Agreed. Are they really paying him that well? (TNA I mean)
And what happened to "I'm going to lead ICW to a TV deal"? Not while you're on Impact you won't.
If only you could've spared some of that enjoyment when he was in WWE and needed it most.
It's hard to enjoy a guy's work when they're subjected to such half-baked pushes as McIntyre was. Even when the matches are good, with a style that emphasises storytelling outside of the ring and then drops the ball on that storytelling, those matches end up with no significance.
Heh.....TNA invoked "The Chosen One" in reference to Galloway.
Well, shit. I was enjoying his run on the indies as well.
ICW? The same place that has HIV Boy? I hope not.
Oh yeah, that was great. I'll look that up tomorrow.We can always go back and watch that one Elimination Chamber match where he tried really hard. I remember it well. Except for the year. 2011?
646+ 382k views for OT1 and OT2
Congratulations 1,000,000 and counting! We are the WWE Network!
Drew Galloway in TNA (just posted on the Impact website)
Maybe the NXT audience will hijack the show?NXT was good this week, but them making Zayn vs Owens a title match is such a big mistake
He's always been a worthless, shitty character.
Marvel dudes and women who suck:
Peter Parker
All the X-Men save Colossus
NXT was good this week, but them making Zayn vs Owens a title match is such a big mistake
AJ Styles should be in WWE and finish the ROH alumni invasion group they're building.
What time is Smackdown on? 8 or 9?
Galloway in TNA? I bet they give him the belt by April.
He`s really one of the best white stars they have right now
Is there going to be a Tiger Mask VI?
Tiger Mask/Super Tiger/Tiger King/The Tiger (Satoru Sayama);
Tiger Mask II (Mitsuharu Misawa);
Tiger Mask III (Koji Kanemoto);
Tiger Mask IV (Yoshihiro Yamazaki, officially endorsed by Sayama);
Tiger Mask V (Minowaman, officially endorsed by Sayama);
Black Tiger (Mark Rocco);
Black Tiger II (Eddie Guerrero);
Black Tiger III (Silver King);
Black Tiger IV (Rocky Romero);
Black Tiger V (Tatsuhito Takaiwa);
Black Tiger VI (Tomohiro Ishii);
Black Tiger VII (NOSAWA Rongai);
Dream Tiger (Candy Okutsu);
Tiger Emperor (Kotaro Suzuki);
The Tiger II/Tiger Dragon (Ultimo Dragon);
Tiger Shark, Original Tiger Mask & Super Tiger II;
Great Tiger;
He definitely has more charisma than any of the other white superstars of TNA.He`s really one of the best white stars they have right now
What if Ziggler is hiding in the casket tonight?Lol @ WWE trying to distract fans from hijacking shows for Bryan getting a world title match by teasing a feud between him and another fan favorite Ziggler. This is so transparent.
What if Ziggler is hiding in the casket tonight?
Guys I'm bored: Impromptu Fave five.
1.) Daniel Bryan
2.) Shinsuke Nakamura
3.) Seth Rollins
4.) Brock Lesnar
5.) Sami Zayn.
About as vanilla IWC friendly as its gonna get. Sue my ass.
1 Takashi Sugiura
2 AJ Styles
3 Fujita 'Jr' Hayato
4 Syuri
5 Hajime Ohara
Where's your fedora?
She's Asian.How can I have a fedora when I'm the only one in here with a woman in his fave five?
A couple of in ring technicians don't need flashy gimmicks and phony story lines to sell a match. They will build their feud around mutual wrestling respect and will fight under the code of honor, for thos who don't know what that is, Google itWhat if Ziggler is hiding in the casket tonight?