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January WrassleGAF |OT| Rocky Road to Wrestle Kingdom Starts Now


Ziggler could win from #1 (or #2).

Really hoping for the ultimate improbability upsets of Dolph winning the Rumble and Punk retaining the title.

I mean, Cena winning the Rumble and Rock winning the title just seems so ridiculously predictable even for WWE standards. There will be a swerve somewhere. There has to be.


more money than God
Kane's officially gone gray.



Really hoping for the ultimate improbability upsets of Dolph winning the Rumble and Punk retaining the title.

I mean, Cena winning the Rumble and Rock winning the title just seems so ridiculously predictable even for WWE standards. There will be a swerve somewhere. There has to be.
Not only is the double Cena-Rock win a post-Rumble buzzkill but it effectively kills any interest in the Elimination Chamber PPV (which they have to build in 3 weeks) at the same time.

The other variable is the fact that they played out that whole Brad Maddox angle out on Smackdown... the only rational explanation for which is that he interjects himself into the Punk-Rock match in one way, shape or form (not that he'll be successful, mind you).

I'm actually leaning away from most of the "obvious" Rumble picks right now of Cena, Ryback or Ziggler and leaning more towards someone like Cesaro (if they job him out of the US title in the pre-show to Miz) or The Rock (entering the Rumble as a surprise participant after he loses to Punk in a screwy finish involving Maddox-Brock).

I like picking Dwayne to win because it locks him in to a title match opportunity at MSG without needing to jeopardize him within the confines of a brutal Chamber match and without taking the titles out of the Chamber match equation (which almost always invariably sucks).

Plus, if Cena wins the Rumble, who do you have him wrestle in 3 weeks? It would be dumb having him in a Chamber match when he's the #1 contender for 'Mania. That only leaves beating Ziggler yet again as a match option... and who wants to see that?


man just thinking about cena winning the rumble deflates me off any hype

this is why im most likely not watching RR.

I'll watch Rhodes Scholars win the belts, but after that I have no interest. Maybe if The Shield is in another 3v3 TLC i'll watch that as well.

It's inevitable that Rock and Cena are going to fight. If they don't, who else can they fight? I don't think anyone would care to see Rock vs brock. That match happened 10 years ago while both actually cared about WWE. Now they're just in it for the checks/promoting their movies.

Maybe Cena vs Taker? I mean that might grab the casuals interests but I think everyone else couldn't care less. It either ends up another Super Cena victory or another 100 finishers can't stop Taker at WM ending. The actual match itself won't be any good.

and if Rock doesn't win against Punk and Cena doesn't win the RR, are they going to really force it?

Unless it really was once in a lifetime. but I don't think Vince would pass up on that free money.


and if Rock doesn't win against Punk and Cena doesn't win the RR, are they going to really force it?

Unless it really was once in a lifetime. but I don't think Vince would pass up on that free money.
No need to force it.
You could have Dwayne win the Rumble match (while losing to Punk earlier in the night) and Cena win the belt at Elimination Chamber.

You could have Dwayne lose via screwjob at Rumble and win at EC in a Chamber match if he wants to put his body on the line for that. Then do a 3-way with Punk & Cena for Mania.
Or just a straight up match vs. Cena while Punk faces off against Brock after shit goes wrong in the chamber match between Heyman's boys.

There are still options.
NXT will hold an 8-man tournament this weekend and the winner will get a spot in the Rumble. I like this idea. The competitors are Corey Graves, Oliver Grey, Luke Harper, Xavier Woods, Conor O'Brien, Adrian Neville, Bo Dallas and Leo Kruger.

Future Forced Stars
Bo Dallas ( He will probably win)

Future Stars
Adrian Neville
Luke Harper
Leo Kruger

Future Jobbers
Corey Graves
Oliver Grey
Xavier Woods
Conor O'Brien ( If his partner doesn't come back)


No need to force it.
You could have Dwayne win the Rumble match (while losing to Punk earlier in the night) and Cena win the belt at Elimination Chamber.

