I don't get how people who claim to only love old wrestling are now suddenly wanting to back out of the network. I dunno, people who only love the older product would seem to me like be the ones most interested in the network given the entire library of old stuff they're promising but I'm seeing a fair amount of people losing interest in the network because of the current product.
Typical over reaction. For one, the network is a GOOD thing that the WWE is doing. It's a way for them to get their content to more people by offering it at a fair price. We should reward them for the good things they do, not boycott the network so they can drop it and go back to paying $55 or watching shitty streams.
The other thing is, WWE is actually pretty decent right now. Aside from the Bryan ball dropping, there are lots of things to look forward to. The Shield split and each of those guys in singles, hopefully a Cesaro split/push, the Wyatt Family. By all means if you aren't watching it don't buy the network, but if you are watching/streaming anyway you might as well support the good ideas that they occasionally have.