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January WrassleGAF |OT| Rocky Road to Wrestle Kingdom Starts Now



Sheamus is still under appreciated. Sure he is booked poorly but he has good matches.

Ehhhh I wouldn't say he's booked horribly. I just think he's a tired act at points. I think he's great in the ring and everyone acknowledges that... but he's a big dick as a face and he's becoming super cener 2.0


man was about to stop watching wwe until bork showed up. bork set things right. that f5 vince took was a long time coming and quite frankly didnt come soon enough. gj bork, heyman. im tuning in to raw amd smackdown now.


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
WWE logic is so backwards sometimes

The Shield were under developmental contract and can show up on tv whenever they want?

If they were such rogues, who the fuck gave them a theme and who cues the music

Haven't watched Wrestling in months until tonight. Some thoughts:

The Rock is still great entertainment, and a roid freak.

The Sheild seems pretty cool.

Sheamus is still under appreciated. Sure he is booked poorly but he has good matches.

Cesaro is pretty good. Lots of potential there.

Orton sucks as a face.

Jericho has a great plastic surgeon.

Ziggler is Curt Henning without the promo skills. His mic work is absolute shit.

Cena needs to turn heel at Wrestlemania. No better time than now. Could turn like Austin at WM 17 with Heyman and it would absolutely work.

How is Khali employed? The guy is as close to crippled as they come.

3MB is garbage.

The "Barrett Barrage" persona is very boring.

Bo Dallas is hideous, the WWE thinks we would ever give a shit about this guy? Pass.

Ambrose has the look of a superstar heel.

Cody looks like Joey Ryan.

Not a bad show, some terrible segments but some good potential for Wrestlemania season.

I haven't seen the show yet, but in regards to a few of your points:

I agree in regard to 3MB. They're horrible.

Khali seriously depressed me last night during the rumble. It's like he can barely walk. How the WWE still allows him to work is beyond me.

I like Wade. A lot. I'm not sure why other people don't.

Bo Dallas is horrible. -2/10, would not push unless off a cliff and off my television.

Ziggles... Eh... He's done some good mic work, but to me, it seems like he's still super nervous on the stick. With that said, I'd rather listen to him talk then most people in the WWE right now, and that's saying something about their roster.

I'm guilty of being an unabashed Rock fan, but I have to admit that the promos and the catchphrases are getting a little tired. He's so charasmatic, though. I think that's part of the reason he gets away with being a bit more stale on the stick.

And finally:

Cena will never turn heel. I think this is one of, if not the only thing he uses his backstage influence on, and we all know he has a lot of it. He said he'd fight a heel turn tooth and nail. It'll never, ever happen. We'll see this John Cena "character" until he finally decides to retire from in-ring competition.

Edit: Antonio Cesaro is too good for the WWE. He'll never be more than the midcard, and that is upsetting.
Too many top stars in this match, especially on Team McMahon. There'd be nothing left for the rest of the card.

Daniel Bryan and Kane's obligatory break up match.

Undertaker's 30 minute Wrestlemania match.

US championship match.

Intercontinental championship match.

There's a few Top stars/upper mid-card stars left to keep the other hour and a half of Wrestlemania alive. Cesaro, Miz, Wade Barret, Daniel Bryan, Kane, Cody Rhodes, Damien Sandow, Chris Jericho, Alberto Del Rio, Big Show, etc.

They could use the rest of the card to push stars like Cody Rhodes and Wade Barret and get them over, or all of them really.

Though we know this won't happen. Wrestlemania will be Rock vs Cena 2! Brock Lesnar vs Triple H 2! Punk vs Taker 2! (although I'd actually like to see Punk vs Taker).


Ziggler isn't excellent on the mic but he's still good. I'd prefer him to Cena any day (but yea, that's not saying a lot). I think he's got the talent in the ring and the charisma, but he still could work on his mic skills a bit. He's still fine, though, and I want him to win a title so he can start talking mad shit.