You could have Dwayne lose via screwjob at Rumble and win at EC in a Chamber match if he wants to put his body on the line for that. Then do a 3-way with Punk & Cena for Mania.
Or just a straight up match vs. Cena while Punk faces off against Brock after shit goes wrong in the chamber match between Heyman's boys.

There are still options.

would Rock really go through a match with Punk and then compete in the Rumble? Unless I'm mistaken Cena doesn't have a match, so the Rock/Punk match will be right before the Rumble. Rock may half-ass his promos, but it appeared he went 100% in his few matches last year.

also, I don't think there's a chance he competes at EC unless it's a non-EC match. I don't think he would risk injury and even if he does, Vince wouldn't.


Future Forced Stars
Bo Dallas ( He will probably win)

Future Stars
Adrian Neville
Luke Harper
Leo Kruger

Future Jobbers
Corey Graves
Oliver Grey
Xavier Woods
Conor O'Brien ( If his partner doesn't come back)

Corey Graves is a bit better than a jobber. Sure he's not a big indie star like some of the others, but he's not the average NXT jobber. His character has IT as far as NXT goes.

And if you watched this week's NXT, Conner O'Brien will be fine without his partner.
Corey Graves is a bit better than a jobber. Sure he's not a big indie star like some of the others, but he's not the average NXT jobber. His character has IT as far as NXT goes.

And if you watched this week's NXT, Conner O'Brien will be fine without his partner.

Yeah, of the non-indie guys on NXT Corey is one of my favorites behind Wyat.


Royal Rumble spoilers:

Carlito and Shelton Benjamin are confirmed to be two of the surprise entrants. FUCK YEA SHELTON BENJAMIN.


Future Forced Stars
Bo Dallas ( He will probably win)

Future Stars
Adrian Neville
Luke Harper
Leo Kruger

Future Jobbers
Corey Graves
Oliver Grey
Xavier Woods
Conor O'Brien ( If his partner doesn't come back)

I predict Leo Kruger wins and he's elevated to main roster after his Rumble appearance. Wish it was Chris Hero, though!
So maybe I missed this conversation when the Show/Del Rio feud started or something, but Goddamn is Show's character racist right now. Not even in a coy, wrestling-skirts-the-line way. I mean what the fuck.


I've been up for over 30+ hours, wtf is happening to me.

Running near 24 myself, and 4 hours of that was spent re-watching Botchamania videos. I'm purposely buggering my sleeping pattern for the Royal Rumble though. It's on at 1am so I don't want to be up too early.

Can't wait for Cesaro Vs The Miz. I'm a huge Cesaro fan and my friend, who I'll be watching the PPV with, is a massive Miz fan. Hope Cesaro lands his uppercut more than once so I can do that arm pump thing as I stomp about the room chanting like mad.

A fun PPV this will be indeed.


You should take a video of you doing the double fist pump in your friend's face for the entire duration of the match. And then again for the entire duration that Claudio is in the Rumble. Just right in his face. Uncomfortably close.


I can't record it, but I can do that. Cesaro is winning that match, and if he doesn't, he will be going on to bigger and better things.


Due to request, I was going to put my WCW reviews on Kindle, but that user agreement sounds harsh. And I don't want to have to pay for date to put them up. But I'd like to get paid to watch terrible wrestling. I guess I'll just stick with Mechanical Turk to save up for stupid things like a Wii U without actually having to get a job.
Holy shit, PWG's All Star Weekend 9 on March 22nd & 23rd is looking CRAZY;

Making their PWG Debuts: Trent Baretta, Johnny Gargano, Jay Lethal, AR Fox, Samuray Del Sol

Long Awaited Returns: Paul London, Chuck Taylor

Regular PWG Stars: The Unbreakable F'n Machines, The Inner City Machine Guns, The Super Smash Bros, The Young Bucks, Adam Cole, Kevin Steen, Willie Mack, Team Chop-Chop/DojoBros

Night 1 Main Event: Sami Callihan vs Drake Younger - GUERRILLA WARFARE MATCH!

