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January Wrasslin' |OT| The Assassination of Daniel Bryan by the Coward Vince McMahon


Seriously what do you have to do today to get released by WWE? A couple years ago they were future endeavoring left and right.


Just a week ago that joke was supposed to be Vince's or Triple H's idea and now that he has backstage heat for other reasons it was Ryback's idea.

I don't think they fire for non-drug reasons anymore. I imagine some people would act a lot better if you could actually get fired for repeatedly injuring people and saying stupid shit in public.

Edit: this was in the Observer Figure Four Weekly and I thought it was topical:

Was asked by a WWE source to print this regarding what you should do if you are an indy wrestler who wants to get into NXT, and then potentially WWE someday: "Tell these indie kids to get their cardio in shape, get a strong workout plan (non-juice), learn less wrestling and more storytelling, utilize YouTube to cut NONPROFANITY promos, and either stay the fuck off of Twitter or don't be dumb on Twitter. This is a lot of what NXT looks at."

CZW people are automatically at a disadvantage based on these rules.


I think telling indy stars to learn less wrestling is a bad idea. They should learn more wrestling and enough storytelling, that WWE can get them to where they need to be for the rest.

I just noticed Heyman doesn't have a pony/rat tail anymore. Wth, Paulie? :(

And he looks a good five years younger!


WWE needs to start cutting people or at least letting contracts expire. What do you gain from having people like Justin Gabriel, JTG, Yoshi Tatsu, and Alex Riley? And I bet Ryback is either cut before the summer or they let his current contract expire and make him job on Superstars until that date.
WWE needs to start cutting people or at least letting contracts expire. What do you gain from having people like Justin Gabriel, JTG, Yoshi Tatsu, and Alex Riley? And I bet Ryback is either cut before the summer or they let his current contract expire and make him job on Superstars until that date.
Look if you don't have Alex Riley, who is gonna talk about their adventures with The Miz

real talk - you need jobbers. I wouldn't mind seeing those guys on TV more often (except A-Ri) even if all they do is lose. might as well, i mean it's not like they're ever gonna get pushed. Although I did want J Gabe to reform his team with Kidd but WWE was like nahhhh both of you can flounder


Just a week ago that joke was supposed to be Vince's or Triple H's idea and now that he has backstage heat for other reasons it was Ryback's idea.

I don't think they fire for non-drug reasons anymore. I imagine some people would act a lot better if you could actually get fired for repeatedly injuring people and saying stupid shit in public.

Edit: this was in the Observer Figure Four Weekly and I thought it was topical:

CZW people are automatically at a disadvantage based on these rules.

Except for the less wrestling part it sounds reasonable.


So not worth it

THIS IS WRESTLING *clap*clap*clapclapclap*

I don't know why people can't save the picture and upload that instead of uploading a picture by taking a screencap of it with their device, but whatever



THIS IS WRESTLING *clap*clap*clapclapclap*

I don't know why people can't save the picture and upload that instead of uploading a picture by taking a screencap of it with their device, but whatever

That's what they have to resort to now?

Also watching some Shibata thanks to Bootaay and man that guy seems brutal. Like someone no one in WWE would want to work with lol


Edit: this was in the Observer Figure Four Weekly and I thought it was topical:

CZW people are automatically at a disadvantage based on these rules.

This explains why WWE has a lot of very untalented wrestlers. It also explains why they have that Alexander Rusev guy getting pushed in NXT, too.
That's a house show right?

Yeah, it was a house show - but even so, running a middle school gym?

Attendance at the Vance Middle School gym was around 500, which has to be a disappointment because this show and Sting were heavily advertised. The school gym holds about 2,000. They were selling some of their merchandise at discounted prices. I don't know if they were doing that to sell more in an economically depressed area or if they're trying to get rid of merchandise.

Xater said:
Also watching some Shibata thanks to Bootaay and man that guy seems brutal. Like someone no one in WWE would want to work with lol

I bet Bryan wouldn't mind wrestling him - Shibata, in some ways, is a lot like KENTA, and Bryan had some amazing matches with KENTA.



Ryback's got so much backstage heat I'm shocked there are no stories about him catching on fire
They're on him about the Lillian joke? Despite Triple H and other people making it all the time themselves? Or the constant jokes on JR's Bells Palsy and problems he's had? I guess you gotta be one of the 'boys' to make those kinds of jokes.

Still one of the best things, based Brad Maddox\
That killed a ton of momentum they had going for him. He was the second face heading into main event status (above Orton and Sheamus) and they have his first match a loss... by a low blow. Really hurt him and he hasn't recovered. The Henry loss at Mania was also really bad. Also turning him heel made no sense, as they could've done a top face vs. top face feud, but nah.
I wouldn't mind going to a TNA show if it were at a local high school gym

re: Ryback - It was more than Hell in a Cell, he lost on every PPV after that. I feel like the Henry loss was last minute change in decision after deciding to turn him heel, because he still did the Shellshock spot (after he already lost) that no one thought he could do. and no one remembers.