So wait....Is Cena really that against the idea of turning Heel? Really after all these years? I thought even Vince warmed up to the idea of Cena Heel like 3 years.
So wait....Is Cena really that against the idea of turning Heel? Really after all these years? I thought even Vince warmed up to the idea of Cena Heel like 3 years.

I can't remember the source, but last year, at least once, possibly twice, he said he'd fight a heel turn tooth and nail in interviews.


I like the way they previously said Maddox was attacked, but they couldn't find out who did it.

Punk and The Rock were great, so was the ending , but I didn't really care for anything else.

Evening Musuko

Black Korea
Cena needs to turn heel at Wrestlemania. No better time than now. Could turn like Austin at WM 17 with Heyman and it would absolutely work.


You guys need to stop holding out hope. Cena will NEVER turn heel. There's a bigger chance of JCW becoming the no. 1 promotion in the country than Cena turning heel.


Finally saw the Bork segment. I literally loled at Cole screaming "WHAT IS HE DOING HERE?! HE QUIT! HE QUIT!" only for JBL to deadpan with "He's back."
Cena is very serious about the make a wish stuff. I commend him for it but his character never developing will cost him eventually. Cena needs to look at Hogan and see what a good heel turn can do.

I still cannot get over how terrible Bo Dallas is. So bad.


man was about to stop watching wwe until bork showed up. bork set things right. that f5 vince took was a long time coming and quite frankly didnt come soon enough. gj bork, heyman. im tuning in to raw amd smackdown now.
Congratulations, you are now part of the problem.
Everyone should thank you for the 99% crap product with the 1% hook at the end that keeps you tuned in week after week.
Still not convinced HHH is going to Mania. Taker needs someone to feud with.

Triple threat is all but confirmed. Cena's promo BEFORE the rematch was made was fucking retarded. Who ever scripted that deserves to be fired. I WILL CHALLENGE THE WINNER TO WHO EVER WINS THE UNANNOUNCED REMATCH!!


Ziggler isn't excellent on the mic but he's still good. I'd prefer him to Cena any day (but yea, that's not saying a lot). I think he's got the talent in the ring and the charisma, but he still could work on his mic skills a bit. He's still fine, though, and I want him to win a title so he can start talking mad shit.

Ziggler's only started getting regular mic time in the last couple of months. He's great in videos, he can talk and run down his opponents really fast, but on the live mic he can struggle to adjust to a slower pace and playing to a crowd and not a camera. But he's got the charisma in there, he'll be fine.


Still not convinced HHH is going to Mania. Taker needs someone to feud with.

Triple threat is all but confirmed. Cena's promo BEFORE the rematch was made was fucking retarded. Who ever scripted that deserves to be fired. I WILL CHALLENGE THE WINNER TO WHO EVER WINS THE UNANNOUNCED REMATCH!!

But then who will Mr. Hs face at WM? Cause face it, you know damn well he'll be wrestling at that event.


Still not convinced HHH is going to Mania. Taker needs someone to feud with.

Triple threat is all but confirmed. Cena's promo BEFORE the rematch was made was fucking retarded. Who ever scripted that deserves to be fired. I WILL CHALLENGE THE WINNER TO WHO EVER WINS THE UNANNOUNCED REMATCH!!

Didn't need to be announced. Rematch clause says Punk gets a rematch within 30 days.


Triple threat is all but confirmed. Cena's promo BEFORE the rematch was made was fucking retarded. Who ever scripted that deserves to be fired. I WILL CHALLENGE THE WINNER TO WHO EVER WINS THE UNANNOUNCED REMATCH!!
If only it were possible to fire Vince.

I'd rather discuss Wade Barrett's lovely bulge than Trish. Wade seems to have a big penis. Mmm.
You should debate this with Soulplaya. I believe he would challenge your opinion.


I like the way they previously said Maddox was attacked, but they couldn't find out who did it.