Good god, that card is fucking STACKED. PWG! PWG! PWG!
It's a shame that Chuck Taylor will probably never be more than an Indie Mainstay. He's one of the most enjoyable guys to watch.

Yeah, I mean Chuck doesn't have the look to get regularly booked in a place like ROH, and has even less chance in TNA & WWE. As you say, it's a shame, as he's got a great mind for wrestling, understands how to properly pace a match and connects with the crowd really well, but his character just isn't suited to being booked seriously. Personally, I'd like to see him reinvent himself like Jimmy Jacobs did with the Age of the Fall. Chuck as the mastermind leader of a serious heel stable would be good to see.


Future Forced Stars
Bo Dallas ( He will probably win)

Future Stars
Adrian Neville
Luke Harper
Leo Kruger

Future Jobbers
Corey Graves
Oliver Grey
Xavier Woods
Conor O'Brien ( If his partner doesn't come back)

Wait Conor O'Brien partner has gone! He was awesome British dude and Oliver Grey can at least form a sentence unlike Adrian Neville! I would be surprised if in two years we don't have a stable called The Union with Regal and Barrett playing the Flair and Hunter roles....


I hope he doesn't because Age of the Fall was the last straw in making me quit ROH for good and hating anything Jimmy Jacobs related. I like Chuck Taylor. I don't want to see him do some stupid dark and edgy character bullshit. More grenades and being mean to kids.
I hope he doesn't because Age of the Fall was the last straw in making me quit ROH for good and hating anything Jimmy Jacobs related. I like Chuck Taylor. I don't want to see him do some stupid dark and edgy character bullshit. More grenades and being mean to kids.

My point was that I seriously doubt he's going to be able to go progress further while he's still hitting imaginary hand grenades, screaming when he's about to get chopped and making little kids in the crowd cry. Just like Jimmy Jacobs wouldn't have gone much further if he was still pretending to be a pint-sized Bruiser Brody. I mean, look at the way Chuck has been booked in EVOLVE recently - they made him the go to guy in the company at the beginning because Danielson got called up, Davey walked out, Aries went to TNA and, suddenly, Taylor was the most legitimate member of the roster. Now, there's a bunch of other guys in or around the main event scene, and it's like they're almost embarrassed of the fact that a pseudo comedy character holds the best win/loss record.

And you crazy, Age of the Fall was great at the beginning. The whole angle leading up to their debut made great use of social media before Vince had even developed his hard-on for social media. Also, Jimmy cutting a promo in his white suit while Jay Briscoe's blood drips down on him from above was such an awesome visual and memorable moment. That whole angle was fine, right up until the moment Gabe was fired, and then it just ran out of steam as Pearce didn't know what to do with them.
Read an interesting thing regard Steve Blackman this morning, probably old news to some, but new to me.

In May of 1989, Steve Blackman was days away from beginning his career with World Wrestling Entertainment. A week later, he was in sub-Saharan Africa on the brink of death.

"I was supposed to start with WWE, but I promised this guy I would go over to South Africa for three weeks," Blackman told WWE.com. "I went over there to keep my word and I wound up getting dysentery and malaria and was on my death bed."

At the time, Blackman was a rising star in Calgary's Stampede Wrestling. A physical powerhouse, the Pennsylvania native had set an east coast record by curling 315 pounds as a 19-year-old. He was also a dangerous martial artist, highly skilled in Shotokan karate, jiu-jitsu and various other disciplines. But a single bite from an Anopheles mosquito was enough to nearly kill him.

"It was a nightmare," Blackman remembered. "But I said, 'I'm not going to die in this country. I'm not going to make my family fly halfway around the world to come retrieve my body.'"

Crippled by intense abdominal pain, exhaustion and dehydration, Blackman made a harrowing 46-hour journey to his home in Florida. Then, with no other choice, the competitor opted out of his contract with WWE and returned to his parents' house in Pennsylvania where he began a grueling recovery process that lasted for six long years.

"For the first two and a half years that I was sick, when I went to bed at night I didn't think I would wake up in the morning."

