He's always been a worthless, shitty character.
Marvel dudes and women who suck:
Peter Parker
All the X-Men save Colossus
Colossus is a poser Juggernaut now
Fuck Colossus. No one wanted you back from the dead. No one.
He's always been a worthless, shitty character.
Marvel dudes and women who suck:
Peter Parker
All the X-Men save Colossus
He's always been a worthless, shitty character.
Marvel dudes and women who suck:
Peter Parker
All the X-Men save Colossus
Colossus is a poser Juggernaut now
Fuck Colossus.
What the fuck is wrong with you.
Also, there's only two shitty X-Men and their names are Kitty Pryde and Cyclops.
Define 'now'
because god DAMN it's hard to figure out who 'counts' in the marvel universe. 90s Colossus was dope. Jugs has been dope for a long time, and has always been better than Hulk. Thought I'd throw that shit out there.
After Fear Itself, Colossus has Juggernaughts helmet.
And he looks fucking stupid.
Come on guys, if you want to talk about something very specific involving super heroes you can always make a thread in OT.
Come on guys, if you want to talk about something very specific involving super heroes you can always make a thread in OT.
What you're telling me is you'd want Daniel Bryan to be the one who the beat the 1 in 21, so that Reigns can go on to beat the 1 who beat the 1 in 21 thus becoming the 1 who beat the 1 who beat the 1 in 21.As a Daniel Bryan fan, I'm not just pissed off because I feel entitled and believe he should win everything ever. I'm more pissed off with the awful quality of the Rumble match itself, thanks to the sheer abundance of shitty decsion making, and the denial of what would be an absolute dream Mania main event in the form of Bryan/Lesnar. If Lesnar's not sticking around, why would you waste that opportunity on someone like Reigns?
Cajun coolWhat is the appeal of Gambit? Is it because wearing trench coats and throwing cards at people is cool?
Cajun cool
What is the appeal of Gambit? Is it because wearing trench coats and throwing cards at people is cool?
What is the appeal of Gambit? Is it because wearing trench coats and throwing cards at people is cool?
Best X-Men
1- Wolverine
2- Deadpool
3- Nightcrawler
4- Magneto
5- Storm
6- Gambit
7- Absolutely everyone else
8- Kitty
9- Cyclops
Probably you uppity northerners.lol there's no such thing. People treat cajuns like trash.
Magneto? An X-Man? LOL
This is the only Magneto I know
For real, 90x X-Men designs are pretty much the gold standard. When someone mentioned X-Men, I always think of the blue and yellow Cyclops.
Probably you uppity northerners.
You just making up names now?Let's look at it this way, we're in good times right now.
Every week on WWE television we can enjoy watching Bryan Danielson, Tyler Black, Jon Moxley, Claudio Castignoli, El Generico, Kevin Steen, PAC, KENTA, Prince Devitt and others.
We have more reasons to watch WWE TV than we've had at one time in the past decade.
Embrace it friends. We no longer have to spend $10 - $20 or more per show to watch some of our favorite wrestlers with sub par production quality.
Wolverine sucks and is a 'writer avatar' bullshit character
Wolverine was only cool when he wore brown and was an ugly mean midget shit
Don't say the U-word, I'm triggering. Stop triggering me.
Not exactly...What you're telling me is you'd want Daniel Bryan to be the one who the beat the 1 in 21, so that Reigns can go on to beat the 1 who beat the 1 in 21 thus becoming the 1 who beat the 1 who beat the 1 in 21.
Do you know why Bryan fans want a "David vs. Goliath" type storyline for Wrestlemania? Because in the story, David wins.
Ugh, I don't want to see Bryan taking on Ziggler at WM31. I'd rather see BNB take on Bryan instead. With Ziggler, it'd be him very phony like ranting about how he'd always steal the show. With BNB at least with his great voice he could rant how D. Brine is a failure for not winning the Rumble. Then when the two match up together, BNB would try his best to throw a Misawa elbow. He'd fail at it, but at least its more interesting than seeing Dolph fight.
Science is my diety.I thought it was because most wrestling fans are raised with strong Judeo-Christian values and see the opportunity to tell a modern allegory to a classic biblical parable. Personally I see Daniel Bryan as more of a Moses figure, with the authority representing the Egyptian oppressors and we the fans as the Jewish people, but I can also see the appeal of the King David story.
lol there's no such thing. People treat cajuns like trash.
No matter who Bryan fights between BNB, Sheamus, or Ziggler, it's only going to get 10 minutes maximum in a glorified tv match.
What you're telling me is you'd want Daniel Bryan to be the one who the beat the 1 in 21, so that Reigns can go on to beat the 1 who beat the 1 in 21 thus becoming the 1 who beat the 1 who beat the 1 in 21.
The Authority really look like a third wheel right now. It's like they had to come out during the Roman thing just so Triple H could go 'LOOK AT ME IM STILL PART OF THIS'
They add nothing and serve no purpose to Brock vs Roman. And yet we will continue to see them every week cutting those same promos they cut for Bryan, Dolph, and Cena to Roman.
Who would roman be in the bible?