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January Wrasslin' |OT| It's a New Year, Yes It Is!

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Now I think about it, that seems like the kind of thing that would garner some FUCK THIS COMPANY comments from the ol' internet wrasslin' community.

Speaking of which, reading through last years rumble thread was fun.
Ah I remember the pages where DBry got thrown out. I lol'd.
I kind of hope AJ Styles doesn't debut at the Rumble. Maybe the Raw after it at the earliest. I also believe he should be paired with Heyman. The majority of WWE's audience may not know Styles but when paired with Heyman, the awareness will quickly develop. Also if Heyman were to be his mouthpiece, then he should act like his Lone Wolf gimmick from TNA. Plus it'll give time for Gallows, Anderson, and Nakamura to follow through.

Then again, I haven't watched the product as of late aside from YouTube clips so I don't even know if I'm out of touch as the WWE.
Raw Ratingz are in:


Third hour is a total disaster considering no NFL competition.


So it's kind of a good thing the Rumble is in Florida this year.



He seems totally fine with it too which is the annoying part.

A lot of people would enjoy Cody Vs Goldust as a Mania program, but I can already see the part where Cody isn't interested because they haven't given him a story reason to fight his brother. He seems to respect kayfabe to the detriment of himself. You have to try and put yourself over on your own when the company is just giving you aimless dog shit. Strictly sticking to your character's logic doesn't mean shit when you've not wrestled a match anyone has actually remembered in the past 2 years.

Stardust might be the best new character WWE has put on TV in 10 years, there so much potential for great stories.


A lot of people talking a lot of shit about Punk as an Ultimate Fighter but no one willing to back their claims up
I look forward to hearing what the Pepsi Observer has to say on the subject.

Anyone wanna put together a top 5 for Punk and Bryan matches? I only watched Punk/Cena but want to check out more of his stuff.
Start with this.

Incidentally, while this program was going on, commentary was more enthused and invested in the riveting feud that was John Cena vs. Johnny Ace (which main evented this PPV).
Which just goes to show the priorities of this company when they actually have talent that's both healthy and motivated.


A lot of people talking a lot of shit about Punk as an Ultimate Fighter but no one willing to back their claims up
If I had 2 to 3 years if training id take that fight.

Punk is a 38 year old man with a long history of injury and no competitive athletic experience of any kind.

Honestly how much experience do most guys have before an amateur fight?

In mma you can't learn everything. Bjj guys can be out boxxed and stand up fighters could be beat on the ground.


We also reported moments ago, via PWInsider, that there has been a push within WWE for Brock Lesnar to face Braun Strowman in a singles match at WrestleMania 32.

After speaking with several sources on that front, WZ can confirm that there has been talk in WWE of Lesnar vs Strowman at WrestleMania, as Triple H is very high on The Wyatt Family member due to his size.

There has been, however, concern by several other high level WWE officials that Strowman’s first high profile singles match in WWE should not be against Brock Lesnar at such a high profile event as WrestleMania. There are those in WWE who aren’t convinced Strowman will be able to handle the pressure of such a big match, considering he has very little singles match TV experience in WWE.



If they had put a mask on Strowman and treated him like Kane 1997, even with his crappy wrestling it might have gotten over pretty well.

Think like Jake, but without the snake he brings out a sheep, that he calls his wife. It adds a nice hillbilly element to it all.

He could have a shave-the-sheep stip match later for big PPV numbers!


So if Strowman faces Lesnar at WM...what do the rest of the Wyatts do?
There's that jobber battle royal they give a prize out for every year.

Plus, they get to act as fodder for Brock leading up to the big Strowman match at Mania (which is the direction I've been saying they would go for a while now).

And then, once Strowman goes over Brock, he'll be nicely built up as a monster that can make Roman look strong when they feud next summer and have multiple main event matches... the first of which Roman will lose prior to winning all the others. Just like John Cena.

Strowman will then have no career beyond his future comedy tag team run with some goof of a partner.
If they had put a mask on Strowman and treated him like Kane 1997, even with his crappy wrestling it might have gotten over pretty well.

Think like Jake, but without the snake he brings out a sheep, that he calls his wife. It adds a nice hillbilly element to it all.

He could have a shave-the-sheep stip match later for big PPV numbers!
What in the fuck

So if Strowman faces Lesnar at WM...what do the rest of the Wyatts do?
Well two will face Taker. In a handicap match(dumb, right?).


Face 3D in tag match with tables
Ooooh... that's exciting. Haven't seen that before.

Oh yes... in case anyone missed it on the last page... I am on the record saying that Braun Strowman is going to BEAT the man who ended the Undertaker's streak at WrestleMania Star Symbol.


I seriously doubt they're gonna do Strowman vs Lesnar at WM. Strowman is relatively well-protected, so to have his first PPV match as a loss would be weird as hell. Probably gonna be Brock vs Bray with the rest of the Wyatts doing some tag-team or battle royal shenanigans.


What are some good wrestling podcasts?

Wrestling Observer with Alvarez and Meltzer
- Good but its obvious that Meltz is far more interested in UFC than WWE. I cant really blame him for that.

Wrestling Observer with Alvarez and BIG Vinny V - This is more comedy slanted, but i know people who like this one more than the "serious" one with Meltzer.

PW Torch with Keller and Powell (free)- I am always torn on PW Torch. Sometimes they really have good content and others its complete garbage. There is something annoying about Keller and way he treats his callers, which seem all to have escaped the loony bin. This might sound exciting but its not.

PW Torch with Keller and Bruce Mitchell (costs money) - Bruce is very hit and miss, he talks really slowly and it takes him a long time to get to the fucking point. He is like those talking trees in Lord of the Rings. But to be fair he does have some good points.

The Lapsed Fan (free) - They do not cover modern shows really, but their stuff is amazing and they have made me laugh more than all of the above combined.


Good Art™
Is that stawman thing a rumor or a joke or what ? IS the E back to 90's kind of WM match ala Taker/Giant Gonzales ?

Also hyped for Aries. I believe in him a lot, they could do wonders with hm. He has the thing they lost with Punk i think.

Also he's the only one lacking in my prophecy project. Can you imagine i saw ONE only wrestling show in my life. It was a crappy show in France, in basically a garage. It was around 2007-8 i think.
In that show there was: Kevin Steen and El Generico, Brian Danielson.. and Austin Aries. It was said this night each and everyone of them would be on top of the wrestling world one day!
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