It would take three years of intense physical therapy, doses and doses of antibiotics and endless hours of sleep before Blackman began to feel even close to normal. Eventually, the big man was able to take a job as a prison guard and slowly started his training routines, preparing himself for a return to the ring.

It would be a long journey for Blackman to get back to where he had once been. Originally trained by Tony Altomare, a former tag team partner of Captain Lou Albano, Blackman had truly cut his teeth in the rough-and-tumble rings of Stu Hart's Stampede Wrestling where he competed with some of the most talented performers of the era.

"Dynamite Kid and The British Bulldog were up there with us in Stampede," Blackman recalled. "Brian Pillman was there. There were a lot of good [wrestlers], so it was a good place to learn."

Despite this great background, the 6-foot-2 grappler hadn't set foot in the squared circle in years and needed to get back into fighting shape. Setting up a ring in his backyard, Blackman spent a year training aspiring wrestlers in the Pennsylvania area until he felt he was ready to return to the big leagues.

"I started getting better as long as I trained hard and ate healthy," Blackman said.

Finally, in 1997, a revived Blackman contacted an old friend and asked for a favor.

"I called Brian Pillman and some of those guys and they put in a word for me with [Mr. McMahon]," Blackman remembered. "He was hesitant, but they gave me a shot."

In November of that same year, Blackman finally made his WWE debut after an eight-year hiatus, jumping over a guardrail on Raw to help Vader in a brawl against Bret Hart's Hart Foundation. The act would inject the martial artist directly into a rivalry between WWE's Canadian and USA factions, but the grappler had some difficulty bringing the fight to his rivals.

"The first year on the road was tough for me," Blackman admitted. "I still fought relapses of fatigue, but I would just fight through it. I felt pretty rotten a lot of the time."

It wasn't until Blackman began to butt heads with Ken Shamrock that he started to find his footing in the ring again. A former star in the Ultimate Fighting Championship, Shamrock could match Blackman in the tough guy department and both men were more than willing to show the other how hard they could hit.

"We would lay into each other," Blackman admitted. "I know one night I had one of my brand new sticks, I had bought it that morning, and I actually broke it over his ribs in the ring."

This use of dangerous weapons, including nunchucks and rattan sticks used in the Filipino martial art of eskrima, earned Blackman the nickname "The Lethal Weapon."

"I did a lot of martial arts training," he said. "Using the weapons, it just came natural to me."

Blackman's martial arts skills would also serve him well in WWE's controversial Brawl for All tournament. Held during the summer of 1998, this unique contest pitted Superstars against one another in matches that were more akin to mixed martial arts brawls than traditional WWE bouts.

"They put me in the first match with Marc Mero," Blackman recalled. "Now Marc Mero has always had good boxing skills, I think he won the New York Golden Gloves for five years, but I took him down like 13 times in three minutes."

Although he won the match, The Lethal Weapon would have to withdraw from the tournament when he suffered an injury during a training session. After sitting on the sidelines for several months, the deathly serious Blackman returned to the ring in a much different light, teaming with the bizarre Al Snow in a mismatched duo known as Head Cheese.

"Al and I were so different," Blackman said. "He was always laughing and outgoing and I was so straight-laced. It just made it comical."

Snow, one of the most oddball Superstars in WWE history, was infamous for talking to a disembodied mannequin head and once wrestled himself. Looking to bring out the same zaniness in the stoic Blackman, the strange Superstar dragged The Lethal Weapon on memorably wacky trips to places like a cow farm and a retirement community.

"Some old woman in there, she was like 90-years-old, and every time I would say something she just started yelling, 'Blackman...you suck!'" the former Superstar said with a smile. "Al and I kept laughing like hell because we couldn't believe this woman kept yelling at me."

While the team became fan favorites due to their odd couple appeal, they failed to capture the WWE Tag Team Championships and split up in 2000.

"I felt like some of the tag stuff, some nights it clicked and some night it didn't," Blackman admitted. "But the vignettes were hard to beat, because it was pretty funny stuff."

With the Head Cheese jokes now behind him, Blackman returned to singles action with a newfound focus. Dusting off his kendo sticks, The Lethal Weapon prepared for war. Things were about to get hardcore.

