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January WrassleGAF |OT| Rocky Road to Wrestle Kingdom Starts Now


Fairly mediocre segment, but I liked the pull apart brawl at the end. That + beating Brodus Clay by sub tonight gives Punk a bit of legitimacy. At least he isn't a coward anymore.

Rest of the show: Who cares? / 10


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife

Punk didn't get the upper hand

If he didn't this week, he will next week (last Raw before the Rumble)

he loses.


Overall that was a good RAW, but the last two segments were pretty lame. Super Cena is just absurd at this point, and Rock's concert was weak. Like someone said, low hanging fruit, attacking Vickie and Heyman's looks is weak material.

I'd rather Punk and Rock just face off, humour isn't really finding much of a place in this feud.
I saw Fit Finley out there who else?

Him and Arn Anderson were out there; Finley was leading Rock backstage, while Arn helped the refs hold Punk back. It was kinda cool.

I'm glad we've got some actual physicality in this feud; it's a marked improvement over Cena VS Rock in terms of tension.


So, this is the hottest feud of the year, huh? A relic and a guy who's been misused?

My God the bitter people in this thread is annoying sometimes. This feud is 1000 times better than Cena and Rock.

The build has been good and the Rock Concert was not great, but the crowd loves it. He is no Relic but a man that draws major Ratings and the crowd loves because this thread doesn't represent basically everyone else who loves the Rock.


how many more appearances does lesnar have? im smelling a punk va lesnar match at wrestlemania. with punk still being champ. i dont care what that promo dvd said, punk losing the title is bad for business come wrestlemania. itd be a goldberg like streak to hype up with the rock v cena match again


I like the parts where Rock gets serious, it sells him vs Punk as a major conflict, but the jokes thrown in the middle are out of place. I mean what's the point of throwing that "twinkie tits" line in between two serious ones?

Still, this feud is ten times better than Rock/Cena in just two shows.


Agreed, Rock is best when he's serious, but the WWE Universe wants dick jokes and making fun of fat people.
Really? REALLY?!? I know that's what Vince wants because he's a demeaning misogynist.
I'm not sure that's what the WWE Universe wants. Ratings dictate otherwise.
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