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Jak 2,should i bother?


Depends on your backlog and how cheap you can get it. It's a good game, despite the annoying tearing and travelling around the city. Missions in actual levels are fun. Overall I would choose Ratchet and Clank or wait for Jak 3.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
TheGreenGiant said:


Did you know that Ninja Gaiden and (especially) Pandora Tomorrow have screen tearing?


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Fleming - I'm not really sure what to tell you. Jak2 was called a difficult game by many, but I had no more trouble with it than most titles considered of moderate difficulty. There were certainly stages I had to try more than once, but nothing to an excessive amount and nothing I ultimately succeeded at on a fluke. Get to know the controls, the interface, and you shouldn't end up fighting the game and getting frustrated in that fashion.

Ranger X

Jak2 is to me a perfect example of good difficulty without becoming cheap. But it seems like gamers nowadays need games alot easier than that. Trying a mission 3-4 times is too much for them lol

Anyway man, it's greatest hit and the game is soooooooo worth this price. buy.

Agent X

It does have a few occasionally frustrating moments, but by and large it's really good--not too easy, not too difficult. It's certainly worth the price of admission!
I liked Jak & Daxter but not Jak2. I played it for about 5 hours and stopped. I didn't have to play any missions more than twice, so it wasn't frustrating... but I just wasn't fun to me. Mixing the series with GTA was a mistake IMO.


Scary Euro Man
Prince of Space said:
Jak II is on of the most overrated games of this gen. Play Ratchet and Clank instead.

IAWTP. That said, I'm probably in the minority. It's probably dirt cheap by now - why not give it a try?


There are a lot of frustrating moments, I wouldn't recommend it unless you can get it for under $10. The demo of Jak 3 doesn't show much improvement either, but I'll give it a chance.
bridegur said:
There are a lot of frustrating moments, I wouldn't recommend it unless you can get it for under $10. The demo of Jak 3 doesn't show much improvement either, but I'll give it a chance.

Yeah. IGN and OPM are wrong. You're right, because you've played the demo.


Shitty "get to destination X halfway across town in a minute using crappy slow airbike with piss poor handling" missions+Jak barely being able to take damage+lack of checkpoints in some missions ("the guy you were guarding got blown up right before the ending cutscene? FUCK YOU! Start over")=quick sell back to Game Crazy
belgurdo said:
Shitty "get to destination X halfway across town in a minute using crappy slow airbike with piss poor handling" missions+Jak barely being able to take damage+lack of checkpoints in some missions ("the guy you were guarding got blown up right before the ending cutscene? FUCK YOU! Start over")=quick sell back to Game Crazy

Ahaha. You suck at gaming. Because it's like only in the beginning.


Littleberu said:
Ahaha. You suck at gaming. Because it's like only in the beginning.

Yeah, I didn't play very far (I got to the one where you have to run through a foundry or something,) but then again I saw all I needed to
belgurdo said:
Yeah, I didn't play very far (I got to the one where you have to run through a foundry or something,) but then again I saw all I needed to

That's the beginning. The game gets a LOT better, in mission variety and story-wise.
Littleberu said:
That's the beginning. The game gets a LOT better, in mission variety and story-wise.

I've played through it but seriously, it only got lamer and lamer. And infinitely more trying. The weapon play ins't as well integrated as R+C and it feels like they wanted to copy premises from other games. The whole rebellion/dark Jak storyline. I wanted to kill whoever thought it up. The city sucks because there's no real pupose other than to beef up time. What can you really do in it? A---->B


I think it is excellent. I never found it hard at all and I am not sure why people say that. I preferred it to ratchet and clank 2 (but that is excellent as well). I paid full price and loved it so I don't see how you could go wrong since it is a greatest hit now. The first one is great too but it is a much more traditional platformer than Jak II.
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