Steve Blackman can still recall the sight of Shane McMahon plummeting 50 feet from the side of a steel structure to the ground below.

"He took a hell of a fall," Blackman said. "And that crazy guy took it backwards."

The intense competitor has good reason to remember the wild moment — after all, he was the man that sent Shane on this dangerous plunge.

It was SummerSlam 2000 and the two rivals were waging a brutal war over the Hardcore Title. Although Shane had previously defeated Blackman for the championship with the help of Test and Albert, he was on his own in this contest and running for his life.

The chase led the two men to the top of a massive set at the end of the entrance ramp where they jockeyed for position on the perilous structure. With the help of a kendo stick, Blackman won out and sent Shane crashing to the floor below.

The Lethal Weapon wasn't done there, however. He was about to unleash an elbow drop that the WWE Universe would not soon forget.

"I just took a breath and said, 'Here we go," Blackman recalled. "I mean, there was no turning back at that point."

Brutal and breathtaking, the climax of this match would be remembered as one of the most shocking moments in WWE history and, in many ways, was the pinnacle of the short-lived Hardcore Championship. The title, which had been the focal point of many wild matches between the likes of Crash Holly and The Mean Street Posse, suddenly felt like a championship worth fighting for.

"I loved doing Hardcore Matches," Blackman said. "I had a lot of good matches with Bob Holly, Kane, a bunch of guys."

As a martial artist, the Pennsylvania native was especially effective in this anything-goes environment where he could use the dangerous weapons he'd trained with for years.

"I tried to come up with different ways to use weapons," Blackman said. "Different things you could do with a garbage can, doing spinning backfists with the lids, using my Singapore canes on people."

After dominating the Hardcore division for most of 2000, Blackman formed a short-lived tag team with Too Cool's Grand Master Sexay. Eventually, though, Blackman took a break from the ring to heal a nagging neck injury. But when the damage proved to be too much for the Superstar to keep competing, he parted ways with World Wrestling Entertainment in 2002.

It wouldn't take long, though, for Blackman to start on his new career path.

"I had a lot of guys asking me if I would train them in [mixed martial arts] and I kept putting it off," Blackman said. "But after a year of getting back on track, I finally decided to open up my own gym."

Utilizing his years of training in jiu-jitsu, Muay Thai kickboxing and various other disciplines, the 245-pounder took advantage of the burgeoning popularity of combat sports and began working with a few local students. As MMA's success boomed, so did Blackman's.

"I trained some guys in my garage and one thing led to another and now I have a huge, 5,000-square foot spot in a warehouse."

Located in Harrisburg, Pa., the massive gym is loaded with all the training systems an MMA student would need and even houses a full-sized cage for sparring. And as the school's owner and head trainer, Blackman gives all his warriors hands-on lessons.

"I do mostly jiu-jitsu instructing and wrestling drills," he explained. "Then I brought one guy in to help me do some boxing training."

With 80 to 100 students regularly enrolled in Blackman's school, the former Superstar works long hours, but only the strongest pupils make it in his class.

"Everyone thinks they're a fighter until they come in and do a class of boxing and jiu-jitsu," Blackman said. "Nine times out of ten people just don't have it in them to want to train that hard everyday."

The fighters that can hack it with The Lethal Weapon have a chance to test their skills in front of an audience through Blackman's own Pennsylvania Fighting Championship.

"I started doing my own shows a year ago," Blackman revealed. "I put all the fights together, make the card, book the building, all that stuff."

Regularly held at the Zembo Shrine Center in Blackman's native Harrisburg, the shows have drawn a strong fanbase thanks to the hard-hitting action Blackman's students provide.

"I did three shows this year and we've had pretty good turnouts," he said.

While most of his time is spent in the smashmouth world of contact sports, Blackman enjoys a more relaxed home life with his wife and their young daughter.

"All those years on the road, I didn't think I would be a dad," Blackman said. "It's quite a difference for me now being married and having a kid."