Seriously what do you have to do today to get released by WWE? A couple years ago they were future endeavoring left and right.
As long as Vince likes you he will keep you around. Hell, Orton could shoot up in front of Vince and shit on his favorite chair and not get released.
Watched Trent Barreta vs Anthony Nese - this is probably the best match I've seen out of Trent on the indies, I liked the pace they wrestled it at in the first half, but Nese, while obviously pretty good, needs to sort his offence out. I get that he's going for a 'guy who can do anything in the ring' sort of character, but some of his stuff really bugged me, like the musclebuster turned into a code breaker, but most notably, the DVD on the ring apron. Not only did Trent make it back in before the 10 count, but Nese waited for him to get back in the ring, even though he couldn't win the title on a countout. Trent then took about four more potentially match-ending moves in the final quarter of the match and kicked out of every one, most of them head drops. It was a good match, definitely, but I didn't buy the nearfalls. Maybe I've been watching too much old wrestling, because if they were going to do a flash roll-up finish, Nese should have dominated the second half with some simpler offence, hit maybe one of his big-time moves that Trent kicks out of, then gets rolled up for the finish. That's not really EVOLVE's style though and I could probably throw any of the same criticisms at a PWG show. The crowd certainly loved it though, so it's probably just me.

The five man fray match was pretty fun, Uhaa looked great in this.


Goddamn, AWFUL WAFFLE!!!


Uhaa Nation;


Xater said:
Gotta say that Nakamura is quite the character. I enjoy watching him.

Yeah, he's probably the best character in New Japan, I think. The crowd really go nuts for him.
Yeah, the prices don't show up until you log in, for some reason. They have 3 pricing options;

. $10 for the live stream (goes up to $15 on the day of the show)
. $15 for the live stream & VOD
. $25 for the live stream, VOD & DVD


Remember when people thought Ryback was going to beat Punk at HIAC for the title? lol

He's the classic case of turning a guy who was at the top of his popularity heel for no reason, and then just fading away forever. The Rikishi Effect, soon to be renamed The Daniel Bryan Effect.
Thanks! Both Evolve shows have been really good. I think Riccochet has been in my favorite match both nights. I got my wish finally and they did Chuck Taylor v Maxwell Chicago which was pretty fun too.


Based on these traits and some other behavioral info that I passed along to a police composite sketch artist online, we now have the clearest idea yet of what Strobogo looks like in real life:


There are two people I most look like.

When bearded and with long hair:


Shorter hair and no beard:


But much less smiley and usually with a grumpy look on my face. So the composite sketch isn't that far off besides my eye brows are in better and I look more Jew than George Lucas Arab stereotype.


Best of Memphis in the 80s Disc 7

I recommend pretty much the whole disc. The only things that are passable are the matches with the Nightmares (due to shitty opponents), the mixed tag, and maybe the JCP Bunkhouse Brawl since it is so short. Martel vs King is the one you should watch if you're going to only watch one match from it. It's great.
Speaking of WWE not firing anyone lately, I have a question for y'all: How would you feel if you were in JTG's spot?

Think about it. Would you be happy to get paid to (essentially) travel city-to-city and (maybe) wrestle a house show match every now and then? You gotta figure he's making a decent amount of money, probably more than what he'd make outside of the WWE. So it's really not that bad of a gig.

Of course, on the flip side, would you get frustrated you weren't being utilized? And want to quit to start your own project, try your luck outside of WWE (indies, TNA, overseas, etc.) or simply find a new gig?

Personally, if I were JTG, I'd save all my money and stay with the WWE as long as I could. Sure, it must get frustrating knowing you can count your number of TV appearances on one hand (and this is coming from a company that produces a preposterous amount of TV each year), but at least you have a steady job doing practically nothing. That's the dream, right? :D



Been watching Royal Rumble matches (made it through 1999 so far)

And decided to mix it up a bit yesterday and watch the first World War 3. I'm not quite sure how anyone thought that was a good idea for fans. 3 rings with 60 people is just a confusing mess of a match. And then they had 3 commentary teams and 3 tiny pics of the match and didn't number the rings so half the time I had no idea what they were talking about!

And then most of the wrestlers spent their time brawling on the floor and it was always so difficult to tell who was being eliminated!

Just a poor visual language and flow to the entire experience.
I am sure JTG knows whats up and is planning for the day that phone call finally comes in.

Dude is probably earning a decent chunk of change. Nothing mind blowing I would bet but I hope he is saving and looking at going to college or something.

I know some talent WWE signed straight out of school have returned to college. Better then touring the indies for the rest of your life IMO.

I think WWE probably shouldn't be hiring 18 year olds straight out of high school who have no college training to fall back on. At the very least they should be allowing developmental talent to also enrol in college.


