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January WrassleGAF |OT| Rocky Road to Wrestle Kingdom Starts Now


Ambrose isn't ugly at all, he's more of a 6. Now Reigns on the other hand...


Cody has nothing on Brad-chan.


Got that Jason Momoa look going.

There are some days I regret calling Maddox "Mad Ox" a few months ago. :lol

Punk is the one that started that, he's been calling him Mad Ox since the start.


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
WWE HoF list:
Bruno Sammartino
Mick Foley
Trish Datass
Bobby B
Brooklyn Brawler
Naofumi Yamamoto

Cena/Rock 3 will be career vs career

I fully expect Cena to be a heel after beating Rock. He has to go to the dark side to beat Rock and he likes it


That last segment on Raw was amazing. Heyman was all in and he pulled off something that could've easily come off as a weak performance by most people and made it something worthwhile.


Wanted to mention that "Brock Plant" was at the show tonight and wasn't shown on camera for Lesnar's return. You'd think he would be if he was a plant, right?

The story behind it:

The Superfans tried their luck with the last minute ticket drops in the final half hour before the show (like they always do), but none were released. They had to use their backup tickets that they buy off Stubhub incase no ringside seats are released last minute.

So instead of sitting in the front row together, they ended up scattered all over the building, which is why "Brock Plant" wasn't shown. If tickets had been released (like they usually are) obviously he would've been shown because Marty and Rico (WWE's camera guys) know he's the Lesnar guy.


I'm doing Mechanical Turk stuff and a Thunder review at the same time. Sometimes it is hard to catch up with the thread. So suck it.

Also, does anyone feel kind of uncomfortable about Amazon's artificial artificial intelligence being called the Turk when the Turk is responsible for Skynet?


one thing I learned tonight was bo dallas is 1 2 3 kid. I expect the bear-rat bar-age next week to offer bo dallas 1k to wrestle him again then he will win in record fashion and take the cash.


now he feels our pain

sucks if it's real, but i can't say I feel bad. he had no business being out there. they could have had brock return in a number of ways. him firing someone who isn't even supposed to be under contract should have been at the bottom of that list

edit - i know what they're trying to set up but I don't remember vince ever selling like that. he usually just pulls a Cena and lays there until he's told to get up


Why did Wade Barrett have to lose to Bo Dallas? Like, this only makes sense if this leads to Wade leaving the IC behind and moving up to the World Heavyweight title but even then, there are people who've been around longer than Bo AND don't suck complete shit in all aspects that could use the push the title would give them.



WCW Thunder 8/30/2000

Team Canada vs Kronik

Major Gunns is now a member of Team Canada due to Lance winning a POW match against AWOL on Nitro. Gunns rips off her shirt to reveal an American flag bikini top during the anthem.


At least it isn't Kronik vs The Harris Boys. LOL Stevie Ray says Prime Time is 235 pounds. What the fuck. Dude was like 190 max. Probably more like 170. After the break, we'll hear about something that will happen on Nitro that has never happened in sports entertainment history. Uh oh. Now Stevie claims Elix is 205 pounds. Lance struggles for the flag from Gunns and gets poked in the dick for it. Kronik pin him with High Times. Post match sees Hugh beat the fuck out of Elix. Lance fights back and Team Canada slip away before the MIA can get revenge.

A limo arrives. The NBT arrive to open the door. It's the NWO 4000 XD Hyper Fighting Edition.

By tailgate party, they mean paid advertisement from Finish Line. This event that was supposed to happen earlier in the day featured months old footage including Vito with the Hardcore Championship.

The big announcement for Nitro is Wargames 2000: Russo's Revenge in the triple cage! Never before, never again. Like Rock vs Cena.

The New Blood New World Order V.3000 R.9894 Skynet Edition come to the ring. Steiner shows his facial injuries from Goldberg's pipe.


If you know what I mean. I mean he hit Steiner with a pipe. A number of doctors told him he couldn't wrestle at Fall Brawl, but he told them to shove their degrees up their asses. Nash gloats about his 5th title win. "This sucka got to be out of his ever lovin', psychotic mind!" Nash won the belt for the people! Daffney and her new boyfriend are sitting in the front row. Nash will be offering pictures for $50 at the hotel tonight. Who can stop them? Booker was in the back. I think he's going to try to stop them. Book is sick of this shit. Book wants to know if they all go to the restroom together. Booker brings up his group: Mike Awesome, Vito, the Filthy Animals. Big brawl. Book beats Nash down in the corner. We got a Donnybrook!

DURING THE BREAK. Nash took over the Gorilla position. "That sucka look lost."


