best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Welcome, Cagey! Who is going to be yourNXTGAF Pro?
im so glad i didnt fall for that shit. so many angry people afterward.
Welcome, Cagey! Who is going to be yourNXTGAF Pro? ’12 Patch List Notes
General Gameplay
Fixed an issue where the ring texture would flash black or different colors
Addressed multiple Finisher system bugs in which players were awarded too many or too few Finishers
Fixed an issue where the Defender would freeze if the Right Stick was pressed in any direction while being Irish Whipped
Fixed an issue where two Superstars in a pin sequence swapped positions when an interfering Superstar woke the referee as he/she was standing
Fixed an issue where Superstars would freeze if certain running corner attacks were performed in the Royal Rumble
Both attacks in the Running Strikes and Running Grapples categories should now trigger consistently
Fixed several situations where a created Superstar’s move set was being improperly reset to default settings
Fixed several instances where players could Irish Whip their opponents through the Cell and/or Barricade
Fixed an issue that caused Superstars to freeze when a Finisher was performed
Sound is now working correctly after restarting a Brawl
Tuned pin escape mini-game in Elimination Chamber matches. Players can now escape after being hit with a Finisher.
Fixed a problem where tables were not properly re-spawning in Tables matches (PS3 only)
Fixed cameras for environmental weapons attacks
Various gameplay bug fixes
Universe Mode
Brands can now consist entirely of created Superstars. However, match card creation still requires players to use Superstars with at least one of each crowd reaction setting (‘boo’ and ‘cheer’to properly book matches.
The Draft option now functions properly
Lowered the frequency of injuries in Universe Mode
Addressed issue where Royal Rumble and Money in the Bank winners were not getting their title shots at WrestleMania and/or the option to cash in Money in the Bank
Fixed various crashes to help improve overall stability of Universe Mode
Various Universe Mode bug fixes
Made numerous improvements to help improve stability and reliability of Community Creations.
General stability improvements in Royal Rumble matches
Fixed an issue where the DLC versions of Edge and Christian’s entrance animations were replaced by Alberto Del Rio’s animations if edits were made to their music and/or mini-tron
Players can now edit a created Superstar’s move set after viewing the model in Community Creations
Resolved several issues with Divas entrances
Props can now be disabled during entrances
Fixed several issues with Custom Soundtracks
General stability improvements in Story Designer Mode
WWE '12 Creative Director, Cory Ledesma, gives all of the details on this month's title update (patch) and DLC.
Hello WWE Games Universe,
I wanted to first start off by thanking you for your purchase of WWE ’12, and I hope you’ve been having as much fun playing the game as our team had making the game. Your passion and devotion to WWE games pushes us each and every day to make the best games possible. These are not just games we want to make but games you want us to make: they are The People’s Games. Please continue to voice your feedback, and we’ll continue listening to you each and every year.
I also want to apologize on behalf of our THQ team for the early technical problems experienced with our popular Online Community Creations feature. The transition to a new server can sometimes generate unforeseen issues, and we apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused anyone. We truly appreciate your patience and support! As a token of our appreciation, we’ve included a free Superstar in our upcoming Legends & Superstars DLC Pack release to thank you for your patience. The free Superstar is a retro masked Kane from the Attitude Era. With the recent debut of the new masked Kane, we felt it would be fitting to include some Kane nostalgia for your enjoyment. This special addition to the DLC pack will be available free of charge for the first two weeks of release. Although we would love to include the latest masked Kane, the date of his debut and our model creation timelines made it impossible to include him in this pack. Please enjoy the latest addition to your roster, courtesy of THQ, and make sure Attitude Era Kane gives the rest of your roster hell!
Last but certainly not least, in addition to the launch of our Legends & Superstars DLC Pack on January 31, we are also deploying a new patch on January 30 that will address a number of issues and improve your overall gaming experience. We’ve included a high level list of the patch notes below so you can see what’s coming soon. For folks who are in Europe and play on the PS3, your DLC release date will be February 1. This falls in line with the normal PS3 territorial DLC release schedule.
Thanks again for all of your support!