Except for the less wrestling part it sounds reasonable.

I'm fairly sure they don't mean "be worse at wrestling", I think they mean "don't be movez movez movez", you know that indy style where there is zero story to a match, it's just crazy moves over and over for 30 minutes? Think Davey Richards at his worst, or AR Fox at his worst.

Like Sami Zayn can do tons of moves and wrestling, but he's also great at storytelling in the ring and keeping his moves paced and logical, which is why the WWE is high on him.

Basically they mean stop trying to learn the "MOST MOVES" and learn more to use what you have.

This explains why WWE has a lot of very untalented wrestlers. It also explains why they have that Alexander Rusev guy getting pushed in NXT, too.

That's a strange thing to say. Between the main roster and NXT, WWE has the best roster in wrestling, the only one that rivals it is NJPW.


Speaking of WWE not firing anyone lately, I have a question for y'all: How would you feel if you were in JTG's spot?

Think about it. Would you be happy to get paid to (essentially) travel city-to-city and (maybe) wrestle a house show match every now and then? You gotta figure he's making a decent amount of money, probably more than what he'd make outside of the WWE. So it's really not that bad of a gig.

Of course, on the flip side, would you get frustrated you weren't being utilized? And want to quit to start your own project, try your luck outside of WWE (indies, TNA, overseas, etc.) or simply find a new gig?

Personally, if I were JTG, I'd save all my money and stay with the WWE as long as I could. Sure, it must get frustrating knowing you can count your number of TV appearances on one hand (and this is coming from a company that produces a preposterous amount of TV each year), but at least you have a steady job doing practically nothing. That's the dream, right? :D


I've always thought it must be a really weird spot to be in. I sometimes wonder if they just forget that they have people under contract. The money someone like JTG is getting is probably more than he would get anywhere else so I'd probably be pretty happy to stay with them. I would maybe try and come up with a new character or storyline that I could pitch to try and get me back on TV. If not that then maybe express an interest in becoming a trainer or something like that so that I could stay with the company even if I'm not active in the ring.


I've always thought it must be a really weird spot to be in. I sometimes wonder if they just forget that they have people under contract. The money someone like JTG is getting is probably more than he would get anywhere else so I'd probably be pretty happy to stay with them. I would maybe try and come up with a new character or storyline that I could pitch to try and get me back on TV. If not that then maybe express an interest in becoming a trainer or something like that so that I could stay with the company even if I'm not active in the ring.

Vince has legitimately forgotten he has fired or not fired people in the past.
The fact that JTG hasn't wrestled on TV or even on house shows that much makes me think they're using him in some sort of backstage role as a trainer or agent, etc.

In 2013 he wrestled 12 times on house shows, 7 times on TV, losing every match. His last match was mid-September. If he isn't wrestling and isn't injured, surely they can't be paying him to stay at home?

Ithil said:
Basically they mean stop trying to learn the "MOST MOVES" and learn more to use what you have.

I don't think there's anything wrong with learning as many moves as possible, it's more about knowing what to actually use and not use in a match. One of the reasons Cesaro's so great is because he knows a LOT of techniques and styles and, even if you don't see much of that actually make it in to his war crate, it allows him to work well with pretty much anyone.
I am sure JTG knows whats up and is planning for the day that phone call finally comes in.

Dude is probably earning a decent chunk of change. Nothing mind blowing I would bet but I hope he is saving and looking at going to college or something.

I know some talent WWE signed straight out of school have returned to college. Better then touring the indies for the rest of your life IMO.

I think WWE probably shouldn't be hiring 18 year olds straight out of high school who have no college training to fall back on. At the very least they should be allowing developmental talent to also enrol in college.

Yeah, that's what I'm thinking. You'd have to imagine he knows if the chopping block ever returns, his head would be one of the first to go, so you gotta imagine he's preparing for it. I'm sure he wakes up every morning wondering how the hell he still has a job. Hell, by this point, he's probably laughing about it!

I've always thought it must be a really weird spot to be in. I sometimes wonder if they just forget that they have people under contract. The money someone like JTG is getting is probably more than he would get anywhere else so I'd probably be pretty happy to stay with them. I would maybe try and come up with a new character or storyline that I could pitch to try and get me back on TV. If not that then maybe express an interest in becoming a trainer or something like that so that I could stay with the company even if I'm not active in the ring.

I wonder if the WWE Network will allow some of the off-camera jobbers (JTG, Zack Ryder, Yoshi Tatsu, etc.) to get some screen time via some show idea (or something else) based entirely on the fact that they have SO MUCH time for programming and there's only so many "Countdown" and "WrestleMania Moment" shows you can do before they get old.

If I were these jobbers, I'd be pitching show ideas non stop. For Zack Ryder, this can be his chance to relive the glory days of his Internet show. Or not. Probably not! :D
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