. Gene talks to Major General Priapism. Hugh has some truly bad facial hair. He challenges Lance to a title match at Fall Brawl.

Reno vs Mike Awesome

It's a good thing Reno has no neck, because Awesome would have broke it on a German suplex. Reno has really weird gear. He's got Muay Thai kind of tights over long cargo shorts. It kind of just looks like a big black diaper over his shorts. Reno picks a fight with Daffney's new boyfriend for no reason. His name is Ozzy. Running Awesome Bomb for the win. Stevie is really perturbed at how Daffney and Ozzy got front row seats. Reno pulls Ozzy over the rail after the match as Daffney throws popcorn at him.

DURING THE BREAK. Jarrett attacked Awesome with Bunkhouse Brawl objects. Even Finlay couldn't stop it.

EARLIER TODAY. Tony had a sit down interview with Paul Orndorff.


I can't understand most of what Paul says. He goes on his hard ass stuff about how hard he is on Power Plant guys including making them clean toilets. Tony lets him know that the NBT are saying Mr. Wonderful is a bitter, miserable old man and that they're probably watching this and laughing at him. Lot of SHOOTING about Hindu squats. Tony is kind of being a dick. If Paul would watch the fucking shows, he'd know they're saying stuff about him. During the interview, the NBT brought signs to the stage. One of them said "Too bad your best match was against Vader!".

TO THE BACK. Steiner beats up Reno for not winning his match. Paula interviews Booker.


Jindrak/O'Haire vs Filthy Animals WCW Tag Team Championships

This is the work of the Steiner/Nash/Jarrett booking committee. Can't wait to hear Konnan talk for the whole match. Cat/Sting/Booker/Goldberg vs Nash/Steiner/Jarrett/Russo in WAAARRRRGAAAMMMMEEESS! And for the title! And in the triple cage! To make things fair, they let Disco join the Animals for the match. They talk a lot about Goldberg's injuries as a result from Bret hitting him with a shovel in the desert. Stevie Ray thinks Goldberg was a fucking idiot for trusting Bret Hart, a guy that had his career ended because of Goldberg. A crazy double hip toss from the floor over the ropes and half way across the ring to Juvi. Animals retain after a WAZZZUUUPPP leg drop.


TO THE BACK. Nash instructs Mike Sanders to hurt Booker in the match. Jeff booked a match for himself.

TO THE TAILGATE PARTY. I'm pretty sure these are the same videos they used 3 months ago when they had these for every show.

TO THE BACK. Mike Sanders talks to Jindrak and O'Haire. Steiner attacks them once Sanders is gone.

Mike Sanders vs Booker T.

Mike Sanders has the JHV of Miserlou. Booker wins in an absolute squash.

A trainer asks Book if he's okay. He seems to be limping. Sanders is with Nash. Steiner attacks Sanders. Jeff is getting his blood pressure tested.

Big Vito vs Chuck Palumbo

The NBT are 0-3 so far. Meat can't wrestle due to a hurt knee, but he challenges anyone to an arm wrestling contest. Vito wins with the spinning DDT in a few minutes.

TO THE BACK. Palumbo is looking for a place to hide from Steiner. He picked the wrong table to hide behind. Jeff is praying at a guitar altar with candles.


MIA vs The Harris Brothers

Fuck this company. Lance tried to interfere, but it didn't get the pin, so DOA throw the ref out of the ring. Kronik comes in and hits High Times. Hugh hits the moonsault for the win. Why didn't the ref DQ the DOA for throwing him out of the ring? Lance attacks and injures Hugh's leg post match.

TO THE BACK. Leia Meow smacks the Dragons around and tells them they will have to lick her boots if they don't do well. Steiner and Nash get Jeff out of his altar. This is the most dangerous match of Jeff's career.


Jeff Jarrett vs Kwee Wee


Tenay is happy that Midajah has a lay out in a fitness magazine...because that's where she belongs. Jeff dedicates his match to his little Slapnuts. I'll lol when Kwee Wee wins. "I keep my yaks intact." Awesome makes it back out. Kwee Wee almost wins with a roll up. Jeff wins clean with the Stroke.

Shawn Stasiak vs Paul Orndorff Arm Wrestling Contest

Holy fuck, Mr. Wonderful is fucking shredded. Well, all but his tiny arm, which is very unsettling.


Shawn insists on going against the tiny arm. They go for about a minute and Mr. Wonderful decks Meat in the face. Piledriver! Paul gets a chair. Good thing since the rest of the NBT came out. He DRILLED Sanders in the face. But 52 year old Mr. Wonderful just took out the entire NBT by himself with his tiny arm on a night where every member of the group lost. Way to build stars, WCW. It's like the Nexus, but without an English dude, warewolf, or ginger.