Cory Ledesma
Creative Director, WWE Games
As a token of our appreciation, we’ve included a free Superstar in our upcoming Legends & Superstars DLC Pack release to thank you for your patience. The free Superstar is a retro masked Kane from the Attitude Era. With the recent debut of the new masked Kane, we felt it would be fitting to include some Kane nostalgia for your enjoyment. This special addition to the DLC pack will be available free of charge for the first two weeks of release. Although we would love to include the latest masked Kane, the date of his debut and our model creation timelines made it impossible to include him in this pack. Please enjoy the latest addition to your roster, courtesy of THQ, and make sure Attitude Era Kane gives the rest of your roster hell!
THQ released the WWE '12 Patch Notes on Twitter. The bonus "Make Good" DLC is Masked Kane. The ORIGINAL Full Body Suit Kane... Damn it, THQ! They didn't even fix the Masked Cody Rhodes problem! >_<
Hey, you forgot to mention that brands in Universe Mode can now consist solely of CAWs. That's a pretty big fix.
Brands can now consist entirely of created Superstars. However, match card creation still requires players to use Superstars with at least one of each crowd reaction setting (boo and cheer) to properly book matches.
I think it would be really fun to have a nice offering from a GAF admin...whoever wins the Rumble this Sunday, whoever had drawn his number gets a "Royal Rumble 2012 Winner" tag. Who else is with me? And who dares knock on the Admin door?
If that doesn't work, how about they get to name the next WrestleGAF thread?
Hey, still working on my tropes, and I have a question: Has anybody ever been un-eliminated by management? You know, like how the GM comes out and restarts a match after it's won & done.
Doesn't sound bad to me! High stakes!
Good patch notes for WWE 12, but I've lost the urge the game. Still too many nagging issues with the animation, the weapon physics, the reversal system, etc. etc. I just can't turn off my brain unless I'm playing multiplayer. Meh.
There'll be four or five winners, no? Perhaps then the masses vote on the four or five choices they come up with?
.or a NeoGAF Wrasslin' Alliance Four Fighter Fracas
So I didn't buy the game because of all the negativity around it, you don't think this patch fixes enough for the game to be worth it?
Hey, still working on my tropes, and I have a question: Has anybody ever been un-eliminated by management? You know, like how the GM comes out and restarts a match after it's won & done.
Hey, still working on my tropes, and I have a question: Has anybody ever been un-eliminated by management? You know, like how the GM comes out and restarts a match after it's won & done.
Question for y'all. I know they are very different but what are you having more fun playing lately? WWE All Stars or WWE '12? I'm in the market for a new wrassling game and not sure which I should pick up.
Just play WWE All Stars instead.
Hell, it even has Jericho DLC!
And if you buy the 3DS version he's on the damn cart!
Welcome, Cagey! Who is going to be yourNXTGAF Pro?
did you post in the nwa stream the other day?
So I didn't buy the game because of all the negativity around it, you don't think this patch fixes enough for the game to be worth it?
I gotcha.Mannnnn listen, I don't wanna break up the party (shocking, right?) but though All Stars was fun and everything, it's not really the kind of wrestling game I can sink 30, 50, 70 hours into. The arcadey nature, the health bars, the lack of modes, the mediocre creation suite, etc. etc. makes for quick bursts, and throwing it in when I have friends over who are into old school wrestling and/or gaming, but I'm a sim fan at heart.
I gotcha.
I've still got my N64 with No Mercy hooked up too.
Is there any spots left in the rumble?
i wish 12 had random ass run ins. that is always fun
Those fuckers can't do anything right. Damn it.THQ released the WWE '12 Patch Notes on Twitter. The bonus "Make Good" DLC is Masked Kane. The ORIGINAL Full Body Suit Kane... Damn it, THQ! They didn't even fix the Masked Cody Rhodes problem! >_<
Of course, there isn't really a limit
Also, many months after the fact, but I, too, was duped into watching TNA by spindashing's ravings, only to waste two hours to watch SRS STINGER respect the hell out of everyone.
The free Masked Kane is pretty cool, but not having his new attire is just silly.
Also, many months after the fact, but I, too, was duped into watching TNA by spindashing's ravings, only to waste two hours to watch SRS STINGER respect the hell out of everyone.
The free Masked Kane is pretty cool, but not having his new attire is just silly.
I miss joker Sting "/
I've been on the fence about buying the Royal Rumble but I think I'm going to do it. The PPV actually looks good for the money, and, with WrassleGAF the PPV will just be that much better. I look forward to watching it with y'all.
If I have missed you let me know.
This is open to anyone and everyone and being added is no trouble at all to me so don't feel like you shouldn't ask for any reason.