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I've been thinking about this: High res setting in console games.


I wouldn't mind if developers offered a high-res setting for games, at the expense of some features.

For example, say you have a game that's 60FPS normally. If you choose to play in high-res, it'll look better, but you'll go down to 30FPS.

Maybe you can have another game where you lose some features when you go into high-res mode. Something like losing some of the more advanced physics or AI in favor of a prettier looking game.

I could live with that.


Well, one thing I would like to see in more console games is the possibility to change the video settings. Decrease graphical details to up the framerate and so on. Not as advanced as in PC games, but still a possibility to change these settings to some degree.

Buggy Loop

Naw, resoluton wont be a problem anymore for the next generation, so its useless to give programmers more headaches, and one thing i love about consoles is that everyone plays the same experience, graphics are the same and so are the performances, if they start changing that it would be a bad move imo, especially for online games, everyone would switch to performance settings to have an advantage over those who play it normally, making the game look so so

aoi tsuki

PC developers have to develop for a range of possible PC configurations. Developers targetting a specific platform only have to target one. i'd rather keep things the way they are and just have developers pick a framerate and stick to it.
only 1 option next gen:

60 frames only. without slowdown. period.

I'm already missing out games this generations because i cant stand the jerkiness of Halo, San Andreas etc. (seriously)

Publisher fear me!


You can't tell me that developers aren't gonig to be limited next gen. They're always limited.

There's going to be plenty of games running at 30FPS in order to get more particle effects/better models/bigger worlds next gen.


the biggest changes next gen won't be in graphics so much as Animation and AI. Graphics will just get higher res with more shader effects etc.


Vark said:
the biggest changes next gen won't be in graphics so much as Animation and AI. Graphics will just get higher res with more shader effects etc.

I'll try to quote you on that when everybody is drooling over the next halo and other next generation games.


Gold Member
Toshinden 2 on the PSX had something like this. You could have it all textured and running at 30fps, or you can have a flat-shaded version that ran at 60fps.


hyperbolically metafictive
you're thinking of toshinden 3.

and you know, i can never really sit back and play pc games, because i'm always tweaking the graphics and running timedemos. and perhaps that's part of the appeal of pc games for some people. but i'd rather not see that intrude on console games.

and yes, every game next gen should be 60fps. for a while there, most major ps2 games were 60fps. but that's fallen off as games have become more ambitious. i liked it while it lasted, though.


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
Games will run at 30fps next gen... Watch. The PSX had its share of 60fps, so I thought that wouldn't be a problem this gen, especially since these consoles are so much powerful than the DC... Developers should always allow for the option. It's not much work to implement.

I feel that most games could easily be 60fps if devs were given more time to develop.
I don't like this idea. That's what PC games are for ;) Adopting the 'tweaking' abilities to console games would most likely promote less optimizations at the expense of options. Screwing with LODs (geometry, textures), fog depths, lighting, anti-aliasing/filturing, etc could result in a god aweful game that looks very unlike developers intended. ID never intended Q3A to look so god aweful at all of the tourneys but people cared more about framerate than anything else to give them the 'edge'.

Also think about all of the kiosks where games are being demoed/displayed. People can go into the options to make the game butt ugly, which could turn away potential buyers.

Basically, not a good idea.
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