TO THE BACK. A limo arrives. It's Ms. Jones and The Cat! Cat is in wrestling gear.

TO THE TAILGATE PARTY. Seriously. Half the clips are from the two videos they already shows earlier in the show.

The Cat and Ms. Jones come to the ring. I'm into Ms. Jones. Cat calls out Nash. Cat wants a gauntlet match I think.

Cat vs NWO 3000 v.234 Revision 5.6 Titanium Edition.

They beat Cat down. What the fuck. They can show Jeff hitting Ms. Jones with a guitar, but TBS won't show Scott Steiner yelling at her? Or even a guy pinning a woman in a mixed tag? Or DDP spanking Kim? But hitting a woman with a guitar is okay? Booker comes out with a bat and is followed by the NBT. Repeated low blows to Booker while Cat is in the Recliner for a minute. Russo's Revenge on Nitro! WARRRRRGAAAMMMMEEEESSSSSSSSSSSS! Ish.


Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I am going to post one of my favorite matches of all time and my favorite cage match of all time. I highly recommend you guys watch it if you've never seen it before. I'm not posting it because I'm an Owen mark or because tomorrow's Owenesday. I legit believe it's one of the best matches of all time and one of the best examples of storytelling.

Bret Hart vs Owen Hart Summerslam 1994 for the WWF Championship

Some people like to give Bret crap about his skills on the mic. While he was never as good as Shawn or his brother when it came to that, Bret is so good at setting up a match and telling a story throughout it. I mean, one of the best matches of that era was Bret vs Diesel, so that should speak volumes. This match was amazing at the time because there was so much drama built up around it. All Bret really was back then was the good guy who could wrestle well. You cheered for him because he was exciting, but you never really got emotionally invested in him. Enter the Owen feud. Owen was so different from the rest of the Harts and this feud really accentuated it. Owen beat Bret clean at Wrestlemania and it made the feud even more heated(also a great match but on a 'performance' level than story telling).

It was the first time I can recall being really into a Bret Hart match for the title rather than just wanting to watch Bret do awesome moves to dudes. Everything about it is just so perfect. The cage match is the ultimate match for the babyface to get his revenge, and Owen had been hounding Bret for months since Survivor Series. Originally, Bret wouldn't fight him because he was his brother(kind of like Undertaker/Kane in the Attitude era), but that just made Owen put him on blast even more. So they finally have the match. The crowd is hot because of how much Owen has made a mockery of their hero at the time, the WWF champion. He kicked his leg out, attacked him at Survivor Series, beat him at Wrestlemania, and so on. The best part about this match is you are taking two very technical wrestlers and seeing them slowly degrade into beating the hell out of each other. You can see Bret trying to have a wrestling match until things are just so exhaustive and heated that they're on the turnbuckle slugging each other back and forth. You get shots of Stu Hart looking on. Some of the selling is so good in this. Owen pulls Bret off the cage and his leg hits the rope and he sells it like it just snapped. Owen's so exhausted halfway through when he does a irish whip, he falls over. He throws Bret off the cage and instead of doing some spot, Owen's so exhausted that he collapses back into the ring.

Some of the storytelling is so well done. Bret and Owen spend a solid 3 minutes trying to crawl through the cage door. Back and forth. It's not like most cage matches now where only the heel can leave through the door. You see stuff like Owen clinging to the steps when Bret has his foot instead of the magical 'You give up all hope and I pull you back in and do a big spot.' Instead, Bret tries to run for the ropes.

It's so, so, so good.


Junior Member
I'm doing Mechanical Turk stuff and a Thunder review at the same time. Sometimes it is hard to catch up with the thread. So suck it.

Also, does anyone feel kind of uncomfortable about Amazon's artificial artificial intelligence being called the Turk when the Turk is responsible for Skynet?

what is the Mechanical Turk workload like?


what is the Mechanical Turk workload like?

Whatever you want it to be like. You choose all the tasks you want to do. Most are 10-15 minute surveys or questionnaires. It isn't really very interesting, but my plan is to use it to save up for electronics stuff I don't really want to spend my money on. Like a Wii U and stereo adapter for my car. It's pretty slow going. I started it 5 days ago and have $17.35 with 94 tasks approved. I still have 74 pending and the total them are probably $10 dollars. I'm hoping to have enough for a Wii U by March or April. You CAN make money for reals if you are good at transcribing audio. The highest pay out I've seen was for $120 to transcribe a 2 hour audio clip. Which would take for fucking ever. I tried it. It's really hard to transcribe a tv news show with time stamps and shit. But if you want to do the work, you can make money. If you do a some every day, you can get $2-3K extra income for the year. But $10 worth of stuff a day can be hours of menial, boring work unless you do the transcribing stuff.

