so ....



So GAF. I need your advice.

Okay so my family now has two cats. One cat (Aslan) is my cat that lives with me in another city when I'm in college. The other cat is a new edition (unnamed yet).

Aslan: One year old cat that I adopted from the humane society. He's hilarious and very high energy. Loves to play. Does not seem aggressive, just overly curious. Has never hissed or nipped. He's a male and spayed.

Unnamed cat: My mothers cat. We kind of took a chance with her. She was abandoned by some college kids and lived outside for 6 months despite being an indoor cat. She DOES NOT like being outside. She was also declawed. She seems very shy and laid back. She's been through a lot the past couple of days and apparently when we took her to the vet she was very feisty when they were doing the vaccinations and blood sample stuff. The vet said she was anywhere between 2-4 years old. She is very cute and loves laying in soft spots and being petted. The one really odd thing is when we went to pet her belly she nipped at us. We tried again and she nipped again. We figured she wasn't comfortable with it yet so we stopped.

Now normally Aslan and unnamed cat will not be together. I will only bring Aslan during extended vacations like thanksgiving, spring break, and winter break. They are both in the same house this week but due to the unnamed cat being adopted mere days ago (3 days now) we have not really let them meet. Actually we let them meet through a sliding glass door and Aslan seemed very interested or perhaps angry, I'm not sure which one. He kept on leaning against the window, pawing softly at it letting out some meows. His tail was also swishing back and forth.

Unnamed cat let out a couple meows and and hissed once but never hissed again (considering we've let them meet through the window multiple times) and most of the time just sat still and looked at Aslan.

We are going let them meet when I come back from school which is Dec. 17, should I be worried? One cat has a very chill personality while the other one always wants to play. Will this be a problem?


300chf ain't shit to me
Kibs said:
It's snowing in Denmark ! Kittens ... somewhat approved, for a short while at least ...

omg, he looks just like my yoshi! sooo cute :) is he a siberian?

and if you don't mind me asking, how does your kitty deal with being on a leash?

i've wanted to try it with one of my cats who i believe has the temperament for it, but we live in the city and i'm not sure it would be so easy for him to get used to it. i have seen people walking their cats in quieter parts of zürich though, and once at a shopping mall in lugano. but leash training is supposed to be hard with cats if you live in the city. :/


No, they're both norwegian forestcats :) You wouldn't say once you see them pouting for getting their paws wet though ... But so far they haven't really been outside - so we decided to get them leashes ...
Have to say i was very much dreading walking them the first time - but surprisingly enough walking the slightly fatter (a lot fatter actually, she pretty much controls the foodbowl :() one took it quite well after a while! Took her out a second time around 22h - less risk of running into someone walking their dog, not a pleasant experience - and she was already comfy walking properly ... For a bit at least :)
I live on the outskirts of a danish 'city' though, and can perfectly imagine trying this in a busier area will require a lot more effort. Distractions seem to be the devil in this case ... But try it, stick with it - and i'm sure you can train your kitty to get used to it :)
My little man is following me everywhere! I'm not comPlaining by in the morning when I'm getting ready he gets in-between my feet. He even stays imbetween my legs when I'm pissing.

Awhhh I love him though!


Mecha_Infantry said:
My little man is following me everywhere! I'm not comPlaining by in the morning when I'm getting ready he gets in-between my feet. He even stays imbetween my legs when I'm pissing.

Awhhh I love him though!

Some pictures of our cat I found while cleaning my phone

With her favourite toy

At halloween with a Dracula cape (my wife's idea)

Impersonating Dracula


Redmond's Baby
Our cat chilling on 'snowman' this afternoon

We have several cats, but only he is allowed into house.



My 5-month old kitten, Dorothy. A real pest.
She's much smaller than most cats her age, when she was 3 months old she weighed a pound less than the average cat that age. She's not thin or anything.
My cat fluffy:



She and two other cats are living with my parents while I am away for college. The pictures are crappy because I took them on my blackberry.


Unconfirmed Member

Foreground: Puss sleeping in her Christmas collar.

Background: the shadow under the tree is Montecore still giving me a dirty look after putting a Christmas collar on him.

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling

This is me and my best friend's cat, Yoshi. Yoshi will be mine someday because my best friend's family aren't cat people. They've said many times that they will force Yoshi on me the very second that I live somewhere where I can have pets. I will gladly accept.:)


Deep into his 30th decade

This is our female cat, Nene. She is friendly, a little shy, and love to have her stomach petted. When we got her, she tested positive for feline lukemia, which sucked. We had to keep her seperate from our other cat for about 2 months before she could be re-tested to see if it was permanant. It was sad, I was looking for homes for sick cats. fortunetly, her last test came back negative.


This is our other guy, Tom Tom. He is pretty naughty, always climbing on stuff, but he loves to play fetch with his toys. Sometimes you will watch TV and he will bring you his toy to have you throw it a few times. Also his fur is pretty long, so about every 3 weeks I give him a bath, which he is a good sport about.


JeTmAn81 said:
Cat question: If your cat never goes outside, do you still need to get him a rabies shot? How about RCP?

There are many places with local laws that require you to have your pet registered with proof of up-to-date rabies vaccinations.

Plus that's something you don't really want to leave up to chance if it gets outside somehow.


Zoe said:
There are many places with local laws that require you to have your pet registered with proof of up-to-date rabies vaccinations.

Plus that's something you don't really want to leave up to chance if it gets outside somehow.

Heh, mine is supposed to be re-registered this year but I haven't done it yet. I wonder how they keep track of that, exactly...


JeTmAn81 said:
Heh, mine is supposed to be re-registered this year but I haven't done it yet. I wonder how they keep track of that, exactly...

I think it's only an issue if your pet gets picked up by animal control.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Her brother died last night (Our guess its that it was a heart attack, he started to cry and twist and after 20 minutes he died ;_;)


She doesnt have a name yet. Her mom is called Bigotitos.(Little whiskers)
Urrrgh more kitty problems.

He is almost 6 months and was excellently potty trained. But recently he has been pooing in the living room and more weirdly he hasn't been covering his poop or pee in the litter try

Whats wrong :(


Mecha_Infantry said:
Urrrgh more kitty problems.

He is almost 6 months and was excellently potty trained. But recently he has been pooing in the living room and more weirdly he hasn't been covering his poop or pee in the litter try

Whats wrong :(

Have you gotten him fixed yet?
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