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Jason Chaffetz To Announce Early Departure From Congress Today

Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) is expected announce Thursday that he is resigning before the end of this congressional term, according to three sources familiar with his plans.

Chaffetz did not respond to a request for comment Wednesday evening or Thursday morning. Multiple sources say he will leave Congress on June 30.

Chaffetz, 50, is chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, the top investigative body in the chamber. He recently subpoenaed James Comey's memos, and invited the fired FBI director to testify next week before his panel.

Chaffetz told POLITICO last month he had begun exploring employment outside Congress. Several sources in the Capitol say Chaffetz has told his colleagues he will appear on Fox News.





Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Chaffetz: I'll investigate Clinton so much she'll never get anything done! Mwahaha!
Election happens
Chaffetz: Nothing wrong is happening. I can just vote and rubber sta-
His constituents: DO YOUR JOB! DO YOUR JOB!
Chaffetz: There's nothing to do, there's nothing wro-
Media: Mountains of evidence that Trump and his team have colluded with Russia. The firing of James Comey only adds to that.
His constituents: DO YOUR JOB!
Chaffetz: ..,. Fuck this I'm out. I just want to shit talk Clinton all day. Fox News will let me do that. I'm going to do sooo many Seth Rich stories.

Bye bye fuckface.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
They should totally take away his pension if he looks for another job outside of congress /s


Flashless at the Golden Globes
i really dont get this. they finally have the house, the senate, the supreme court and the whitehouse. And they are imploding. quitting and running away.


i really dont get this. they finally have the house, the senate, the supreme court and the whitehouse. And they are imploding. quitting and running away.

that's because they won the presidency through nefarious, likely illegal means, and they know it. they're on the brink of getting exposed and they're trying to get out while the gettin's good.
i really dont get this. they finally have the house, the senate, the supreme court and the whitehouse. And they are imploding. quitting and running away.

Running a country is hard.

Bloviating on camera about current events with no one to correct you while collecting a fat paycheck is easy.


I take it Fox is looking for an infusion of shitbags? Hopefully he takes some of his fellow congressmen with him.


i really dont get this. they finally have the house, the senate, the supreme court and the whitehouse. And they are imploding. quitting and running away.

He doesn't want that Trump stink on him when he runs again

Probably for president in 2020 because he'll use Fox News to help him keep the Killary mindset alive until then
"I think in the light of day in a public setting [Comey] should be able to tell us about the materials, if they're there, and I question whether or not they're actually there"

"Well nobody's seen them. Even the reporter that did the story hasn't seen them. Nobody that I know of, even the reporter, has not actually seen those documents"

"I don't know that a special counsel is warranted at this point"

America has lost one of its most intelligent and credible investigators today.


i really dont get this. they finally have the house, the senate, the supreme court and the whitehouse. And they are imploding. quitting and running away.

They are imploding because the GOP plans for the country is to have the government not govern. They've done everything in their power to dismantle government since the Clinton administration. George Bush Jr is a throwback that masks what Congressmen have been doing for a long time. They are willfully becoming dumber at their jobs.
i really dont get this. they finally have the house, the senate, the supreme court and the whitehouse. And they are imploding. quitting and running away.
It turns out when your party is split between people religiously opposed to the concept of government, neonazis, and people who just want to pillage the economy and run, making a functional government is hard. There aren't enough Paul ryans and Mitch McConnells to successfully implement a fascist oligarchy.
All this good news....I'm worried GAF.

This is more 'we'll see' news than good news. It's good that he's no longer a shitheel in congress, but now he can be a professional shitheel somewhere else and will probably in be in a position where he can do equal amounts of damage to the democratic process with even less ethical oversight of his activities.
I wonder if Evan McMullin would be interested in replacing Chaffetz. Even though he's officially an Independent now, he'd get a lot of support from the people of Utah. It looks like Utah has no official rules on replacing a U.S. Congress Representative mid-term.
Hey weasel, don't let the door hit you on the way out.

Does this mean special election to fill his seat? I wonder if McMullin still wants it. I think he could win it.
Educate me real quick, do governors have more power/influence than congressmen?
It's not a direct comparison, so it's hard to answer that in a meaningful way. I would say on a national scale a congressman would have a more direct and tangible impact, especially with a state like Utah (California, Texas, or New York though would probably be a different story), but a governorship isn't exactly negligible, even for a smaller state. More importantly though, governorships are typically considered one of the best stepping stones for a presidential run, as it's much more directly relevant experience.


i really dont get this. they finally have the house, the senate, the supreme court and the whitehouse. And they are imploding. quitting and running away.
They had the best job in the world when Obama was president and could veto any stupid idea they passed. Now they have to face consequences for their actions/do actual work, which they didn't sign up for.


Beat EviLore at pool.
I wonder if Evan McMullin would be interested in replacing Chaffetz. Even though he's officially an Independent now, he'd get a lot of support from the people of Utah. It looks like Utah has no official rules on replacing a U.S. Congress Representative mid-term.

He said he was during a AMA on Reddit few months back.
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