So what year is Vince currently living in? What is the most recent pop-culture related thing is he aware of?
That Pokemon Go image his social media persom posted on his twitter?So what year is Vince currently living in? What is the most recent pop-culture related thing is he aware of?
Somebody light the DDP signal.
Be aware of this as we head into Mania season - Alvarez and Meltzer frequently talk about what they THINK is going to happen. Speculation. And then every other wrestling "journalist" takes this as "CONFIRMED: BROCK VS ROMAN VS GOLDBERG BRA AND PANTIES FOR MANIA". Look at what Meltzer and Alvarez actually say before posting "news" and "rumors" from other websites.
Man, Baron Corbin sucks.
That Pokemon Go image his social media persom posted on his twitter?
The Montreal Screwjob.
Who cares what Alvarez says?
This is really fucking sad. Dude needs help immediately.God damn, Perry Saturn
This is going to be so much fun;
1 night, single elimination, 6-man tag team tournament, with the first round contested under 2-count rules. Teams:
Jimmyz: Jimmy Susumu, Ryo ”Jimmy" Saito, Jimmy Kanda
Tribe Vanguard: YAMATO, BxB Hulk, Kzy
Over Generation: Eita, Takehiro Yamamura, Kaito Ishida
Verserk A: Shingo Takagi, T-Hawk, El Lindaman
Verserk B: ”brother" YASSHI, Cyber Kong, Mondai Ryu
Unaffiliated A: Masato Yoshino, Ben-K, Kotoka
Unaffiliated B: Naruki Doi, Masaaki Mochizuki, Big R Shimizu
Unaffiliated C: Don Fujii, Hyou Watanabe, Yuki Yoshioka
This is gonna be a weird Rumble. I have no idea who's winning.
either a part timer or an overpushed nobodyThis is gonna be a weird Rumble. I have no idea who's winning.
He said he wouldn't on Talking Smack5:1 says Shane enters the rumble
KO's gonna lose the belt to Roman and feud with Jericho for the US title at Wrestlemania, then win and Jericho leaves to make another Fozzy album.
Most people I know only have one console per generation. That includes people from US, Canada, Brazil, Bratislava and Philippines. The exceptions are some folks back in Brazil with every single console since the PS2 era. Exclusives are not enough for quite a lot of people, myself included for the most part (bought a 3ds for Pokemon Y).
I'm not sure if I'd like Jericho winning the rumble.That's fine too, I just think the story is better if Chris wins the Rumble and tries to take Owens' title. But I agree the way you're suggesting is more likely.
I'm not sure if I'd like Jericho winning the rumble.
Then again I'm hopelessly trying to work myself into believing WWE will give the rumble win this year to someone below the age of 35 or even someone who hasn never held a world title before.
I wonder if the plan is to really just go for Roman/Strowman at WM. I mean, I can't think of anyone else who the crowd wouldn't dump on Roman for fighting. I mean, he got his ass booed to high heaven fighting HHH. I can't imagine the reaction if they try to feed the Undertaker to Roman at freakin' WrestleMania.
Fun fact. The women wrestlers actually got called to wrestlers court with Triple H as the judge over losing that game. It was a shoot game and it seemed those backstage found it embarrassing that the trained WWE women lost to the Diva Search contestants of which most had little to none wrestling ability or experience at all.SummerSlam 2004 notes:
- Wrestling is the worst thing with all of these finisher kick-outs! I can't even enjoy an Eddie/Angle match!
- This ongoing Eugene business. God dang.
- Triple H is Trump Orange.
Kenny Omega after winning the WWEWHC from AJ on the SD after. Culminating in main event of Mania. 7⅝ starsSo who is Samoa Joe gonna feud with when he wins the Rumble? Cena or Reigns?
Oh God if Rollins wins and HHH wins the Universal Championship since Rollins vs HHH is most definitely a lock for Wrestlemania.I think Miz or Rollins wins Rumble.
All the other big names thrown in the ring are nothing but a set up to tell stories to push other big name matches for Mania (Taker, Brock, Goldber,...)
I can't see anyone else but Rollins winning this.
Can't call him that now. He's the guardian Angel.Ok boss
Gaming side seems a little toxic, do you guys avoid posting there?
Every thread is how MS is bad and Sony=Nintendo are saving the world.
I think Miz or Rollins wins Rumble.
All the other big names thrown in the ring are nothing but a set up to tell stories to push other big name matches for Mania (Taker, Brock, Goldber,...)
I can't see anyone else but Rollins winning this.
Sad affairs get sadder.Fun fact. The women wrestlers actually got called to wrestlers court with Triple H as the judge over losing that game. It was a shoot game and it seemed those backstage found it embarrassing that the trained WWE women lost to the Diva Search contestants of which most had little to none wrestling ability or experience at all.
If they announce a new Mario for launch I'm in on the Switch. I'll be playing on a TV screen 95% of the time, so I don't care much about the portable aspect at all.
When they announced 2K16 for PC I had this crazy idea in my head that the modding community was gonna be able to make the game good somehow, but that doesn't appear to have happened at all. Disappointing.
yep or as i have been joking frequently about on the twitters. how FFXV is shit (every day front page topic)
but yeah, the slippery slope of scalebound being cancelled=xbox division is doomed pissed me off and was perpetuated by a bunch of twitter personalities who are popular on this site.
Lol no!!think its time to watch Rumble 92
Gaming side seems a little toxic, do you guys avoid posting there?
Every thread is how MS is bad and Sony=Nintendo are saving the world.
I don't know why but I have this small feeling WWE will find a way to push Cena vs Styles to Wrestlemania.
Mainly this stems from me feeling that AJ vs Cena is a potential Wrestlemania main event that won't be A) a shit match (Goldberg vs Lesnar main eventing) or B) having the crowd be entirely negative (Roman main eventing).