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Jason Chaffetz hired by Fox News as a contributor

In the least shocking political news ever:

Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah), who is retiring from Congress at the end June, has signed on as a contributor for Fox News.

A Fox press release confirms that Chaffetz will make his network debut on July 1, and he'll contribute to both Fox News and Fox Business. (Politico first reported in May that Chaffetz was considering joining the network.)

Chaffetz, seen as a rising star within the Republican Party, shocked Washington, D.C., in April when he announced he wouldn't seek reelection in 2018.

”For those that would speculate otherwise, let me be clear that I have no ulterior motives," Chaffetz wrote on his Facebook page. ”I have made a personal decision to return to the private sector."


Wonder if this was his plan all along.

If you forgot who this is:

Chaffetz came to prominence in 2015 for his extensive investigations into Hillary Clinton. He rescinded his endorsement of Donald Trump in early October 2016 but expressed his intent to vote for him three weeks later. Having investigated Hillary Clinton and the Obama administration extensively, Chaffetz drew criticism after the 2016 election for not investigating certain potential financial conflicts of interest relating to President Trump. He drew criticism again in January–February 2017 for downplaying calls to investigate White House National Security Adviser Michael T. Flynn's ties to Russia after it was revealed that U.S. counterintelligence agents were investigating him for his communications with Russian officials.
Good. He'll slip up and say something racist, homophobic or both or grope someone and finally actually get canned. I'm betting 6 months from the time he gets on air.
Good. He'll slip up and say something racist, homophobic or both or grope someone and finally actually get canned. I'm betting 6 months from the time he gets on air.

That's probably part of the plan to transition to his own show, because the MSM and snowflakes couldn't handle how "real" he was.
Gleefully scooting to a television near you!

Most obvious keikaku ever.

Resign from toxic do-nothing Congress under historically unpopular President.


Take job at Fox News.


Get elected governor of Utah.


Run for President in 2024.


Good, someone else to churn the Republican/"Trump didn't do anything illegal!" propaganda.

Jeffrey Lord should join him on FOX.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
I'm convinced that town hall he held had him so shook that he decided to bolt right after that.

It made national headlines, showing the country what a weak little bitch he is.
Hell, quitting only furthers that. His constituents literally scream "Do your job!" and he quits instead.


Yet another Republican who proves he did not enter politics to actually help his fellow Americans -- he did it for his own self-interest and literally nothing more.


Either this or he's just trying to build up his brand for a Senate/Governor run, hell maybe even a Presidential run should Trump get dumped.

Resigning 6 months into a term of one elected position seems like a poor way to build a brand for a run for another elected position.


Unconfirmed Member
Resigning 6 months into a term of one elected position seems like a poor way to build a brand for a run for another elected position.

In a post-Trump world we're still trying to figure out if the old rulebook matters anymore.


Rodent Whores
Wonder if this was his plan all along.
Probably one of several possible Plan Bs.
Anyone shocked?

And who's surprised?
All of the people in the previous early departure announce threads who thought he's not seeking reelection because he's going to flee the country, and who didn't even write this down as a possible explanation? (To be fair a lot of people also correctly assumed he's going to Fox)

4. Promotion?

But these types do have an affinity for hypocritical kinky stuff, so we'll see if he's the exception or the rule.

I think this says how lacking conservative media is nowadays.
Very true.
Rumors on the Twittersphere is that he's getting out before shit hits the fan, and he avoids being charged by resigning.

Don't be silly.
This guy is one of those pathetic little shit slingers that has to do all the dumb public dirty work in order to make a name for himself in congress. He is basically a real life Jonah ryan.
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