Hey, everybody. I'm making a bunch of trope cards to bring to my friends when we watch the Rumble. The idea is each of us pick cards randomly until they run out, and we get to "play" a card whenever what's said on the card happens on screen.
So in addition to somewhat likely surprise entrants (like Funkasaurus or Papa Shango), I'm scouring the web for a list of common tropes specific to the Rumble (like "everybody teams up to take out the fat guy" or "dude comes in, is eliminated in under a minute"). I have the tvtropes entry open as well as the Royal Rumble History Blog, but are there any better resources? Or does anybody have any tropes they'd like to suggest?
edit: Oh, wow, I just realized that I could just do a search for "Royal Rumble Drinking Game", and I'll probably get a ton of helpful suggestions!