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ITT, we post pictures of our cats.

PjotrStroganov said:
I've never seen a cat that is truly black. Ours catches birds and mice but he doesn't know what to do with them. So he lets them loose in the living room to let mayhem ensue.:p

Btw, milk isn't considered good for a cat.

It's kitten milk


This is Lola at 3 months when we got her.


And this is her at a year old (yesterday)


Ragdolls grow until they're 3-4 years old so she's going to be massive!



Here's Scylla and Tyrion chilling out. Finally getting along after I brought home the new Siamese kitten a couple of weeks ago.


JonnyBrad said:
This is Lola at 3 months when we got her.

And this is her at a year old (yesterday)

Ragdolls grow until they're 3-4 years old so she's going to be massive!

Incredibly beautiful animal.


Mecha_Infantry said:
Do all black cats get that white patch under their chin? Mine is starting to go grey in other places

That's because completely black cats were often killed en masse during witch-trials.

But people believed that those with white spots had still something good left in them so they were more often spared.

There are actually completely black stray cats again after all those centuries since the witchhunts, like mine.

(If you are angry about the cat burning; after all the lack of cats led to overpopulation of rats and that in turn to the plague. Talk about poetic justice.)


KoreanBarbecue said:
My wife and I's cats, Fry and Leela.


Did you get them from a breeder? And if so, how much did you have to pay, if you don't mind my asking (feel free to PM)? I would love a pair of Fold kittens when our current cat eventually goes, but I'm curious what I'd be shelling out.
Lucius86 said:
My mum and dad's cats do this - I never understand why, it looks so uncomfortable!!
You think that's uncomfortable? I think he took it to the next level.


He was like that for more than 5 minutes. Cats ...
markot said:
Its drowning the turtle!

It's a good thing they got along that well, cause that turtle bites like hell. Once took a bit of my finger while i was teasing it with food :lol. Sadly it's passed away now.

Harry Potter said:
Also, your laptop must be full of cat hair.
Not really, but he's way too big (and fat) to fit in my laptops now.
PjotrStroganov said:
When Moos was a kitten it tried to suckle at Pluis's nipple. Pluis is a male and not his father. He still let him....
Emma (my 4 month old female kitten) tries to suck on her sibling's nipple as well. I don't mind it and Tanuki (her brother) doesn't seem to either.
Not sure where else to post, but our oldest died tonight. Gandalf, the cat who thought he was a dog, came when called, and grew up riding around on my wife's shoulder, just like a parrot. :(



piratepwnsninja said:
Not sure where else to post, but our oldest died tonight. Gandalf, the cat who thought he was a dog, came when called, and grew up riding around on my wife's shoulder, just like a parrot. :(


I'm sorry! Gandalf the great will live on.
piratepwnsninja said:
Not sure where else to post, but our oldest died tonight. Gandalf, the cat who thought he was a dog, came when called, and grew up riding around on my wife's shoulder, just like a parrot. :(

Poor Gandalf! He sounds just like my Galileo... he always comes when I call him and he loves to ride around on my shoulders (even though he weighs 18lbs). I'm sorry for your loss.
piratepwnsninja said:
Not sure where else to post, but our oldest died tonight. Gandalf, the cat who thought he was a dog, came when called, and grew up riding around on my wife's shoulder, just like a parrot. :(

Sorry mate, he looks awesome. What a great name too, I wanted to name mine like that but I ended up adopting an orange shorthair so the name wouldn't have made much sense.

I second Maklershed's suggestion: you now need a white kitten :D


JonnyBrad said:
This is Lola at 3 months when we got her.


And this is her at a year old (yesterday)


Ragdolls grow until they're 3-4 years old so she's going to be massive!

I love ragdolls! I barely learned of them over a year ago when my ex gf begged me to buy her one. We got one and he was the most awesome thing ever, he was really sick and it was found around 10months and right when he turned 1 i had to put him to sleep :( He actually didn't grow too huge, either he was the runt of the litter or his illness stunted his growth. I miss the guy so much.

I've been looking around at reputable breeders to get a new ragdoll because it's such an awesome breed. i wasn't a huge cat person prior to getting him but he turned me pretty much the moment we got him.
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