And while he hasn't stepped through WWE ropes since Raw's 15th Anniversary show in 2007, The Lethal Weapon doesn't completely rule out a return to the ring.

"Some days when I feel really good I get tempted — especially when I see Bret Hart on Raw," Blackman admitted. "I miss being out there."

Seemingly he was a massive muscle head too. Can't find any good pictures, but there's a picture used in TEW2013 1987 mod where he looks like a beast.


Future Forced Stars
Bo Dallas ( He will probably win)

Future Stars
Adrian Neville
Luke Harper
Leo Kruger

Future Jobbers
Corey Graves
Oliver Grey
Xavier Woods
Conor O'Brien ( If his partner doesn't come back)

No way on Graves, he looks like a star in the making.
Talk about a setback for Blackman, interesting read. I'd mark the hell out if he came out in the rumble to that entrance theme.

And for whatever reason I don't like Corey Graves much at all.


I know a lot of people have been enjoying Team Hell No, but I felt that they've had the titles for too long. In the beginning it looked like a real resurgence of tag teams. Epico and Primo, Prime Time Players, Rhodes Scholars, Hell No, Los Luchadores, Tyson Kidd and Justin Gabriel, Kofi Kingston + anybody etc. But it's really dwindled down to Hell No vs. Rhodes Scholars, while these other tag teams have been more or less forgotten or jobbed out. I know Hell No and Rhodes Scholars are easily the two more interesting teams, but I don't think it would hurt to flip the title around more often to give the other tag teams some exposure. The tag titles have traditionally changed hands quite a bit. In the Attitude Era, it was shocking to see a team have more than a one month reign. Hell No doesn't even really NEED the titles as their promo and ring work make them stand out enough. They should have dropped it to Rhodes Scholars the first defense, which would have played up the "they have trouble getting along" angle and the conclusion to that would be winning the titles back when they learn to cooperate.


My point was that I seriously doubt he's going to be able to go progress further while he's still hitting imaginary hand grenades, screaming when he's about to get chopped and making little kids in the crowd cry. Just like Jimmy Jacobs wouldn't have gone much further if he was still pretending to be a pint-sized Bruiser Brody. I mean, look at the way Chuck has been booked in EVOLVE recently - they made him the go to guy in the company at the beginning because Danielson got called up, Davey walked out, Aries went to TNA and, suddenly, Taylor was the most legitimate member of the roster. Now, there's a bunch of other guys in or around the main event scene, and it's like they're almost embarrassed of the fact that a pseudo comedy character holds the best win/loss record.

And you crazy, Age of the Fall was great at the beginning. The whole angle leading up to their debut made great use of social media before Vince had even developed his hard-on for social media. Also, Jimmy cutting a promo in his white suit while Jay Briscoe's blood drips down on him from above was such an awesome visual and memorable moment. That whole angle was fine, right up until the moment Gabe was fired, and then it just ran out of steam as Pearce didn't know what to do with them.

Perhaps, but Jimmy Jacobs is a terrible promo guy both in delivery and the ridiculous "I'm the new Raven" bullshit he was spouting. He's just too small to be taken seriously as a crazy dude who may kill you. Kevin Sullivan had that crazy vibe down to him despite being a midget. Taz had that SHOOT KILL YOU BRO vibe despite being a midget. AOTF Jimmy Jacobs was the pro wrestling equivalent to a 15 year old emo myspace girl who takes pictures of her little scratches and insists she's a hardcore cutter.


would Rock really go through a match with Punk and then compete in the Rumble? Unless I'm mistaken Cena doesn't have a match, so the Rock/Punk match will be right before the Rumble. Rock may half-ass his promos, but it appeared he went 100% in his few matches last year.

also, I don't think there's a chance he competes at EC unless it's a non-EC match. I don't think he would risk injury and even if he does, Vince wouldn't.
Rock is his big go-to guy, and why not since he's the big draw to the company. I wouldn't give a shit about the PPV outside a probable chance of Ziggler getting his WHC victory, and hopefully a good run. Brock I do like, but WWE's shown they really don't know what they're doing with him. The Cena feud was rushed and thrown out after one PPV. Triple H forced himself in there and made it about his family (Heyman/HHH). Give me a break.

