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Jason Chaffetz To Announce Early Departure From Congress Today


I wonder if Evan McMullin would be interested in replacing Chaffetz. Even though he's officially an Independent now, he'd get a lot of support from the people of Utah. It looks like Utah has no official rules on replacing a U.S. Congress Representative mid-term.

IIRC the governor and utah legislature are currently brawling over who will replace him


Apparently Paul Ryan wasn't told before cause he could not respond to the question being asked about this early exit at his press conference lol. What a shitshow.
I wonder if Evan McMullin would be interested in replacing Chaffetz. Even though he's officially an Independent now, he'd get a lot of support from the people of Utah. It looks like Utah has no official rules on replacing a U.S. Congress Representative mid-term.

How much better would our country and world be if today's Republicans were more like McMullin and not Chaffetz?

Educate me real quick, do governors have more power/influence than congressmen?

No, not necessarily. As another poster said, it isn't a direct comparison.

However, it's an executive position (like POTUS) and Congress is historically unpopular, so it's a superior starting point for a presidential campaign.


I will love to hear what his reasoning behind it is. The optics for him are terrible in the middle of this Trump shit storm.



so he is quitting basically because he doesn't want to be a part of this toxic mess? (knows many in his party are criminals and guilty of treason)


Hearing rumors it might be Gowdy, I guess since he is leaving his term early, they get to vote on a new person. Ugh.


of course. Waste all that time on bullshit and emails and run for the hills when real meaningful shit needs to be addressed. What a shock


I really need to save some of these GIFs for you know who (hint: It's not Voldemort, but close)


Jason Chaffetz is a piece of shit, and while I'd love to excoriate him for the hilarious levels of cowardice and abdication of responsibility he put on display in almost record time for a congressman, I am more grateful that he'll just finally be out of the House.


You guys realize he has medical issues, right?

He's not even doing the "retire to spend time with my family" thing that would work for medical issues. He's bailing to go do something else; unless he's developed a violent allergy to legislation that's not gonna work
Now, since yesterdays revelations, we get the added bonus of "does he just wanna flee responsibility, or is he one of Them"?

Running a country is hard.

Bloviating on camera about current events with no one to correct you while collecting a fat paycheck is easy.

Winner winner chicken dinner.
like what. His foot?

He got that fixed.

Scooted back into session to vote on that (anti-) healthcare bill

There were pics & everything

Bitch please.

Mr.Shrugglesツ;237292569 said:
Seriously. Jeez, that foot vote is gonna be affected!



Doesn't seem like an issue when taking away your healthcare

Yeah, he's medically classified as a giant piece of shit

He's not even doing the "retire to spend time with my family" thing that would work for medical issues. He's bailing to go do something else; unless he's developed a violent allergy to legislation that's not gonna work

Wait wait wait, I thought he had already announced he was retiring early and then it was revealed he had medical issues. Was it really just the foot thing? Lol.
So I know the conspiracy theory explanations for why he's resigning, but are there any good non-conspiracy-theory explanations for why? Would actually performing his oversight tasks on the Trump administration really make his reelection prospects that grim? I'm not sure what polling is like in his district, but I thought Utah was hard R in general.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Wait wait wait, I thought he had already announced he was retiring early and then it was revealed he had medical issues. Was it really just the foot thing? Lol.
He said he was planning to quit early. Then he said his doctor suddenly told him his ancient foot injury was in dire need of attention or it would suddenly get infected and kill him, so he said he was additionally leaving town for three weeks to get that treated. It was basically, "I no longer give a shit about pretending to govern, might as well get this foot thing handled and make some calls to set up my next job, and then oh shit, gotta rush back to destroy healthcare."


Wait wait wait, I thought he had already announced he was retiring early and then it was revealed he had medical issues. Was it really just the foot thing? Lol.

no, he announced that he was not running for re-election and then that he was taking a leave to deal with the foot thing (until he had to vote for trumpcare). It was widely rumored that he was going to quit early to join Fox though, and this is just confirmation. Nothing to do with medical issues


He said he was planning to quit early. Then he said his doctor suddenly told him his ancient foot injury was in dire need of attention or it would suddenly get infected and kill him, so he said he was additionally leaving town for three weeks to get that treated. It was basically, "I no longer give a shit about pretending to govern, might as well get this foot thing handled and make some calls to set up my next job, and then oh shit, gotta rush back to destroy healthcare."

He had to get that surgery taken care of first before losing his government provided health insurance.
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