I want to just get some software to do it for me. Fuck the (Young) Turk(s).
Bo Dallas is the worst, I refuse to watch anything with him in it. Not even Daniel Bryan, the king of all things wrestling, could save a segment with Bo F**KING (its cool to swear!) Dallas. I just can't stand to look at his stupidness, I WONT. >_<

Other than that I was begging for Bork to come out and break Vince in half. Half marked out when he did, I don't even really care about Bork I just can't stand face Vince and his BS. Its really tiresome.

I know it just sets up HHH with THIS TIME ITS PERSONAL.... AGAIN, LIKE LAST TIME BUT THIS TIME UH, DIFFERENT, THIS BUSINESS, BE A MAN STEP IN THESE ROPES etc but oh well it was enjoyable and unlike the entire PPV was something 'different'.

Paul gonna get fired for shenanigans in wrestling????? Ok as long as you just fire the entire lockeroom because I don't think anyone has ever NOT done a scheme in this f**king sport before. :|

If Raw was like an hour it would prolly be pretty good, gawd they put so much shit in it. Wtf was the Diva match? I love Kaitlyn and even I was like OOOOOOMMMMMMGG ENNNNNND IT then they all randomly just start fighting while AJ's old anime now generic Diva music plays. What the f**k was the point to begin with? :lol
I know that PG isn't the main reason the product isn't what it should be, but it's probably the biggest reason the Diva's division is so garbage. To get your average American wrestling fan to give a crap about women's wrestling you need to have a good mix of not awful in ring work and sexuality. If the in ring work is abysmal, the sexuality must be ramped-up to cover for it. With this group of Diva's working a PG style, you might as well fire them all because the Divas are currently a black hole of shit.


Why did Wade Barrett have to lose to Bo Dallas? Like, this only makes sense if this leads to Wade leaving the IC behind and moving up to the World Heavyweight title but even then, there are people who've been around longer than Bo AND don't suck complete shit in all aspects that could use the push the title would give them.

It irks me especially because Wade Barrett is not some veteran to be putting over the flavour of the month goon like Bo Dallas, Barrett himself is an up and comer who needs putting over. Nothing about Bo Dallas is ready for TV, and I am not sure much about him ever will be.

Meanwhile, Barrett is a charismatic guy, a great brawler, and in need of more wins like Orton putting him over recently (and clean as a whistle, no less). Him being used as a "big win" for Dallas is just dumb. Is the roster so devoid of veterans that they now have to use their own up and comers against each other?
Wade Barrett needs a better finisher before he can even begin to start putting people over. Not that he even should be, considering how long he's been with the company.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I never got Wade's appeal besides the fact that he's not awful on the mic. He's tall, but he's kinda lanky rather than fit, and his moveset is boooooring.


The future of the WWE:


I never got Wade's appeal besides the fact that he's not awful on the mic. He's tall, but he's kinda lanky rather than fit, and his moveset is boooooring.

I like him because he looks credible and his background helps sell him as a dangerous brawler, he'd be great in the World Heavyweight Scene fighting people like Sheamas, Orton and other dudes that can just go to war. He shouldn't be fighting bad supposed "talents" like Bo Dallas and putting them over.

You want to build Dallas in a feud with Barrett? Have him get his ass brutalized a few times before pulling out an Underdog victory sending Barrett after bigger and better things, which is probably where he would've been if it wasn't for his injury on Raw when Big Show threw Ziggler in an odd way.
Barrett is an odd case where the difficult stuff is taken care of (he's good on the mic and in the ring), but the periphery is just wrong. His music is abysmal and he's yet to have a decent finisher. I'm beginning to think that Wade is turning into one of those guys who was destined for the main event, but they just decide to never pull the trigger. With that said, it's not like Barrett has been given much to work with. The guy has been on TV for years at this point and the only thing people know about him was that he was a bare knuckle fighter, his character has had zero evolution from there.


With the turn around that has happened for ADR in the past month, I still have some hope that Wade can be salvaged. He should have won the title during the Nexus run, though. It made all the sense in the world, but nope. Why would you want to make a new star? Also, he needs to be punching people more. For a dude who is always talked up about his bare knuckle fighting skills, he never punches anyone. Knees and elbows, but rarely does he just punch people. Which he absolutely should be doing all the time. They've been playing that up since NXT and it has never come into play.
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