Punk and The Rock were great, so was the ending , but I didn't really care for anything else.

Not saying your opinion is wrong or anything, but you didn't like the Sheamus/Sandow match? Or the Miz/Orton/Cesaro bit? I know that one was way obvious, but it didn't bother me much. What about the Shield bit when they came out and got to man handle Cena, Sheamus, and Ryback?
Ziggler isn't excellent on the mic but he's still good. I'd prefer him to Cena any day (but yea, that's not saying a lot). I think he's got the talent in the ring and the charisma, but he still could work on his mic skills a bit. He's still fine, though, and I want him to win a title so he can start talking mad shit.

Oh man now that he's feuding with Jericho again he can say that he's losing his touch again but now say it to AJ!

AJ I think he's losing his touch. AJ I think he's losing his touch. AJ I think he's losing his touch. AJ I think he's losing his touch. AJ I think he's losing his touch. AJ...


Some guys just have that "shit just got real, dawg" feel.

Brock Lesnar is that feel.

He's got a presence most of the roster doesn't have. Turns and points to the corner for Heyman to be quiet, no words uttered and doesn't even make a facial expression, and yet it screams "bad motherfucker".


Oh man now that he's feuding with Jericho again he can say that he's losing his touch again but now say it to AJ!

AJ I think he's losing his touch. AJ I think he's losing his touch. AJ I think he's losing his touch. AJ I think he's losing his touch. AJ I think he's losing his touch. AJ...

He did do that tonight, sorta. He asked Jericho "Why are you here. You don't work here!" 2 or 3 times.
Raw started off with some good momentum, nice brief promos, and concise segments (even the Ryback thing) but then....got....really...long. I can't with these 3 hour shows. I tuned out everything between Rock/Punk and Heyman/Vince/Brock.

Can't wait for Mr. H's to settle the score for Pop with Big Bad Brock.

Oh and it better be Punk/Cena/Rocky at Wrestlemania. That's the ONLY way I can get behind that angle at this point.


Raw started off with some good momentum, nice brief promos, and concise segments (even the Ryback thing) but then....got....really...long. I can't with these 3 hour shows. I tuned out everything between Rock/Punk and Heyman/Vince/Brock.

Can't wait for Mr. H's to settle the score for Pop with Big Bad Brock.

Most RAWs can be judged in quality based on how many minutes of programming I slam the magic button.


Only a few segments tonight. Means I liked the show.


If you cut out the dumb Roulette segments and tightened up some good but overly long ones like the Del Rio/Big Show segment, you could have gotten a very fine two hour show.


Not saying your opinion is wrong or anything, but you didn't like the Sheamus/Sandow match? Or the Miz/Orton/Cesaro bit? I know that one was way obvious, but it didn't bother me much. What about the Shield bit when they came out and got to man handle Cena, Sheamus, and Ryback?

Yeah, Sheamus/Sandow and The Shield were nice. The US title stuff didn't do anything for me. Usually I really like crazy comedy segments ,but none of tonight's did it for me.

I think they are doing an amazing job with The Shield.

If you cut out the dumb Roulette segments and tightened up some good but overly long ones like the Del Rio/Big Show segment, you could have gotten a very fine two hour show.

If you cut out the dumb Roulette segments and tightened up some good but overly long ones like the Del Rio/Big Show segment, you could have gotten a very fine two hour show.

Problem is they would keep all that crap and just shorten the good matches (Cesaro/Orton and Sheamus/Sandow) to two or three minutes if they had to cut back.
Posting Trish wank material, good. Talking about Wade's wonderful bulge, bad. Yep, wrestling fans.

Post as many bulge shots as you want

If you cut out the dumb Roulette segments and tightened up some good but overly long ones like the Del Rio/Big Show segment, you could have gotten a very fine two hour show.

The problem is the dumb stuff wouldn't be cut. It would actually be the majority of a 2 hour show.
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