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January WrassleGAF |OT| Rocky Road to Wrestle Kingdom Starts Now



Yeah, Sheamus/Sandow and The Shield were nice. The US title stuff didn't do anything for me. Usually I really like crazy comedy segments ,but none of tonight's did it for me.

I think they are doing an amazing job with The Shield.

I was watching with my brother and when I heard the Shield music during the Cena segment... I marked out for a bit and then prayed that Cena didn't Super Cener all of them... but then when they took out Sheamus AND Ryback... I went nuts. I'm so glad that they're still making them out to be an unstoppable force.

The US Title stuff would've made me upset if Orton won again over Cesaro w/o Miz but luckily it made it look like Miz screwed over Cesaro since he had his opening with Orton in the turnbuckle dazed.

The dance routine with Tensai did get me. I hope they keep Tensai Albert going. And I mean that as in, not taking him seriously.

Wade Barrett is awesome but I hope the Bo Dallas feud doesn't last long (even though he got pinned by him). I like that they're making Bo Dallas look like something but Wade Barrett needs to challenge one of the Ortons/Sheamuses to get some more legitimacy.

And man, after last night, I've begun to respect Cody Rhodes more. It's been all uphill since he joined with Sandow... but last night he was great. Eliminating four, doing great heel tactics, and showing some great skill in the ring. I just wish he didn't face Cena. Although his "this is a waste of Cody Rhodes" was hilarious tonight.

And I marked out when Brock Lesnar came out. Too bad it's going to be HHH/Lesnar 2 where HHH wins.

Also, when the hell is Big. E going to get a match.


If you saw the way I abuse that button, you wouldn't even call me a wrestling fan at this point. I've almost completely phased out TV matches unless Punk or Cesaro are in them.

Nah dude I can't judge, I'm the same way at times. Beyond the usual garbage, I FF through Wade Barrett and Cody Rhodes (singles) matches without stopping. If there's no stakes and I don't find the wrestler compelling, I'm not watching. There's eighty hours of WWETV(TM) a week, I'm not missing much.

Posting Trish wank material, good. Talking about Wade's wonderful bulge, bad. Yep, wrestling fans.

Brandon Stroud got approved for an account? Fackin...

The dance routine with Tensai did get me. I hope they keep Tensai Albert going. And I mean that as in, not taking him seriously.

A Tensai-Clay dancing King Hippos comedy tag team would be a great idea. Has legit entertainment potential + works with the kids.
Paul's reactions was the best damn thing about that last segment.

I am still bummed they have finally sucked the shield into the Cena vortex of shit. Yeah it was going to happen eventually but still.... I guess they can job out at EC before moving on to hopefully something half decent at mania.


We're probably getting Shield vs Cena/Sheamus/Ryback in the chamber aren't we? Can't see the Shield going over in that one :/


I mean, there's some actually legit good looking men on the roster, like Punk, Jericho, Ambrose, Cesaro etc. None suit a prettyboy gimmick, but many look like they could pass in one.


The screaming after doing something good needs to stop too.


Paul's reactions was the best damn thing about that last segment.

I am still bummed they have finally sucked the shield into the Cena vortex of shit. Yeah it was going to happen eventually but still.... I guess they can job out at EC before moving on to hopefully something half decent at mania.

I was actually hoping Seth Rollins would have a decent WWE career.

shame its going to end so quickly

and before anyone says "how do you know" ..it's Cena. He obliterated the Nexus by himself and that was like 7 dudes.


Speaking of Ceva v Nexus.....

Still couldn't believe he destroyed all credibility of Nexus like that. Everything. I have never seen a force like cena that literally buries everything in it's wake to the point of no return. Was HHH and HBK even that bad?


so, im just going to post my usual, "What happened tonite?" because im too tired to scroll through the previous pages.

Shield beat the shit out of Cena, Ryback and Sheamus at once.

Cena is challenging the WWE champ at WM.

Punk is pissed and demanded a rematch from Rock, which Rock granted, at the EC PPV.

Sheamus and Sandow had a great tables match.

Jericho is feuding with Ziggler, is still funny as hell.

Hell No are beginning the break-up storyline.

Big Show beat up Ricardo and tied Del Rio to the ropes to watch.

Heyman was behind Maddox and the Shield's attacks on Punk's opponents. The Shield killed Maddox (or something) off-screen.

Brock returned just as Vince was about to "fire" Heyman (even though he doesn't work for Vince in kayfabe) and F5'd Vince to close the show.
Best Raw in a while. Even before Brock, I actually really enjoyed the show. Absolutely loved Heyman tonight, he's just phenomenal. Overall, as someone going to Raw in 1 month, I'm pretty stoked. I'm hoping Brock, the Rock, and Jericho are at the Dallas show. Heck, 2/3 and I'll be incredibly happy.


I hope GAFs servers can handle the meltdowns when the Shield jobs to SuperCena.

I'd be shocked if there's an actual meltdown among wrasslegaf. Everybody knows they're going to be buried by Cena sooner rather than later. It's as predictable as the Rock dropping the title to Cena at Mania.


thanks for the update.

everyone at the Fire Emblem thread has anime avatars. i feel kind of out of place over there. Think ill stay here.


Ambrose looks like a rapist and/or Myspace girl.

The Mad Ox is clearly the prettiest man on the roster. Cody would be right there if his mustache wasn't around. I like a good mustache, but it takes away from his dashingness.
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