They're not having a match, it was advertised on Raw as a confrontation.So, he confirmed HHH vs Sting at Fastlane. Now do Undertaker at Mania.
This is clever spin.
Doesn't change a thing.
Da fuqThey're not having a match, it was advertised on Raw as a confrontation.
I've had the Rusev trap mix in my head all day at work. I've been chewing gum too, and I caught myself doing bella.gif
Luckily nobody was around.
Sufferin succotash Reigns won!
He has a mic. Oh fuck.
Muted!!!Crowd is dead as hell for this.
He's dead in the water.
Crowd is dead as hell for this.
What controversy!?
He won fair and square this is getting so dumb.
Yeah, you can tell the crowd mics were not on for that lol
They muted the crowd. You could hear Daniel Bryan chants through it though.
The controversy in storyline makes no sense since in theory it shouldn't matter what the crowd thought of the winner, the winner is the winner.
It's only a controversy in real life because the crowd were meant to like him and don't. So this shit makes no sense to acknowledge like this.
Damn fangirls love this man
Stupid sexy Reigns
just tuning in now
what have I missed?
Yeah, Raw didn't help
So far Reigns fans
Tumblr fan girls
Gay men
It will be interesting to see what the announcement on Raw is. Hopefully they are putting Daniel Bryan in the title match or giving him the opportunity to at Fast Lane.