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ITT, we post pictures of our cats.


Neo Member
Jasper is ready for Halloween.



17 pages of cat pictures?! Best thread on GAF!

EDIT: Shot of my roommate's cat, Cleo, that I took a week or two ago. She was quite upset at the Broncos being on TV here, but not the Raiders. :D



Kittah crew!

This is my cat... giving me the crazy face because he wants to get on the couch with me! He is a really sweet cat, but you would think he was nuts by this picture! :lol

He's my 10 week year old kitten, only had him a week. He started off so shy, but ow he is OK..Excuse the random cloths, they're actually shoe boxes underneath! But he sleeps there every night now so I've kept it there for him



BlueTsunami said:
Oh my God. That totally looks like Sassy from Homeward Bound <333 Is it a Himalayan?

They're Birmans :)

They are part Siamese, part Burmese. They have Siamese points. My parents had a Himalayan before these two. He turned out to be really funny and a nice cat, though these have been extraordinary. I'm kind of eying Bengals at the moment. Was looking at Savannahs, but not sure I want to pay the cost ($$$$$$$$).


outsidah said:
Kittah crew!

This is my cat... giving me the crazy face because he wants to get on the couch with me! He is a really sweet cat, but you would think he was nuts by this picture! :lol

QUOTE]:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
Tence said:

Azumi. We named him after that movie with the Ninja girl (yeah we thought he was a she when he was born because he was so little.... we kept the name anyway)


Loki, named after the Norwegian god. He's Azumi's younger brother (and very naughty)

Adorable :D And great names i might add :)


Here's Moo. He found a cozy place to lay. This was a few months ago though. I don't think he fits in that basket anymore. He's gotten pretty big.


This is Fluffy. I call her that because she is fluffy. She's scared of everything because she has no front claws (we didn't do it, we got her like that) and she's a bit of a runt anyway. She feels safe when she's with me, though. :3


These two don't usually get along, but they called a truce to look out the window. Again, taken a while ago, Moo is much bigger now.


I'm kind of like a cat lady. In the past six years I've had 17 cats.

Buttons(momma cat)

1st litter:

2nd litter:

Not from Buttons:
Miko de Penguin
This is my cat Leia. We also call her "The Princess". She currently resides with my parents since I can't afford a pet deposit. We've had her for about eleven years now. She wasn't very happy that I interrupted her nap to take a picture.


One my cats has disappeared off the face of the earth, and is reaching nearly a week since I’ve last seen him. Being an active cat (wasn't sterilised) that he is, I can only hope he was adopted as he also recently lost his collar.

viewtifulsub said:
One my cats has disappeared off the face of the earth, and is reaching nearly a week since I’ve last seen him. Being an active cat (wasn't sterilised) that he is, I can only hope he was adopted as he also recently lost his collar.


Don't give up hope yet. I had a cat come back after four months one time.
Cuu said:
Here's my cat's latest sleeping spot. We were doing some fall cleaning outside, so he's on top of 4 stacked chairs and some folded up outdoor carpeting.
J. M. Romeo said:
Hahahah they always do that kind of shit. Lovely

Oh yes. It's incredible how they're able to sleep or rest in the most uncomfortable places or positions.

On my lap and arm, with his head on the table. Must've been very comfy.


And I don't know if it's normal or if he's too kind or too stupid, but he must be the worst hunter in the world. Every time he catches a mouse, he only uses them as a toy. He carriers the mouse in his mouth (alive) and plays with it (which not surprising), but he never kills the god damn mouse. They always escape, which is usually fine, but yesterday he decided play with it in the apartment and oh boy ... the chaos. :lol


we all knew her
This thread makes me sad. When my wife and I got engaged last year, I had to give up my cat because she is violently allergic to them. :'(
zesty said:
This thread makes me sad. When my wife and I got engaged last year, I had to give up my cat because she is violently allergic to them. :'(

That's where we're different. I'm not in any way saying you're wrong, but I couldn't be with a girl who would make me give up my cat.
Solstice said:
Don't give up hope yet. I had a cat come back after four months one time.
I've seen it happen before, with a family friend who moved into a new home. Their cat also disappeared, only to be located weeks later 1mile away at their old home.

Mine though is almost 5years old that lived in the same household throughout his life. I’m hoping just to find him on the doorstep some morning.


brotkasten said:
And I don't know if it's normal or if he's too kind or too stupid, but he must be the worst hunter in the world. Every time he catches a mouse, he only uses them as a toy. He carriers the mouse in his mouth (alive) and plays with it (which not surprising), but he never kills the god damn mouse. They always escape, which is usually fine, but yesterday he decided play with it in the apartment and oh boy ... the chaos. :lol

I think that's perfectly normal. When my cat used to bring in mice that's all she'd do - she'd tap them to get them moving, and then chase after them. It was hilarious. Poor things ended up dying of fright, however.


Scythian Empire said:
Are Main Coons really expensive?

I really want to buy one when I move out, but I doubt I can afford one :(

Got mine for $40 at a rescue group.

Every animal I've ever had has been from either a rescue group or "rescued" myself.


Honestly though, a Maine Coon from a rescue group is almost always just a domestic long hair.


Zoe said:
Honestly though, a Maine Coon from a rescue group is almost always just a domestic long hair.

I have a friend of a friend who works at one of those genetic testing places... he tested my kittahs, and that's also how I found out my dog is 70% collie, 20% Norwegian Elk hound, & assorted others.

Regardless, I don't care what breed an animal is... if they are awesome they are awesome:D I'd put my rescue cats up against a pure bred any day!


gerg said:
I think that's perfectly normal. When my cat used to bring in mice that's all she'd do - she'd tap them to get them moving, and then chase after them. It was hilarious. Poor things ended up dying of fright, however.

My cats rip cricket's legs off.


Neo Member
We found her in the parking lot behind our apartment two weekends ago. We still need a name for her.. we're thinking Eva =) The vet says shes about 5 or 6 months old.

And this is my 2 year old Joey =)

I also have a 12 year old grey cat, Smokey, but I don't have any good pictures of her on my computer.


testicles on a cold fall morning
the GF and i just got a new kitten to compliment the 4 year old beast we already have. behold the majesty of Buttons -


roughly 5 months old and easily the most confident cat i've ever been around. tail is always erect, he shows no fear of strangers and follows me and the missus around like a puppy. he also purrs like a jackhammer and can entertain himself (and tease the other cat) for hours without our help. i love the bugger.
My kitten has been acting like a right idiot recently. He keeps constantly attacking my feet with his claws and teeth out, biting me and then attacking my legs.

I don't know whether I should let him sleep in my room today incase he tries to attack me at night or something. He seems angry at me and I don't know why...


The key is to make sure you never react to make your kitten do it. Cats like it when there is a reaction to their play. If you stop reacting, it'll be boring to them.

So try not to wiggle your feet to make an attack happen, keep as still as possible when the kitten is attacking. You could also try a spray bottle.
Thnks guys for the info. I've heard so much about the squirter bottle so I might try it. It's hard not to move myfeet if I'm standing! Each step he pounces on me like some crazed animal

Oh wait...


It's halloween...

...He is a black cat..



Teddie, wondering what the fuck I'm doing with that camera in her face. One of our three cats
We also have one of her sisters who is like the complete opposite in both look and character.


Meet her sister, Doerak, the most diabolical cat ever. :lol

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