All I hope for is at least having Ziggler having a chance to look good, and getting an opportunity in the main event. Have no real care what happens otherwise. Punk is a big boy and a loss wouldn't hurt him, if it were to happen. He's had the title well over a year now and while a title loss to Bryan or Jericho would've been great, the time has passed. Just has felt like the whole year has been lackluster and nothing memorable happened with the title.

Agree with Fork about the tag titles and the tag division itself. Kidd's injury stunk so his team with Gabriel has dwindled. PTP just come out, dance, and lose. Sin Cara and Rey seemingly evaporated and I thought those two had great chemistry with Rhodes and Sandow. They still don't do anything with the Uso's, 3MB, or Epico/Primo except be filler.
Perhaps, but Jimmy Jacobs is a terrible promo guy both in delivery and the ridiculous "I'm the new Raven" bullshit he was spouting. He's just too small to be taken seriously as a crazy dude who may kill you. Kevin Sullivan had that crazy vibe down to him despite being a midget. Taz had that SHOOT KILL YOU BRO vibe despite being a midget. AOTF Jimmy Jacobs was the pro wrestling equivalent to a 15 year old emo myspace girl who takes pictures of her little scratches and insists she's a hardcore cutter.

I'll give you that, as Jacobs has never really looked all that intimidating and while I remember the debut AOTF promo for the visual aspect, I certainly don't recall any of what Jacobs was actually saying - but I think I bought it and other ROH fans bought it at the time because the feud with BJ Whitmer had solidified Jacobs as a tough dude, one who is willing to work through extreme pain to achieve his goals, as evidenced by the cage match to finish their feud where Jacobs wrestled with a torn ACL, the two scary-ass top-rope powerbomb spots and the no-rope barbedwire match in IWA-MS. I don't think it was a terribly huge stretch that Jacobs, rejected by Lacey and forgotten about by the fans, could potentially snap and become a crazed, railroad spike wielding cult leader, whether you or I think he succeeded in pulling it off or not.


Holy sheeeit.

Just watching last nights Smackdown, specifically the world tour promo by Cena...dude is awful! Sterotypically awful! Fuck You Cena!


Had a bunch more Rumble entrants so here is the updated list. Please check and see that I haven't missed you on here. If you aren't on here and want in, PM me. It's cool to see some people who don't normally post here joining in, anyone everyone is welcome to take part so if you are a lurker please feel free to let me know you want in.

Entrants (this isn't the order of entry, numbers will be given out on Sunday):
DKehoe, Sunflower, Linkified, G-Fex, Guzim, Bootaaay, A Pretty Panda, Entropia, Jamie OD, RBH, SousedLouse, strobogo, Aiii, Judderman, Dork Knight, somedevil, Parallax, Frackh, Net_Wrecker, Professor Beef, Ithil, Laserfrog, Reneledarker, Mr. Sandman, BillRiccio, DMczaf, Ultratech, Jeff Albertson, mechashiva, Shark Johnson, Mr. Luchador, Killing_Joke, KenOD, Kyoufu, El Pescado, jred2k, Str0ngStyle, mrboo001, Enfinit, Mr. Sam, tm24, Penguin, LoserMakesGood, Chico Terry, akskiller, slightconfuse, HarryDemeanor, jmdajr, BIONIC-ARRRMMM!!, Nocturnowl, Matthew Gallant, MightyHealthy, Anth0ny, funkystudent, friskykillface, Darth Sonik, UberTag, TangMeng, Frustrated_Grunt, McNei1y, noclevername620, mtsmylie, B M ARAGON, Clint Beastwood, Htown, psycho17, Speedy Blue Dude, ghostmind, Sabucin, TOM f'N CRUISE, sf2fanatic, CrunchinJelly, antonz, Conrad Link, tj hazuki, darkbanjo, Nebula, Jitters, PopfulMail, Giard, Teptom, Pristine_Condition, NihonTiger90
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